Aunt Kalina Reads: Pagan Series: Samhain 2021: Pooka Pages by Lora Craig-Gaddis

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I have come across a fun and exciting site for Pagan Families! The site follows a little witch, named Elsie, and her familiar, a black cat named Pooka, and their friends on adventures!

Lora Craig-Gaddis and her contributors put out a free e-zine for each Sabbat that families can print and share. In addition to fun stories in the magazine, there are activities that are sure to get your creative juices flowing. Coloring pages,(I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS CELEBRATIONS COLORING PAGE!)recipes, poetry, and more all await you to download- for free!

This story, and the things I mention in this video are from the Samhain (pronounced Sow-ain, Sow-in, Sah-vain, Sah-win, So-in or Sah-vin. Which you use, will depend on the area or people you are around, but they are all correct) 2021 e-zine. I suggest that Parents head over to Pooka Pages, and print it out for yourself and the kids. You will not be disappointed! This edition has yummy treats in The Little Kitchen Witch Section and great ideas for crafts, in addition the normal fabulous things always there.

Pooka's Site:

Pooka Circle is a Facebook page for Familes.

*Note: When possible I have reached out to the publishers and/or authors for permission to read to my littles and their friends in this way. If I read a book, it means either me and my daughter enjoyed it when she was little, or I thought some of my littles would love it. Consider my reading the book as a 5 star review of  the book, because I would not take the time to read it if the book was not good. This is the highest form of praise from me. 
I always reccomend that you purchase the actual book (or borrow a book from a library) and read to your littles as well. The more people that they hear read to them, with different inflections and ways to read the same story, will help them solidify a love of reading. You will find information on each book I read in the details. 
The authors, illustrators, and publishers have taken time to really put forth effort into making art for our children to enjoy. I hope I do them justice. Support all artists because they make life more beautiful. *
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