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WITCHER HARDBACK EDITIONS (giveaway now closed)

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Thank you Orbit!

*purchase links are affiliate links

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A reminder that the winner will be announced on my community tab. If someone pretending to be me replies to your comment, it’s a scam. I’ve continuously reported them, but they keep coming back—hopefully YouTube will actually report them soon.

Purchase links:

Thank you Orbit!

*purchase links are affiliate links


Finally, they gave the books their own distinct art covers instead of just relying on the games and netflix art. Makes it feel like its own thing


Finally! A beautiful english hard covers with original art, without annoying netflix logo or pictures. Getting them all!
There have been so many gorgeous editions and covers in other languages in the past but english has been lacking so happy to see these! :)


I appreciate that there's no 'Netflix' logo anywhere on the books.


I love the entire series, but my favorites are definitely the short story collections, especially Sword of Destiny since it introduced Ciri, and its final story completely melted my heart. It was everything I wanted from the Witcher books after playing the game.


You’re my most favorite booktuber to date. I love the attention to detail and really evident OCD which satisfies my critical eyes. Keep rocking.


Blood of elves is my favorite but batism of fire... That cover! and green (I love green)

Thank you Elle and Orbit! That is so incredibly kind and generous! Perfect for holiday season coming up❤️ 🤞🤞🤞


I like the short stories! Thank you for always being kind to your subscribers and giving back whether it be books or glasses. Thank you 🙏


My OCD is so satisfied with this video, Elle. So happy to see the spines all aligned like that. I haven't finished the series yet, so my favorite so far is still The Last Wish collection of stories! So kind of you and Orbit to host such a huge international giveaway! :)


These hardcover editions are so gorgeous!! I can't wait to go through and look at all the pictures in the short story collections. Thanks to you and Orbit for this amazing opportunity!! In preparation, I decided to start listening to the audiobooks, starting with The Last Wish.


I have to admit that I haven't read all the books in the series yet, I'm only halfway through it. However, I absolutely love The Last Wish as it made me fall in love with reading and especially, fantasy again (I've been struggling with being a consistent reader for the last couple of years and after picking up The Last Wish, I read the next three ones in less than a month). So it holds a very dear place in my heart.

But as I said, I haven't finished it yet, so I might have to edit this comment once I'm done with it :D

And thank you Elliot for hosting this giveaway ❤️

Edit: still not done with the series yet, however, I've finished Baptism of Fire a while ago and absolutely understand why most people love it the most. I enjoyed every second of reading it, but due to the reasons mentioned above I think TLW continues to be my favourite book of the series :)


The Last wish is my favorite! It's probably just nostalgia glasses since it's my first introduction to the series but still. It's beautiful!


I still like the short stories the most - both volumes. Not because they are the best but because how the journey and the world building started.

I also want to thank you for this short review, I really like how beautiful and how different the covers are and how it still all manages to stay in similar 'mood'.

Finally - I have to add that I don't want the books, someone else who cannot read them in the original Polish would surely need them more than me. I just wanted to comment because I want to support this video.

Take care!


I have to go with Lady of the Lake - the way this story comes together at the end and then IMHO is left to a bit of interpretation at the very end is really fascinating, Cant wait to read these again some day


baptism of fire is my favorite. THOSE COVERS the art is actually so incredible i love that they have different artist for each one


I've only read the first book, The Last Wish, and I loved it, the lore is amazing and all the fairylike stories elements are amazing. My favorite short story was A grain of truth.
And I love the way Andrzej Sapkowski uses slavic lore in his world building.

This illustrated edition is amazing.


Time of Contempt is my favourite one, mainly because of that awesome banquet scene where we meet so many great characters and have awesome conversations and deeply moving ones like the ones between Geralt and Yennefer.


My favorite in the series is Lady of the Lake. I just loved all the threads coming together and I always love an unconventional ending. I'm not usually a fan of battle scenes but the one in this book was so brilliantly done.
These new editions are beautiful!


Oh man! Now I GOT to get my hands on these editions! They’re so beautiful 😍 my favorite book of the series is The Time of Contempt! Love you so much!!


So far my favorites are still the short story collections but I haven't finished the series yet. Would love to do so reading these editions.
