Nuclear Deterrence Forum: Franklin C. Miller

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Join the Mitchell Institute's Peter Huessy and Mr. Franklin C. Miller, principal at the Scowcroft Group, as they discuss the importance of the ICBM leg of the triad, the need for warhead modernization, and why maintaining a modern nuclear triad is essential to U.S. national security needs of the 21st century.

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Excellent presentation. Clear and concise depiction of the threats facing the United States and what the US needs to do. Thanks to the Mitchell Institute.


An excellent, detailed review of the need for Triad modernization. Mr. Miller neatly debunks bean-counter & no-nuker counter-arguments claiming that renewing US nuclear deterrence is "unaffordable" or "destabilizing." It's in fact very cost effective, and is absolutely vital to national defense and world peace!
