SCP-482 Mentally Mutating Straitjacket

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Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Euclid Class object, SCP-482 Mentally Mutating Straitjacket Animation.

SCP-482 is a black leather straitjacket. SCP-482 has two known effects, occurring in a linear fashion once the item is worn. This exposure time lasts a varied period between 1 and 6 hours that a subject wears SCP 482. The item can be removed before Alpha elapses completely without ill effect. During this period, the subject feels “mentally better”; any mental afflictions that the subject possesses, regardless of degree or intensity, are negated completely. Time Point Beta refers to the subsequent time period that passes if a subject is still wearing SCP482 once Alpha lapses. During this period, the subject experiences something much, much worse.

Watch ALL of DrBob's videos including SCP 150 The Body Stealing Parasite and SCP 3700 Tides of War here:

Watch TheRubber videos if you like these, this video was inspired by The Rubber animation style:

SCP-173 The Sculpture (SCP Animated)

SCP-3008 The Infinite IKEA (SCP Animation)

Narrated by Joe Cliff Thompson
#drbob #scp #animation
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I swear this man can tell me all of the scp lore and I would listen all day!


The original story didn't scare me (but it was still a great story, no hate to the author!), but the way you did this video made me so uneasy and gave me chills - you're a truly exceptional creator!


I'm extremly surprised they didn't put in on a control group mentally healthy subject first.


This scp feels like a metaphor for ignoring your problems for too long


I like how the videos are getting longer. They used to be 10 minutes each before, now we are getting up to 20 minutes. Nice.


I can't even imagine how horrifying the transformation for someone with PTSD would be


Wow, the last SCP video was 7 days ago, but they used to be 2 weeks apart instead of just 1. This really shows how the patron is helping you make more of these!


I am a little surprised that this thing doesnt have addictive properties considering the initial benefits..but then you remember one thing in the world of SCP: If it sounds too good to be true with these probably is. But let me say this: Jack Bright of all people being a lead researcher on this thing tells you all you need to know about the dangers of this anomaly. What is intriguing is how the Beta stages make the mental complications take physical form and can have an area of effect.

Very nice, Good Doctor. Very Nice


This sounds exactly like drugs. MDMA to be precise. I use to do molly and it's actually the reason I started really working hard to improve my mental health. Knowing that there's a feeling of contentment that I can chase helps/helped immensely.

Edit: This video also kinda shows how addiction forms for people .-.


we can't ignore how built different Dr.bob is...the dude literally looks spcs in the eyes and wears them and still walks out perfectly fine dude solos any verse


Delivers a pizza to an address with a broken window, to a woman who asked to be put in a straight jacket. That pizza boy should've been fired for sheer incompetence.


As someone who was diagnosed at 24 with OCD (repeated intrusive thoughts for 10 years, before that I needed to repeatedly check for fires, touch lamps a certain amount of times, etc) i can totally relate to just wanting to feel "normal". Thankfully I have meds for that, but this is an interesting "what if" story. Well done!


I'm be honest I'm a huge SCP fan and this is one of my favorite channels never fails to entertains me it's just so good


I can relate to the woman getting addicted to the feeling of being "normal". As an autist with chronic depression I would have given everything to finally fit in with others. Thank goodness I gained more self-confidence and overcome my self-loathing. But the wish of feeling "normal" is like an addiction: it never goes away completely.


Oh my god! I remember when I was depressed and feeling normal like I do now would’ve been a god send. Even giving that to me likely would’ve made me do the same thing as the woman. This is torturous and yet beautiful


As a person who suffers from anxiety and depression, that thing is horrifying! Also noticed the animation improvements! Looks great 👍👌👏😊.


The straitjacket went through a period of manifesting its anomalous powers in the physical form of what the test subjects, who wears the jacket, describe their feelings/state of being. Noteable outcomes were from patients that described their mental state as heavy, light headed, out of body, stetched thin or hot/cold. Where as the jacket caused the subject to transform by rapidly gaining weight, head becoming filled with cotton, head separation from body, physically stretched(as the patient in the video), exploding (as patient in video) or being able to bring a small area down to absolute zero temperature. Under no circumstances are patients who, "haven't been feeling themselves lately" be allowed to go beyond first tier.


I love how Dr Bob always has something at the end where he staves off the SCP. I thought it was just going to be 45 minutes, but then it was 10 hours 45 minutes. Somebody working at the foundation normally wouldn’t have that mental fortitude, but Dr Bob is better than all those other scientists


You literally have one of my favorite voices on YouTube. Thanks Dr. Bob


I love the parallels this SCP has with substance abuse.
At first it will provide a unbelievable release of your mental burdens, being able to feel "normal".
But abusing it for to long and uncontrolled, will ultimately consume you (in this case litterally).
