Repotting and pruning Adenium

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Today we will tend for the Adenium plant I purchased some time ago. I was not intending of doing anything this year, until I got more used to it. But things are never as planned.
▼▼▼More info bellow!▼▼▼

The Adenium is doing ok, but due to the string winds and flimsy pot, it fell on the floor and was rolled around my terrace, so the tip broke. For this reason I decided to prune him quite short and try to obtain a more compact shape. Remember, Adenium sap is toxic so wear gloves just to be sure!

Also I decided to repot him into a clay pot, which will keep the roots a bit cooler in the heat of the summer. I also raised him a bit to promote a thicker base (think it's called uproot) we shall see how that goes.

So far the roots look good and the new branches green. We will see how this guy will perform.
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I have an Adenium and I live in South Florida in Zone 10a. The plant loves water in this climate and sun. I water it every 5 days otherwise the leaves turn yellow and drop off. From December to February I water it every 10 days. :)
 I love your videos as always and look forward to watching!


I'm so glad you are doing adenium. one thing I would recommend is a little bit of cinnamon where you cut it.


Another tip. Wipe the sap off any fresh cut and apply a fungicide to prevent the plant from getting infected.


I have two of them that need repotting, so this video will be very useful to me when I repot them ... Thank you for sharing...


You should plant the top section as an experiment to see if it will grow!


Thank you for your video! The only thing missing, I think, is applying a heavy coat of cinnamon on the cut to avoid any bacteria infecting the plant. What do you think?


Good video as always, and great that you mentioned the plant's potentially harmful properties.


Nice vlog dear Thanks for sharing dear


Watch Maria’s garden regarding adenium. She is an expert on this type of plant.


I w plenty water it after repotting. They like being stressed out so wait about 4 days depending on the size of your pot. When they are stressed they will retain water which will result in a thicker trunk and even flowers.


Be sure to put ground cinnamon on your pruning cut to sterilize after you prune!


Hi sis Dani, the cutting of the adenium stem can be planting in another flower pot, then you will get another plant. Usually I will do it like that when I cut the stem. When the stem establish it will has it bloom also.


Hi Danni, just prune the damaged part off the top of the cutting. If it was rotting make sure you cut all the way down until there is only pure white stem,
no brown rot left. Don't forget which end is up though if both ends are cut lol. While it will take a long time a cutting can grown fat roots and have an interesting base also. I have a cutting a few years old planted in a shallow pot that is getting some very interesting fatter twisty roots. Good luck!


Very nice! It looks very pretty. I would probably have done the same and pruned the top, because they look so much nicer shorter and fat. :)


This was the first video I watched on your channel.🙂


One of the coolest succulents/cactuses there is.. Did you know they also make beautiful Bonsai Trees? /Bonsai Talk


Hi Danny,
Thank for info. I also repot in clay (terracotta) pots like yours. 17 cm upper diameter but a little short and with large base. For a better stability. The only difference is in Seramis pebble dimensions. I ordered from Germany and was disappointed by quality. They shipped in ordinary plastic bags like send me their rests. Amazon UK don't ship to my place.
Have you a nice day.


That soil was pretty moist. Be careful with water. Dryer the better. When in bloom water more. I use orchid mix.


I got an adenium and I treated it like a succulent but all of the leaves fell off. so after I pruned it I started watering it more and treating it like a tropical plant and it grew a bunch of new stems and leaves and flowers


I just bought my first Desert Rose. It has 1 flower and 3 buds. I'd like to plant it in a bonsai pot but is it wise to wait until all flowers are finished? I enjoy your videos very much on orchids.
