The Australian Property Market is About to Change Forever Says Major Economics Firm

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Financial disclaimer: I am not your financial advisor and the opinions I share in this video are purely my opinions. This is not to be considered personal advice as it is general in nature.
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I’ve been in construction for nearly forty years and every one of those years the experts come up with a figure of how many houses we are short. It’s a crock of shit We should be cutting imagration regardless.


this is disgusting that greedy people will take advantage of a basic human right ie a roof over your head. disgusting.


And the major issue now is an extremely high percentage of houses being built now aren't suitable to live in due to the extremely poor construction. That is the symptom of pushing construction of houses.


I have a decent art deco investment property if you factor all your costs then my rental income is lower than my expenses. Why on earth would you invest? This is with no debt. Moreover our tenancy rules means the risk of damage or non payment of rent is high


Rolling immigration is not going to save Australia. Government policies has failed. 240k houses a year? More like tents not homes


You would hope investors not to talk down the market right?


Perhaps stop bringing in people from other countries then.


“Quick, import another million Indians, that will fix everything” - Aust Government


We are 3 years into trying to get a DA to build, nothing but obstruction from our local council endlessly demanding some new expensive report or assessment from a hard to find consultant. I hate local government.


You have to ask your self why this is happening in every western nation around the world. It's by design . That's why .


Rolling immigration is not going to save Australia. Government policies has failed. 240k houses a year? More like tents not homes


One easy solution is if a house is empty to an overseas owner, the housing commission can rent it out on a long lease, that will force all these, people sitting on our property to give it up.


The numbers for building doesn't add up.
I have land settling this year. Cost 420k in Melbourne for 400sqm
I got a quote to build a 22sq single story home from volume builder for 350k.
After landscaping, driveway, curtains I'll be up around 800k cost price.
I could probably sell it for 750k.

My mortgage will be 5k per month
Rent income 2k PCM
So ae a investment I'll be down 35k PA

Lots of ppl won't be building right now.


I know some people who work in Japan and South Korea as skill workers. They don’t bring their families with them. After finishing their contracts then they go home. The money they make can support their families back home comfortably compared with working in their own countries. Here, Australia is short of houses and skill immigrants with families will increase the number by 4 or 5 times. Of course, we don’t have enough houses, a real crisis.


I dont mind these videos as long as you watch on at least 1.5 speed


Do you understand that the workmanship of builders in Australia are now at third world standard


It's time for Australians to stop paying taxes, and you'll see how quickly the government will be wise.


I used to have potential trade assistants present for an interview with a white card and five or six other qualifications and tickets.
The LNP changed the mutual obligation model for employment providers for the British corporation APM to remove the training component and the employment providers obligation to train and prepare the unemployed for the workforce replacing it with the absolutely imbecilic and useless compliance model so APM could divert the training funding to profit and dividends.
Now they don't even have work clothing and boots never mind the tickets and qualifications and it takes months to get a course placement for the training they were previously provided in an intelligent forward thinking model
Conservatives can't govern and exist to funnel handouts to cronies corporations and the fiscally and economically suppressing highly inflationary trickledown welfare for the worthless sponging wealthy


Record breaking immigration is a huge contributing factor here.


lol just let it increase then, no one will give it a shit about it anymore as no matter how hard young folks work, there is no hope for them to own property in Aus without supports from parents. Leave it as a game between investors and politicians. Alright, Australian dream is dead, I just quit and move to other affordable countries lol. Rich ppl will get richer even they don't work at all, young ppl no need to work hard as you will never afford a property. What a toxic environment.
