Psycholinguistics: Crash Course Linguistics #11

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We couldn't have language without the brain, but our brains are a bit harder to study than other parts of the body that we use to make languages like our mouths and hands. In this episode of Crash Course Linguistics, we'll learn about the field that studies where and how language happens in the brain, called psycholinguistics. We'll cover old and new research in the field, classic studies, and the methods psycholinguistics use to uncover the connections between language and the brain.

Acknowledgment: Suzy Styles

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"You can't reach in and feel your own brain." A COVID nose swab test begs to differ.


can we have series two: advanced linguistics??


"We'll burn that bridge when we come to it" is my favourite deliberate mixed metaphor. It's exceedingly rare for anyone to call me out on it.


The ultimate garden path sentence: "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." (thanks to Anthony Oettinger)


I did not expect this to get so detailed as to talk about the N400. My final project for my Neurolinguistics class was about the N400, looking at how rhyme priming (I have always loved that phrase, lol) affects the strength of an N400 response.


YES!!! Psycholinguistics is my favourite field of linguistics! This is a great refresher too since I'm applying to grad programs now.

Heck, this taught me a lot about sign language too; it's tragically underrepresented in linguistics curricula.


I'm hearing and I grew up signing and around the Deaf community. . . .I oddly have tip-of-the-tongue experiences where I can sign the word but can't say it in English . . . . .my brain is weird lol


The series is criminally under-watched.


I was going to try the chocolate and socks ice cream I got cold feet 😁👍🙄


(who was there for is jigglypuff bouba or kiki discourse? 💥☁️)


This is exactly why I waited so long for crash course linguistics, it's so fascinating that my interest in the subject is getting rejuvenated. Thank you for this


Fascinating! I had a left brain stroke 13 years ago. I lost all my spoken language and writing. I did learn how to talk jibberish and swear, I was quite the patient. I still talk in jibberish to my cats because the words don’t matter, the tone and feeling of the language make sense to a cat.

I could speak English again but that was after three years of exhaustive learning. I got my job back, that is the only reason I can speak anything now.

I wonder how often I do the garden path sentencing? That looks like it is very relevant to me and my problems with writing. Good show.


Watching this video high is an intense experience


Speaking about Garden Path Sentences: "We process sentences as we experience them, we don't wait until we have seen or heard a whole sentence before starting to figure out what is going on" I wonder if this apply for all languages. Japanese has the verb at the end of the sentences and in German there could be a verb particle at the end that can change the whole meaning of the sentence.


13 seconds in, colourless green ideas sleep furiously.


These videos are really fun. I love them.


Learning is so fun and interesting. Thank you, CC for making these amazing videos.


For decades I've had a particular "tip of the tongue" experience every time I tried to recall the four most regular people on The Carol Burnett Show. I had the usual experience like everyone else, but with this show I could recall only three names but could not for the life of me recall the fourth. It didn't matter which three I named first. On one ridiculous occasion I remembered Harvey Korman, Vicky Lawrence and Tim Conway but could not remember Carol's name! Even now, typing this comment, I had to Google "The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia" to recall Vicky Lawrence because I remembered she sang that song.


This is so absurdly interesting. Like there are concepts that I was aware of the overall meaning, but only know I sort of grasped their concepts. Incredible work.


I thought that round shape was Kiki simply because I thought it was 'first' and Kiki was on top of the screen before.
