Fasting Tips for Long COVID and other Chronic Illness

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Fasting Tips for Long COVID and other Chronic Illness - Live Webinar Recording

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As more people are looking for ways to heal themselves from chronic illnesses such as Long COVID and autoimmune disease, fasting is becoming a popular technique used to this effect. In this live webinar, we discuss:
- the benefits of fasting
- the physiological changes and benefits at different time lengths
- how to implement it in a sustainable way
- when it is not so appropriate to implement
- how it may apply to Long COVID and other chronic illness
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Long Covid causes a reaction that is the same as having T2 diabetes, and blood tests show it. But then it's a catch 22, you need to fast or exercise to prompt the body to repair it's self. LC and CFS is an issue with nervous system damage and fasting can promote healing, which will reduce the diabetes-like issues. So I think fasting has a lot of promise for LC/CFS, but maybe start with 16 hours, then 24, then longer, but it seems like 3 days is required for the maximum benefit.


What a GREAT Presentation! 👍👍👍
I think Intermittent and Prolonged Fasting is one of the most underreported and underutilized Lifestyle changes for the Treatment (and PREVENTION) of Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Fibromyalgia, Post Lyme Disease, POTS, and MCAS. As you discuss the multiple benefits of Fasting, it is a MULTI-FACTOR Solution to a Multi-Factor Disease.

Most importantly, you discuss how FASTING, like Exercise, is a Stress on the Body. You need to get yourself in a stable condition before you gradually Pace yourself back into Exercise and Fasting. I believe Long COVID, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Fibromyalgia, Post Lyme Disease, POTS, and MCAS are ALL chronic dysfunctions of the Immune System brought on by Chronic STRESS. In the case of Long COVID, the acute infection of COVID-19 is merely a trigger to the Complete Breakdown of an ALREADY Compromised Immune System.

Chronic Stress is what brings the Long Hauler to Long COVID. This root cause is the FIRST thing that must be addressed. Reduction of Chronic Stress commonly involves a Change in Attitude. LifeWithKyle, JUST ROB, and Raelan Agle claim that an Attitude Adjustment was a Critical Breakthrough in their Recoveries. Once they TRULY Believed they could Heal, and set their Intention to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, their Recovery began.

LifeWithKyle used Meditation during the onset of relapse symptoms to mentally examine his symptoms and, more importantly, how he felt about them. He decided to become more ACCEPTING, rather than FEARFUL of them. In a sense, he gave himself PERMISSION, rather than blaming himself, for being Sick. By CALMING his Nervous System, he found his relapse symptoms would Diminish, rather than being Exacerbated by Fear. This allowed him to gradually increase his Exercise, furthering his Recovery.

Eliminating CHRONIC STRESS with a Change in Attitude is the 1st Step, followed by becoming a Master Student of Managing Stress through Improving Sleep Habits. Deep Sleep is the ONLY Time the Waste Products of Inflammation and Normal Metabolism are removed from the Brain. You want to work towards getting the maximum amount of Deep Sleep. Becoming a Student of Stress Management through Meditation, Breathwork, and Light Yoga will help with the Goal of improving Sleep Habits, leading to a more Stable Condition.

Long Haulers have developed a number of Essential Nutrient and Antioxidant Deficiencies that led to their dysfunctional Immune Systems. Becoming a Student of Proper Nutrition by following a Healthy Ketogenic Diet with Intermittent and occasional Prolonged Fasting, along with Supplementation of Key Vitamins and Minerals critical to proper Immune System function, will help to speed Recovery.

Elite Athletes should recognize that OVERTRAINING is a Chronic Stress. By not allowing the Body to properly Recover after Exercise, it reduces your Athletic Performance as well as downregulates your Immune System, making you more susceptible to chronic dysfunctions like Long COVID. Once you become a Student of RECOVERY after Exercise, I believe you can not only return to your PRE-COVID Athletics, but will find yourself setting NEW Personal Records. 👍


3/11/21 JJ cov vax injured. Autoimmune phenomenon changed the trajectory of my entire life. Low dose naltrexone, augmented NAC, infrared red sauna and water fasting has made a difference. It’s been a long road with much more to travel. I’ve listened to your talk a couple times and greatly appreciate your knowledge and method of presentation. Thank you.


This is very informative - thank you very much. As much as I love eating, including inflammatories such as sugar and salt, I’m going to have to try reducing all food intake and/or fasting, as this Long Covid is crippling.


Thank you! My daughter’s boyfriend is having g a really hard time with long Covid and this will be very helpful. I am fasting and loving it


Sadly I fasted and keto-ed myself into complete burnout, having a LOT of stress in my life at the same time. And now I have long Covid as a result...😢


Brilliant talk. Very thorough. Thank you


Thank you for a great presentation, Jamie! Very informative.


No talk of metals, mycotoxins or biofilms that I heard.


This too long for us LC sufferers. Please provide an index and timestamps.


Why did all of my Covid symptoms appear back about 40 hours into a water fast (with snake juice)? I couldn’t continue and had to break it as it made me feel terrible. Been suffering with long Covid for 1.5 years. Symptoms slowly getting better.


Do you have any views with regard to continuing to take supplements like NAC/glycine, serrapeptase, nattokinase and DLPA etc.. while fasting?


I suspect I have long Covid. Before Covid I already had autoimmune disorders, but since Covid everything has become much worse. My food sensitivities have gone crazy. I am desperate to get my issues under better control. Diet alone hasn't helped. The last fast I tried, I started really bottoming out at three days and had to quit. Would a 4 or 5 day fast with bone broth added be enough to reset my immune system and accomplish some autophagy? I do not need need to lose weight so I am concerned about not having reserves for a longer fast. I feel like the bone broth would help me get through a longer fast, but I don't want to do that if it will compromise the healing effects.
