John MacArthur - The Importance of Choosing the Right Seminary

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Our Lord Jesus Christ gave gifts to men for the building up of the body of Christ. The house of God has a responsibility to teach the whole body of Christ freely. The church leaders seem to be lacking in teaching theology or encouraging the teachers in the church to freely teach theology to the congregation the whole body of Christ in a church setting. They seem to be lighting a candle and putting it under a bed only for a select special class of people who can afford the cost of the coarse. Freely give what you have freely received. I thank brother John for all the free teaching on you tube it has been a blessing to me as I discern through the Spirit that he correctly devides the word of God. My comments are based on UK churches who tickle my ears for 20 minutes on a Sunday period.


Could anyone recommend a seminary in the UK that has the values that Pastor John is referring to.


Which is the best Seminary or University for Intercultural Studies / Missions?
I need help to choose a PhD program in Intercultural studies.


Pastor John - I have a question. Can someone go through seminary without the intention of becoming a pastor? Obviously I'm a girl, but I am so desperate to learn more of scripture, and I have such a hunger to study and read, but I do not wish to lead in church or become a pastor. What should I do? Should I just go to a theology school? Please help!!


John did you know Jesus actually saves from the edenic death sentence and not eternal conscious Burning?


All that matters is Dispensationalism as Christianity is being destroyed at this point. it's something to take very seriously because irreconcilable divisions are forming. A new sort of paganistic 'Blood Moon Christianity' is taking place where myths and the creation itself is worshiped. Land, politics, and idolatry is at its core. Dispensationalism is the 'ground zero' of all this and it's a crisis at this point.
