'Odds Higher Than You Think' - Jamie Dimon Warns U.S. Economy Heading Towards STAGFLATION

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Speaking at the JPMorgan Global China Summit in Shanghai, Dimon said the worst outcome for the US economy will be a “stagflation” scenario, where inflation continues to rise, but growth slows amid high unemployment.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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The United States as we know it is no more. All signs point to 2024 being a year of significant economic hardship for the entire nation. Put your cash to use straight away to increase its value. I was aware that I needed to invest. I had no idea how quickly a few thousand dollars a month would go up. Though it is. Since 2020, I've made about $600, 000.


More and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.


I think we are too obsessed about the economy crashing. In the right sense, the economy never crashes. It just undergoes cycles, and almost always recovers. So I really don't care what the predictions are. I just want to grow my portfolio. I read that people are pulling in massive profits despite the downturn. Any tips on how they do it?


I can understand people being bearish with these conditions. However, it is not reasonable for most people to sit on the sidelines while your cash position debases by 10% or more per year..What is the best way for me to avoid inflation eating up my cash reserve of about 200k while investing it?


The current situation is incredibly dire for people in the United States and other countries. The global economy is facing a significant downturn, with increasing inflation rates and unemployment figures.


A perfect storm is brewing in the United States. Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place. It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner). With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.


People try to predict the economy not realizing it is not a capitalistic market, its a command economy, central planning! my concern is, instead of having much dollar in bank that could lose value to inflation, do I save in gold to reserve and grow wealth for now, or just hang on?


With these uncertain economic conditions and heightened tensions, I think i'm ready for a more risky investment so I won't lose my savings to inflation. I'm considering investing over $200k in stocks. However, I'm uncertain about best strategies to use.


It's crucial to prepare our portfolios accordingly. Stagflation, characterized by stagnant economic growth and high inflation, can erode investment returns if not managed well.


If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.


We r already in stagflation...and have been for over 1 yr. Unemployment govt stats r a joke


As we witness the current economic landscape, it's becoming increasingly clear that we're entering a recession. These times can pose significant financial challenges.


Soro’s steps down, Klaus stepping down, Dimon stepping down along with several other TBTF banking CEO’s…something is coming.


Stop with the warnings, we’re already there.


It's sad how difficult things have become in the present generation. I was wondering how to utilise some money I had. I used some of it for e-commerce business, but that sank. I'm thinking of how to protect my $300K stock portfolio from decline is my main concern, but I don't really know which way to go.


The whole talk about "reverse" market crash (real estate and stock market) basically argues that we are nowhere near done with inflation and that we might actually experience "hyperinflation" in the near future combined with accelerating poverty levels across the nation or going thru a historical economic depression...those are the extreme conditions that have produced the reverse market crashes in most examples I've seen. I personally don't see anything that extreme coming, but who knows.


The very people who created this disaster have a lot of nerve. Unfortunately, it is the little people who are and will suffer because of their greed and stupidity. Same song, different day.


What Dimon fails to acknowledge is that he has been complicit in all the failings of the US economy and policy.


Wow! What a great video. you so well articulated. Monetary and Fiscal policies should work hand in hand to have a full effect, but we live in an era where government just doesn't care, it will spend and double-down and spend more and more.. it just doesn't care, and it would debilitate the monetary policy. The sad outcome will be likely BOTH the transition to a digital dollar CBDC that will give ultimate control to the government thus shrinking even more the independence of the central bank. At some point the central bank will have no actual meaning left. Honestly, it feels we're not too far from it I would buy Bitcoin and buy hard assets like gold /silver as a store of value while also actively trading...The only wild card for us investors is to actively engage the market by trading, it's about playing it smart and steady during trading...managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Tobias Hawke, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


Make gas cheap, that makes EVERYTHING cheaper. This make inflation go lower and then we can begin to drop interest rates. Increase minimum wage, it has been too stagnant
