What Can £4 Get You in CEX..

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Have you ever walked into CEX on a budget? Did you find any bargains or games you think are undervalued, underappreciated?

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Rare replay is an amazing game with 30 games in one collection for only £4


I bet you £4 you cant make 2 back to back videos without CEX in the title for CEX credit


Battlefield Bad Company 2 was and still is my favourite BF game. The hours I put into the online game. The story is great to but it was online that I loved.
Very very fond memories of this.


there are people on universal credit with more disposable money than this man


I personally enjoyed the video. it's how I roll if I had £4 to spend in CEX, makes sense to get the best bang for your money and walk away with 3 games. They can keep the PS5 as I'm not buying it lol 😂


Devil may cry for PS2 I just realised this as I'm rebuilding my PS2 collection.


Thanks, great video. Just goes to show there's still good value out there.


Says he wants to buy walks away with Pure Football 😬


Great video TVM. It's amazing the value for money that can be found. Even some games from the original Xbox and 360 that are compatible with the Series X can be bought for very little.
As for collecting a full set, I'd split them across consoles. I'd rather have the best version of the game.


CeX must hate seeing this moaning minnie walk in the door. If they gave CeX credit for moaning he would be a millionaire!


I bought the Dragon Age trilogy all on the Ps3.


That football game looks absolutely shocking, looks like a PS1 gen game!


Too be fair, i got Outriders day one edition on PS5 for I was actually really surprised with how much fun that game is.


Take it from someone who recently dropped back into Pure Football, it's such a slog! 😂

It came out in 2010 to try and cash in on the World Cup hype, but just falls totally flat of the official 2010 World Cup game- the gameplay is cumbersome, the obsession with QTEs and specific button timings for things like corners and shots is tedious, and the world tour mode takes fucking forever to get anywhere in, as you have to play for hours to get any players who are half decent.


Why you blocking me on vinted cause i pointed out how you advertise shoes as brand new when they’ve got all creases on them showing they’ve been worn?


£4 can't buy you a McDonald's these days


You're doing a fantastic job! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?


TVM sets himself arbitrarily small budgets for CeX credit.


I would absolutely try to buy the best version of a game if I had a way to play it. I feel that a lot of cross-generation games are designed with new hardware in mind then scaled back rather than the other way around.

In my mind there's zero point in playing an inferior version of a game unless you love the series and want to see differences. It may make interesting content to do a comparison between the versions though. I think the only caveat to that would be for the Switch, if you have a lifestyle that requires you to be away from the "more powerful" system (ie having young kids and needing to be present) playing something that has been scaled back to less powerful hardware can be helpful. I use Bayonetta as an example. I have the PC port and a substantial PC to play it on, but sometimes I need to be supervising my child so the Switch port is way more convenient for me. The Switch port plays well enough, and on the small screen, you don't really notice the graphical downgrade. It still runs at around 60fps so it doesn't feel like a downgrade from the PC or home console ports which is awesome.

Bear in mind I mostly play on PC, so whenever I make upgrades (ie once every 6 or 7 years lol) all of my games become a better way to play it as better processors and graphics cards mean I can push the game into higher resolutions with higher frame rates. I suppose it depends on how you want a collection to look on shelves though - do you want an entire series together on one platform for "complete series" aesthetic, or do you exclusively want the absolute best way to play it? I don't think there's a right and wrong answer to this though... With the price of 360/PS3 games right now, it wouldn't hurt to have both versions - one to play, one for display.


£4 inside CEX won’t get you anything that great.
Using said £4 to buy some other media to trade in can get you a really good voucher.

Spent £4 today funnily enough and made a £35 voucher 😄

Currently sitting at £240 in vouchers.
Averaging a 1:7 ratio.
