Asteroid Alert 2024: Is Something Like Chixculub On Its Way?

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Today, we're about to dive into the wild world of asteroid threats, and trust me, it's going to be a bumpy ride!
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Asteroids? Aren't those just big space rocks floating around minding their own business?" Well, my friend, sometimes these celestial wanderers decide to crash the party – literally. And when they do, it can be a real showstopper.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty of future threats, let's take a quick trip down memory lane.

66 million years ago, Earth was having a pretty good day. Dinosaurs were roaming around, probably thinking they were the coolest thing since sliced bread (which, to be fair, hadn't been invented yet). Then, WHAM! An uninvited guest, about 10 to 15 kilometers wide, decided to drop in.

This party crasher, now known as the Chicxulub asteroid, hit the Earth with the force of billions of atomic bombs. It was so catastrophic that it wiped out about 75% of plant and animal species on Earth, including our dinosaur friends.

00:00 Intro
1:10 What happened 66 millions years ago?
2:20 a new alert
4:100 How do we study asteroids?
7:00 What makes an asteroid dangerous?
10:20 Analyzing the Asteroids
11:28 Apophis Asteroid
12:18 Bennu Asteroid
12:56 2023 DW Asteroid
#insanecuriosity #asteroidimpact #apophis
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It's overdue and humanity has had it coming for a long time. Just let it hit before the Presidental election please.


the outer space needs good cleaning to stop destroying still intact planets. May our celestial cleaners do their cleaning to the scattering broken parts of previous explosions. God will protect the previous hospitable planet that all wanted to reside for long term effects.


5:15 its playing space war 😂😂
The first video game


I'm a total science geek! These kinds of videos are my first go to when I want to entertain myself 😁


omg so the Planetary Defense Coordination Office is real? I thought it was part of the gag in Don’t Look Up 😂


No need to worry. Bruce Willis will save us. 😂😂😂


Chances are slim as this is the simulation... Of all simulations . They wont do a reset yet ..😂😂


I wish we would get one so big that it would blow up our whole planet. We live on a messed up planet.


@insanecuriosity you DO realize you could make an absolute FORTUNE selling asteroid insurance, don't you ??? 😳😳😳🤣🤣🤣


Stop teasing us with a good time, how many of these ‘THIS IS THE ONE’ asteroid are we gonna ACTUALLY get!??! 😃 ☄️💪💪 I WANT IT NOW!! lol no but seriously. 😊


Ehhhh bumper cars and chicken are bad analogies in my opinion… those things are usually similar in size 😂


And I got one of those way out question is that make total sence to me is that asteroid belt that is just after mars has a perfect orbit station that if it were a shattered planet that was part of the reason mars died was the event that destroyed that planet and gave us the asteroid belt that would explain it's existence and it's placement and the reason mars was seem as the great defender that the witnessed the destruction of what had to be a great electrical event and an explosion of biblical right and where do we find this account in the coran and the Bible and several others of the great battle of the world's in the coran it call hell I can't spell it it 16 letters but the funny part is that it stands for mars the great defender in the Bible it David I believe but I'm just saying could it be there are probabilities than not


66 million years ago, the earth was without form and void. 6000 years ago God created and here we are. Your timeline is wrong.


Someone will press the big red button till 2800 so live while you can people 🤣


My bet and I will go all in on any space rocks hitting earth within the next few million years 😮😂…. If I lose that bet I’m sure all the toxic stuff we keep putting into the earth we will be ending our own world… let’s go ending our human infection on earth


the outer space needs good cleaning to stop destroying still intact planets. May our celestial cleaners do their cleaning to the scattering broken parts of previous explosions. God will protect the previous hospitable planet that all wanted to reside for long term effects.