CityAlight - I Want to Know You

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"I Want to Know You" from our new album "Only a Holy God" recorded live at our church St Paul's Castle Hill available to purchase at
© 2016 CityAlight Music

Words and music by
Michael Farren, Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, James Proctor
CCLI 7073331

I’ve tried in vain a thousand ways
My fears to quell, my hopes to raise
But what I need, Your word has said
Is ever, only, Jesus

You died, you live, you reign, you plead
There’s love in all your words and deeds
This weary heart finds all it needs
In ever, only, Jesus

I want to know you, Jesus my Lord
King of the Heavens, King of my soul
I trade my treasure and all my rewards
Jesus to know you, then know you more

Though some should curse me for your name
I have no fear, I have no shame
You stand with me for all my days
My ever, only, Jesus

Like wave after wave on the ocean
Like all of the sand on the shore
Your beauty and glory are endless
O Jesus I must know you more
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Finally Christian worship music! Theology is good here.


My grand daughter gave advice me to listen to these songs everyday before sleeping.I really get blessed with these wonderful songs. Praise for Cityalight!


I WISH I discovered CityAlight much sooner!!!! Their music is all I listen to, now. So Gospel filled, so much Jesus and pure worship - this is all I could have wanted or hoped for. I hope when all this pandemic is over, they will do a worldwide tour!!!!


Praise God I stumbled upon their music. I regret not finding their music sooner, but I thank God for his timing.

The lyrics are rich in biblical truths and don't have the vague references mainstream Christian music overdo. I feel so close to Jesus when I listen to CityAlight!


I listened to this worship song for the first time today, played on Google, It moved me to tears, and let understand that without the love of God I was nothing, I was no one, I had no life, no peace, no love, or understanding, and no wisdom.Since I met the Lord Jesus he has become my Lord my Saviour and King.AMEN.


Praise be to God! Thank you CityAlight for writing songs strong in theology and that give God all the glory. Because it’s not about us, it’s about Jesus and what He has done. He is on the throne and we should give him all the glory!


“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44)


"I trade my treasures and all my rewards,
Jesus to know you, and know you more."


Absolutely love City Alight! Biblical songs are a treasure. How I wish you could do videos to present in church with the lyrics. Small churches would be ever so grateful! Thank you for your songs, what a blessing.


I am in tears. The meaning of life is only this: to know Jesus, and to make Him known. Here am I Lord. Send me.


The Theology of this song is so deep. Thank you so much each and every song that your worship team composed it has a theology and base on the Holy Scripture. God bless.


I have only recently discovered CityAlight's music. It is giving me great strength, encouragement and increasing my love for Christ. I cannot thank you enough as this is helping me through an extremely challenging time. God bless you.


It says in scripture that God inhabits the Praises of his people. It is a great blessing to hear scripture and song. I've been saved now 10 years. I come from a pretty bad background and I'm thankful everyday for our Lord Jesus Christ and the blood that was shed on calvary's Cross fall of mankind. May the god of heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless your church and your worship team


*Though some should curse me for your name

I have no fear, I have no shame*
Praise the Lord!!!


It is a great joy to find such a worship team @CityALight God bless you!


Honestly it can only be Jesus that is guiding this group/holy spirit.
That lead singer just now is just sooo full of joy. It radiates out of him
God bless city alight in Jesus name I pray amen amen


Like many of you have said, this band is a breath of fresh air…a lot of current music on radio seems shallow…7-11 songs as I heard it…the same 7 words sung 11 times over.


Reminds me a lot of what Paul had to say in Philippians 3:7-11, where he talks about knowing Jesus, and counting all of his gains now as loss.


Lends itself well to congregational singing, which I miss so much.


Jesus my Lord 😭😭😭😭 without you Jesus our life is meaningless
