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1:09 - Top
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I feel like whoever wrote this has been screwed over by a lulu and is trying to get her banned lol


4:00 I think you might be wrong, warwick gets sustain when he's low on health but the attack speed buff is when enemies are low not when he is low


0:00 - Introduction
1:09 - Top (Urgot, Cho'gath, Warwick)
4:23 - Jungle (Amumu, Wukong, Viego)
7:05 - Mid (Hwei, Lux, Cassiopea)
10:12 - ADC (Miss Fortune, Jinx, Corki)
12:32 - Support (Maokai, Nami, Rell)
15:06 - SkillCapped & Outro

You're welcome. :)


Hey! It works, but i supplemented with other material to help with my specific champion. Placed Iron 2 and climbed now to Silver 4 in only 56 games. My ranked history shows i never made it past Bronze 2 even after over 360+ games last season. Thanks for your guys great work.


As a Hwei main I'm terrified of a possible nerf


you're wrong about urgot. there's plenty of matchups that can disrupt both your early and mid game, like mordekaiser, olaf, ambessa or k'sante. this has been confirmed by Quante, a challenger urgot main. banning for example morde or ambessa sinificantly reduces the odds of getting counterpicked. also, the pta runepage is wrong. you should take bloodline over haste, cut down over last stand, and nimbus-gathering over bp-overgrowth. urgot isn't a frontline tank, he's a skirmish bruiser with insane pick potential in a teamfight.


Honestly, even tho I am biased slightly as a Vi OTP, she might be one of the best overall junglers in mid-low elo. She doesnt die easily at all, can build some great damage and has really good mobility


You missed Vi, she's really strong early-mid game. Even late there's no other champion like her that locks in a target right now, especially in lowers elos she's extremely good.


A personal favorite build for MF adc is hubris, collector, infinity edge. You hit like a truck, constantly stack hubris, and you gain so much gold from collector that the enemy just can't keep up. Only thing you need to understand is the proper ulti position and it's gg.


TOP 1:10
JG 4:23
MID 7:04
ADC 10:12
SUPP 12:33


For viego definitely dont go for trinity, go for Titanic hydra into sundered sky into steraks gage, Steraks can be swapped for deaths dance in full AD teams, but make sure to buy next. Other good options for situational teamcomps are, wits end and maybe maw in rare burst ap champs. Last items are usually going to be Guardian Angel or a hidden op item if youre really ahead/confident in not dying is Overlord's Bloodmail. Try it and thank me later


I still dont understand why ie 2nd on jinx. I did not do any damage tests as of now but what u want crit dmg for? u have 2 items and probably crit for -5 damage wtf... u can go ldr 2nd in most matches since there are still so many tank players. id go ie 2nd if i got really fed yea but 3.6k gold for crit dmg and raw ad is just straight up bad for a 2nd item.


The urgot build is wrong. Hullbreaker is not good at all. If you want another damaging item, shojin, bloodmail, or stridebreaker (into a ranged comp) 3rd is infinitely better


Been playing Urgot for a week and he is by far such a solid top laner


Correction for ADC segment:

Ban Tahm, just do it

Even the "Strongest ADC in the game" right now will get one shotted by a 2 item tahm before she deals 400 damage to him through his one armor item

My source is a match from last night where this exact thing happened on Fortune even though i was fed


10:43 what is that lee sin q hitbox XDD (also bt essence reaver MF feels much more reliable tbh, since most of the bot lane is actually mages, it counters the poke and burst really well)


with lux mid
, you can just afk farm and never interact with the enemy once you have 1 item you can have perfect cs without even trying X).


Blood letters course is good with abyssal on rell. This give rell REAL suportive power, making your magic dmg dealers so much stronger. Amumu + Rell in one comp is in my opinion now the most broken comp. With that add 2 magic dmg dealers, maybe Mordekaiser and Swain. Plus very heavy ad adc like MF or Jhin. Enemys Magic reist don't exist. Rell and Blood letters course shred MR from enemy, Abyssal and Amumu pasive make magic dmg deal more to enemy team. Swain and Morde can abuse liandry with Amumu, Making enemy just die in time, when only ad champ in team just free deal a lot of dmg taking final shots to enemy. Enemy must build A LOT MR to not die, but they must buy some armors vs that one ad. (If you want you can take insted of morde Rene with Black cleaver to break enemys armors with Rene boosted e, black cleaver and Rell pasive).

Rell is not cc Machine, She is Magic resist and armor shreader.

If you want play some funny Rell you can build, Black cleaver, blood letters course, withs end (aa speed bc her aa deal on hit dmg and shred enemy mr and ar), some jak sho and unending despair. But it s not for suport, better try it on top lane, or when your adc go afk and you must farm.


Chogath isnt a tank. He is a juggernaut, , a subclass of fighters.


GP is a great ban for WW top too...his orange nullifies WW's ult and E.
