Arduino Nano with two OLED Displays

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Connecting 2 OLED displays to an Arduino - initially with both displays on the same I2C address.

Interested in my new garden workshop? Follow the entire build on Julian's Shednanigans:

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Blimey ! Julian hand crafting an Arduino rig to neatly and conveniently perform a task, what a treat...cheers!


Re: "... they look like they're s-l-i-g-h-t-l-y timed apart... " (18:27)
I went through about 4 or 5 seconds frame by individual frame, and the two displays always showed exactly the same content. So either you're seeing less than 1/30th of a second difference, or more likely it's a perceptual difference between looking straight at one, and noticing the change on the other with your peripheral vision.


*Very weird lettering* on that proto PCB. Top side doesn't have _Y and Z_ but _X and X_ instead and the letters do NOT match on the top and bottom. - 10:25


Thank you for making this video, cheap little OLED's are fantastic !


Motor-driven window for the shed? Pop open automatically when you hit 25, close when it falls below 20 or so.


Just wondering if you can do a review of this nifty little power supply I found? Toolkitrc p200. I think it would make a really nice benchtop supply.


Surely you can come up with a remotely controlling the shed door too.... realise there's a security issue there, but even just unlocking the shed in the morning, walking away and knowing you can remotely open/close it to control temps (Somewhat).


Why do you continue to delude yourself about the cost of electricity from your solar panels ? It is not free. Just add up all the money you have spent trying to save a trivial amount. Every second one of your videos is about new solar panels, failing muppets, burnt wiring, cloudy rainy days, new solar gadgets, etc. etc. Why don't you give us a breakdown of the amount of money you have spent over the years in pursuit of a fantasy ? The only way solar (or wind) is viable is if government pays for it, which means taxpayers bankroll you.


I am only at 2:41 but why are the C and A values the same? At first I thought it was current and amps, which seemed odd to me, but then you mentioned degrees C which makes more sense for a C value. Just noticed the % and V values too.


Cool trick with the header alignment for address selection. And it worked first time! Wow.


Love this very interesting...
Write.Text(#Youtube, "I am not in the market for a TV as I am perfectly happy with the LCD TV that I have OK");


Cool! I have been toying with a mini-tricorder for my niece who heads the local Ghost Busters franchise. I have built her many ghost detecting devices that work very well, in fact I have been turning down requests from other members of her local outfit to build them some of the same. The idea of several small screens, each displaying the results of different modules which detect things such as temp change, EMF change, the polarity of the EMF charge and so forth would be very handy, the one add-on that they seem to like the best is the 4 1 watt LEDS that I mount on the front wired to an OH SHIT button for lighting the way to get out of dodge when things get a bit much for them to handle. Since this area is in the midst of many battles between the Sioux Nation and the USA Soldiers during the 1870's there are plenty of places where such things do occur. This should work well for my purposes as well.


Only Julian would think running two displays on the same address might work. That's what I like about him.


Used to have problems with the Oled front glass breaking at the bottom corners with any sort of mishandling. Cure then was to apply a bead of E6000 glue in underneath the glass to support it. I see now they come with some glue already applied there.


You should have a look at how GreatScott! uses prototyping boards by just bridging the pads. Uses a lot of solder, but it's fast as hell.


With I2C display it shouldn't be problem to do clone display for same address that show same data. Problem comes when you want to read something from device and 2 are in same address but response data is different like multiple LM75 temp sensor with same address. In these cases bit low state is major so if one of device send bit as zero it will pull bus down.
Some other protocol has collision detect etc.


Nice one! Alternatively how would the displays work & sync in I2C broadcast mode? 🤔


Cool video! Love oleds .say do you have a video on music level meter using a cheapo sound sensor ? I would like to make one if possible thanks for any input😁👍🛸🤖


You're failing to take account of the opportunity cost of your free electricity. It's costing you whatever you can sell it back to the grid for.


Now I thought the next project was going to be automating some shed vents to keep the miners happy, but I trust you Julian. Keep up the great work!
