WHY men label women as high-maintenance

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People have called me high maintenance just because I wear dresses and skirts, makeup and perfume. It’s so ridiculous. Just because a woman puts in effort to look nice doesn’t mean she’s “high maintenance.” More like they don’t have the self-confidence to approach any woman unless she’s in a T-shirt and scruffy jeans.


I’m not high maintenance but I love to take good care of myself and love ones, I make sure we always dress nice, clean and look good 😊


Story to tell: my boyfriend (now husband!) teased me about being high maintenance because I brought my hair dryer on a camping trip. When the weather unexpectedly turned cold (45 degrees) the second night, that hair dryer turned into a heater and got us through the night in a tent (we had electrical access). Never got teased again! :-D


Be proud to be called high maintenance, because it means that you won’t be desired by low life men or ones that are narcissistic or misogynistic. Remember what it took to get you to where you are today. Often it is because we have had to rediscover our personality after losing it in a relationship that took us for granted 🌹


Nothing wrong with taking pride in yourself and levelling up. If people don’t like it then it’s their problem. You will never please everyone.


My uncle who I hardly talk to, called me high maintenance. I have never requested anything from him nor was I disrespectful. I was initially sad. Growing up as well, my parents told me I had so much “high taste”. I only wanted something better for myself and I’m willing to work for it.

Now, I know it’s on them, just their insecurities speaking out loud


why yall mad, geting called high maintenance is literally my fav compliment🎀


I’m 59 years old. A grown ass woman. I’ve often gotten those comments from my mom, son, and ex-husband, simply because I like the textures and finishes of high end makeup and skincare. I also like quality made clothing but don’t spend a fortune on them by a long shot. I would rather own one great purse than many basically disposable ones. Also get comments for going to a nice hair salon. Geesh


I was such a hippy in my 20s and 30s. I had zero interest in dressing well or using makeup, etc. Then when I hit 40, I became obsessed with nurturing my femininity. I saw power in looking beautiful. I'm still the kind, caring person I always was. So if that makes me high maintenance, so be it.
Men can't have it both ways. They can't have a feminine presence by their side, and not expect what goes along with that.
There's no such thing as an ugly woman--only a broke and/or lazy one. It takes an enormous effort to be elegant. Men would do well to remember that.


Can’t agree more. Like it’s an issue when we don’t put efforts in our looks, it’s also an issue if we put efforts in our looks. Like seriously ?


As a man, I do enjoy Anna's content. So I'd like to chime in. When it comes to a man saying that someone is a "high maintenance" women, I think two things; either he isn't on her level, or the woman is needlessly over complicated. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman who wants to take care of herself, look good and live a great life. Now of course there woman who are over the top hard to deal with and over do it. Too much makeup is one thing. That's not maintenance, that's a clown. But classy gals who takes good care of themselves, enhance their natural beauty, dress nice, and appropriately, carry themselves with confidence and have a good character, are what a real man of value want. Getting facials and having your nails done regularly, keeping a healthy body and diet, putting on well styled cloths appropriate for the occasion, going to a hair salon and other such things is not high maintenance. High maintenance is this but unreasonably.


The older I get, the more I embrace my high maintenance nature. I am not toxic, I just like what I like and don’t want to be inconvenienced or uncomfortable. Does that make me high maintenance? Yes, but at least I have the decency to be nice about it and call myself out on it.


I love being high maintenance because i love to do things for myself just because I care about me.


Found myself a high maintenance man. Spoiler: he is the nicest human I have ever met. My conclusion: High maintenance = high self respect. 😊🤝


I have very sensitive acne prone face skin. I have to eat certain food (no processed food, only real meat and veggies), I have to do skincare routine with certain acids and products just so that no more pimples appear on my face, not to mention the dermatologist appointment and medication😢
All of these take money, time and energy. I am called high maintenance by some guys. But can you really blame me for taking care of myself and not wanting to he ugly? Lol


A bunch of dates have told me that they probably could have dressed better to meet me. I just smile and never see them again.


It's usually broke and insecure unsuccessfull men that call women "high maintenance". Wealthy men and old money men rarely call women "high maintenance".


I love to hear when people call me high maintenance 😅 it show i have worked on my self ❤


I’m surprised this video presents ‘high maintenance’ as a negative remark. Where I’m from it’s actually a compliment.


Exactly. Men who marry up can’t expect her to change her status because he isn’t there yet. And I’m sure she married him based on his potential to catch up . Don’t hate her status, level up, sir!
