Why Jeff Bezos Owns Everything...

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Is Amazon too big and powerful? Is Jeff Bezos & Amazon taking over the world? This mini-documentary looks at what Amazon is investing in, what Amazon is planning for the future, and the problems Amazon's dominance may cause. We also look at the story of Amazon's rise, and potential business lessons we can learn.

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Fast forward to present day, and Bezos is the richest man in modern history, and has gone from being one man in an office to running a trillion dollar global empire. And whilst the story of Bezos and Amazon is undeniably inspiring, the real question, is where does this story end? Because now more than ever, the name Relentless seems like the perfect fit.

Amazon started from humble beginnings in 1994 selling books on the internet, and they even used to ring a bell in the office every time they got a sale. But over the next couple of decades, Amazon expanded into almost every product category there is, earning it the nickname The Everything Store, with well over 350 million different products available to buy.

For example, Amazon has entered the streaming service business, buying the rights to not only many thousands of popular movies, tv shows, and live events, but also creating their own originals. In fact, Amazon Studios became the first streaming service to receive a Best Picture Oscar nomination for one of its original movies. And, with billions more dollars reportedly due to be spent next year, it seems production will keep expanding.

This Amazon documentary raises a lot of questions like:
Is amazon a monopoly?
Is amazon too big?
Is amazon safe to buy from?
Is amazon's growth a good thing?
Why do people hate jeff bezos?
Why is Jeff Bezos so rich?
What is Jeff Bezos investing in?
Why is Amazon so big?
Will Amazon be broken up?
What is Amazon's Business strategy?
Why are Amazon so successful?

🔔 Enjoyed this video on Amazon? Please feel free to turn on notifications for MagnatesMedia - there's more similar business videos coming soon! I've been inspired by creators like Coldfusion and James Jani to produce high-quality documentary style videos. 🔔

Рекомендации по теме

Now seems like a fitting time to post this video since Amazon are streaming every single premier league football match this week... just another example of the wide variety of industries Amazon is venturing into. This video couldn't possibly cover all of them, but hopefully it's an interesting look into some of what Bezos is doing. He's definitely someone who will split opinion though, so what do you think? Is he simply a great businessman we should all be inspired by, or should we be concerned?


If Amazon keeps growing like this, eventually it won't matter how well they treat their consumers, because we will all become their EMPLOYEES as they move into more and more markets. It already happened when Walmart trounced small businesses and is now the dominant private employer in the US.


Jeff Bezos's endgame is "more." That is his only end game.


Bezos was promised a Sector Lordship if Earth can attain a Kardashev rating of 1.0 or greater within his lifetime. He was not the only one approached with this offer.


Actually kinda scary how much power is given to people like him. I’m happy for him, but the thought of one man or company running an entire economy is scary.


Amazon isn’t killing malls, the entirely of e-commerce is. Going to a mall or physical store is almost becoming like buying cds in 2022 when you can get a better service through streaming.


Bezoses TO-Do list for next 3 years looks like this.
1. Buy a continent
2. Buy a Healthcare system and get hair implant
3. Find the devil 👿 and hire him to work for Amazon
4 work on laughing skills


The editing!! Wow, setting new standards. It's you and James Jani for me.


He kind a look like a super villain.
That's for sure.


What will happen when Amazon blocks you from buying anything by claiming you violated their terms and conditions, in the way other power companies censor our comments and block us from posting? Will we be ok with being excluded from the market, when they deny us opportunity and economic survival?


One thing I can't stand about Amazon is that more than a couple of times, I've gotten complete crap knock off of products. There's absolutely no oversight.


Youre killing it with editing. Gone are the quantity content days. You, Jani and kiana are the new trend setters! Keep it up bro!


I’m late but Jesus the editing is so well done, I can’t imagine how many hours this took you 😭Well done John, this content was both informative, pleasing, and extremely well made 🎉


If Jeff Bezos keep on growing like this, the government might take an action like they did to John D. Rockefeller.


I literally save your documentaries to not burn through them all at once, you're extremely underrated.


I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460, 000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.


I'm addicted with content like from ColdFusion, Adam Something l, or something like that. Been searching for a while till your video pop up in my home. I couldn't believe how you still have like 38K subs with this high-quality content! You deserve so much more. Keep making great content bro, I hope you get bigger someday.


Man, I believe in a free market, but it's not going to be so free at this rate.
When I found out amazon got into pharmacy that's when I thought "hmm, maybe they're too big"


The biggest issue Amazon needs to address isn't space flight or home services.... no, it's secure delivery of its parcels. A mail order company that just leaves valuables on one's porch is failing in its core mission.


The world has taken a dynamic turn from a salary expectancy Era to a more capitalist approach. Everyone wants to be financially independent or successful. It depends on an individual to make a key decision for his or herself.
