Все публикации

Djakarta Indah - Song About Jakarta - With Lyrics

Het Wilhelmus - Toegoenezen Version - With Lyrics

Naša Pjesma - Yugoslav Partisan Song - With Lyrics

Генералы гражданской войны - The Civil War Generals - With Lyrics

И Ленин такой молодой - I Lenin Takoy Molodoy - Soviet Patriotic Song - With Lyrics

Vogliamo Scolpire una Lapide - Italian Civil War Song - With Lyrics

Lagu Proklamasi Negara Islam Indonesia - Anthem of Islamic States of Indonesia - With Lyrics

Зродились ми великої години - March of Ukrainian Nationalists - With Lyrics

Rimata Bilhelmina - Het Wilhelmus in Mentawaian - With Lyrics

Selamat Bagi Ratu - Wilhelmus in Indonesian - With Lyrics

Digoel Wilhelmus - Het Wilhelmus Sung by Digoel Prisoners - With Lyrics

God Save the Queen - National Anthem of United Kingdom - With Lyrics

God Save the King - National Anthem of United Kingdom - With Lyrics

Pahlawan Bangsaku - Brunei Military Song - With Lyrics

Menuju Medan Perbatasan - Indonesian 1960s Song - Instrumental Only

Malaya Tetap Merdeka - Malaysian Song - With Lyrics

Bebaskan Malaya - Malayan Communist Song - With Lyrics

Mars Permesta - Permesta Rebellion Movement Song - With Lyrics

Hidup Sudirman - Indonesian Military Song - WIth Lyrics

Sabalun Tabik Matohari - Minangkabau Song - With Lyrics

Rule, Britannia - British Patriotic Song - With Lyrics

America the Beautiful - American Patriotic Song - With Lyrics