Vogliamo Scolpire una Lapide - Italian Civil War Song - With Lyrics

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English :
*Translations maybe not 100% accurate

Admin doesn't really know much about the history of this song, but what is clear is that this song, "Vogliamo Scolpire una Lapide" which the tune is taken from the song "Inno a Oberdan", describes the events of Italian Armistice on September 3, 1943, which finally became public knowledge 5 days later.

On September 8, 1943 the Italian people learned that their country had signed an armistice with the allies that had been signed 5 days earlier, taking Italy out of the war and capturing Mussolini. On September 8, 1943 the Italian people learned that their country had signed an armistice with the allies signed 5 days before, put Italy out of the war and arrested Mussolini. This incident led to the Italian Civil War which lasted until 1945 and the formation of a German puppet government "Italian Social Republic" (RSI, Repubblica Sociale Italiana) in northern Italy which Mussolini led after his release from arrest.

This video is equipped with Italian, English and Indonesian lyrics.
This content is only historical education. Not meant to be political.

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Indonesian :
*Terjemahan mungkin tidak 100% akurat

Admin tidak terlalu tahu pasti bagaimana sejarah dari lagu ini, tetapi yang jelas lagu "Vogliamo Scolpire una Lapide" yang nadanya diambil dari lagu "Inno a Oberdan" ini menggambarkan tentang gencatan senjata Italia pada tanggal 3 September 1943, yang pada akhirnya diketahui publik 5 hari kemudian.

Pada tanggal 8 September, 1943 rakyat Italia mengetahui bahwa negara mereka telah menandatangani gencatan senjata dengan sekutu yang ditandatangani 5 hari sebelumnya, membuat Italia keluar dari perang dan menangkap Mussolini.Pada tanggal 8 September, 1943 rakyat Italia mengetahui bahwa negara mereka telah menandatangani gencatan senjata dengan sekutu yang ditandatangani 5 hari sebelumnya, membuat Italia keluar dari perang dan menangkap Mussolini. Kejadian ini berdampak dengan terjadinya Perang Saudara Italia hingga 1945 dan terbentuknya pemerintahan boneka Jerman "Republik Sosial Italia" (RSI, Repubblica Sociale Italiana), yang berada di Utara Italia yang dipimpin Mussolini pasca dibebaskan dari penangkapan.

Video ini dilengkapi dengan lirik Bahasa Italia, Inggris Dan Indonesia.
Konten ini hanya edukasi sejarah saja. Tidak bermaksud berhaluan politik.

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Рекомендации по теме

Damn diawal mereka meneriakkan long live king dan sekarang meneriakkan death to king


Bro really said "chat, im back from mute"🗿


Akhirnya aploud lagi setelah setengah tahun menghilang


Akhir bang video udah lama belum upload🗿


Aku tunggu tidak ada vidio sekarang baru muncul gimana sih mbah 🙏🗿


Yahaha, akhirnya gua bisa upload lagu ini duluan sebelum Kamerad RAR 😂😁


Bro, coba bro lagu Vincere, Vincere, Vincere


Troia means sow, not traitors, it also mean prostitute


Hello, can you make an instrumental for a hymn that has not gotten old for a long time and upload it to YouTube and here are the lyrics of the hymn💓

The land of our glorious soul

You are guided by a red flag

We always loved you

It was always you for us.

Earth, my dear, mighty is our power

our stay.

The blue sea is beautiful

Blue sea sailboat

You are the land of our mighty power

our Yugoslavia

Your rivers and valleys

Old mountain mountains

Where did the partisans go to these famous mountains?

That's where they bravely fell

For the freedom of life they gave

There are fallen partisans in the team

To the famous mountains

To bring people peace and freedom

Our dear country Strong strong

our Yugoslavia

The army protects you.

From the devil of black evil

Earth, dear our glorious strong

our Yugoslavia

Every seilak every worker

It's always easy with you

Every man every southerner

He carries you in his heart

Earth, my dear, our glorious

Strong our Yugoslavia

Let the angry man know

Let the beaver know now

That our Yugoslavia is strong and the strongest

Stay strong and proud Yugoslavia


Ini lagu Fasisme, kami butuh segera lagu antifasis
Einheitsfrontlied 😅
