The Problem with 5v5 in OW2

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5v5 gets a bad rap, and it's largely unjustified... with the exception of one little downside, which may be causing you some grief in your matches. Is it matchmaking, or is there something else, afoot in Overwatch 2?


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just make the game 37vs37 every hero is a must. ez pz stomp fix with a bonus that every hero has 100% pick rate and 50% win rate


The devs even said during the closed beta of the first game that they tried every team size and stuck with 6v6 because it gave each player the ability to contribute but not feel like the fate of the whole game was resting on an individual. Just another part of the original game design that they've walked back.


5v5 feels like a team death match that happens to have an objective


I prefer 6v6. I miss having the option for 222. I enjoyed the team aspect of Overwatch. The solo style of tank isnt all that fun, especially at low ranks, as you get flamed for not 1v1 their tank.
I miss not only having an off tank, but my dynamics with supports or dps. Rarely do I see any ult combos or even cool down combos any more. They made the game more a fps and less a team game when they switched to 5v5.


I honestly wish they'd remove open queue... And instead replace it with a 6v6 role-queue. Open Queue is too chaotic, and 6v6 would be a fun alternative... Especially with the adjustments they've made to open queue enforced in 6v6.


While I loved 6v6 and was against the transition to 5v5, I've become neutral on the matter now that OW2 has been out for several months, and generally accept that there's positives and negatives to both.

What I largely miss from 6v6 is the tank synergies and regardless of how much more impact I as an individual can have on a match in 5v5, that can't replace the enjoyment that came from a coordinated Rein/Zarya brawl or a Monkey/D'va dive.

Except double shield, that needed to go.


I think I enjoyed 6v6 more just for the added flexibility in playstyles and there was just more time to execute ideas because fights took slightly longer.

It just felt like I could manipulate the battlefield with more finesse, decisions and positioning wasn't as weighted as they are with 5v5


I prefer 5v5 but I definitely don't think lopsided matches are the ONLY downside. I think the simplification of the tank role, and the increased power of counterswapping/tank countering are two bigger downsides for me.


It's frustrating that stomps are just an inherent part of the game, and an even more common one than OW1. People like to point fingers at the matchmaker or balance in an attempt to come up with some target for them to blame, but we've gotten MM tweak after MM tweak and balance is in a solid state -- realistically it's just the way OW2 is. The only thing we can do is put up with it or find a different game.


I think the reason why 5v5 makes matches so tenuous is because positioning is punished significantly more in 5v5. So if you happen to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time, you getting picked off can instantly cause a snowbally team fight.
I would argue that having a synergistic team composition is 2x more important in 5v5 than 6v6; because having a 2nd Tank created a buffer that allowed you to get into position to get value from a pick that would be considered bad for the team comp.


As an overwatch, two player, I have never experienced the six V6 of overwatch one, and I would love for it to be an arcade mode, or even better a ranked mode, but none of that Nerf tanks health


My main issue is that some of the offtanks just really dont work as a solo tank. My favourite thing to do was playing hog and flanking while my friend on sigma was holding the frontline.
If I go on flanks with hogs now I could maybe get a kill or even 2 but my team would die behind my back. And then I get all the blame.

I prefer playing open queque with 2 tank, 1 dmg and 2 healers. That is how I have the most fun in ow2. Tank in ow2 role mode is just not it for me. I hate how there is always 1 or 2 tanks that are just super good and half of the roster is mid. I dont want to play queen every game but she has the most value for the least input by far.


Healing feels a lot less impactful in 5v5. I feel like I don't have clutch saves as much. Either I can easily keep someone alive and the enemy can't do anything to them, or they get wrecked and no amount of healing would save them


as a tank play i miss two tanks so much. idk i get why they went to 5v5 but rein zarya was so fun to play...winston/dva/ball combo... tghey should have kept it 6v6 and made it so u can only have one shield tank or something to split up the tank cat


I don't hate 5v5, but I do miss the main tank/off tank dynamic. Made heroes like monkey a lot more viable in more situations.


you can sleep on the wrong side of the bed and lose a 1v1... so true hahaha


That's the thing, it feels like you have more of an impact in 5v5


6v6 coming in season 7 or 9 as a "New" arcade mode


My favorite thing about 5v5 is that a sigma and or dva can't just sit on me and take away my ability to play the game as dps anymore. No personal sigma shields thrown at me or an entire mech sat on top of me 24/7. Off tanks don't exist anymore and I love it (when I play dps).


Paladins 5v5 works because the supports heal so much, and the tank is a stand alone dps so you can carry since it's all ffa, you 1v1 while the tank 1v1z. Ow requires too much team play where the tanks are too slow or too fast 😊
