The Most Life Changing Marcus Aurelius Quotes

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In the year 170, the most powerful man in the world sat down to write.

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor, born nearly two millennia ago (121 – 180). Marcus became the Emperor of the Roman Empire in 161 and ruled for nearly two decades until his death in 180. It is important to realize the gravity of that position and the magnitude of power that Marcus possessed. He held one of—if not the most—powerful positions in the world at the time. If he chose to, nothing would be off limits. There is a reason the adage that power in absolute absolutely corrupts has been repeated throughout history—it unfortunately tends to be true. And yet, as the essayist Matthew Arnold remarked, Marcus proved himself worthy of the position he was in.

Marcus has only one core work, which was actually never intended for publication: his Meditations (originally titled “To Himself”). This is not only one of greatest books ever written but perhaps the only book of its kind. It is the definitive text on self-discipline, personal ethics, humility, self-actualization and strength.

In this video are 45 of our favorite quotes from Marcus Aurelius.

#Stoicism​ #DailyStoic​ #RyanHoliday​
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“Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts”. Holy shit! It’s amazing that someone was thinking this 2000 years ago.


"You always own the option of having no opinion" Something people on Twitter never heard of


I can't -- and expect to never -- get over the fact that when we read Marcus we are eavesdropping on his own advice to himself. As I understand it, he ordered his "Meditations" to be burned after his death. So he wasn't preaching, or trying to impress anyone, or "seem" a certain way. He was trying to BE a certain way, a way of utmost integrity, of constant self-betterment. And he wanted NO praise or validation for it. And I understand he, largely, LIVED it. All while being Emperor. He seems to me the most Christlike human being ever.


I'm so glad I found stoicism. It's starting to help me with my anger issues


The greatest book ever written that nobody was supposed to read


The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.
I would true strength!
Thank You!


Very easy to understand, very difficult to implement


Whomever is watching this video, I pray for you to have HEALTH, ABUNDANCE and inner peace 💛🌈🙏🏻


His infinte selfknowlegde and wisdom is amazing. And this from a man who at long periods of life went troubled and depressed over all the horrors he been through, but he still got up early in the day, and did things big or small. A man who understood the importance have daily routines. He knew life would suck, but still got up every day. Even when all his friends betrayed him. If he is not a worthy leader none is. Or ever were. Respect through millenias.


*"Chill Bro."*
- Marcus Aurelius


His book Meditations (Gregory Hays' translation) has changed my life and I've recommended it to my friends in the Indian army, my law professors, my fellow students and old classmates and even my relatives whom I don't have the best relationship with! Ryan does God's work and I'm not sure what would have happened if I was not introduced to Stoicism by him when I was! Great job. I don't usually buy books as a 22 year old law student from India, a developing country, but I've bought paperback for Meditations (Gregory Hats) cause of him. Thanks again, Ryan.


"A burning fire makes flame and brightness out of everything that is thrown into it." That one really helped me.


It is truly fascinating how almost all of modern-day quotes you see on different social media platforms were, in an indirect way, derived from some stoic quote.


1. "You don't have to turn this into something. It doesn't have to upset you."

2. "The present is all we have to live in. Or to lose.”

3. “Stop whatever you're doing for a moment and ask yourself: Am I afraid of death because I won't be able to do this anymore?"

5. “The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts."

6. "Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions, not outside."

7. “You have to assemble your life yourself, action by action."

8. “You have to assemble your life yourself, action by action."

9. “The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.”

10. "You can also commit injustice by doing nothing.”

11. "Receive without pride, let go without attachment."

12. "If it's endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining."

13. “Have I done something for the common good? Then I share in the benefits."

14. "It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.

15. “It's unfortunate that this has happened. No. It's fortunate that this has happened and I've remained unharmed."

16. "If it is not right, do not do it. If it is not true, do not say it."

17. "You always own the option of having no opinion."

18. “Ask yourself at every moment. Is this necessary?"

19. "If something is humanly possible, it's attainable by you too."

20. "Think of yourself as dead, you have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly."

21. “Someone despises me. That's their problem.

22. "Everything is born from change."

23. “You have power over your mind-not outside events.”

24. "When jarred, unavoidably, by circumstance, revert at once to yourself, and don't lose the rhythm more than you can help."

25. "You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think."

26. “Our life is what our thoughts make it."

27. "If you don't have a consistent goal in life, you can't live it in a consistent way."

28. "Get back up when you fail. Celebrate behaving like a human."

29. "Limit yourself to the present."

30. "The tranquility that comes when you stop caring what they say. Or think, or do. Only what you do.”

32. "Don't you see how much you have to offer? And yet you still settle for less.”

33. “The struggle is great, the task divine-to gain mastery, freedom, happiness, and tranquility."

34. “Do not let others hold you back."

35. "A blazing fire makes flame and brightness out of everything that is thrown into it.?”

36. “To love only what happens... No greater harmony.”

38. "If it's humanly possible, you can do it too."

39. "Choose not to be harmed - and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed - and you haven't been."

40. "Don't procrastinate.
Don't confuse.
Don't wander.
Don't be passive or aggressive.
Don't be all about business."

41. "Love the hand that fate deals you and play it as your own.”

42. “Practice even what seems impossible.”

43. "There is never any need to get worked up about things you can't control."

44. "People exist for one another."

45. "The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength."


This will be on my repeat list. So many quotes to ponder


Mindfulness inspired me to create my own channel - to gently remind people to stay in the present.

I started deeply looking into meditation as someone who struggles with a constantly wandering mind since early university days. Some days are easy but most days are incredibly hard to be present constantly, especially as a student. Calm's audio on meditation has genuinely helped me become a better person and more importantly actively try to be a mindful person.

Days are not easy but its the littles steps consistently that count!


Marcus Aurelius learned a lot and was a big fan of Epictetus who was a slave. A ruler took lessons from a slave. Goes to show teachings can come from all walks of life especially in an arrogant era like that.


I’ve just written these down. Literally every quote makes great sense and becomes even more clear when you wrote it down. Thank you 🙏


I wish I could have met Marcus and have a conversation with him


I loved this video format, I watched the entire video and I was moved by each sentence, since it puts me in a different perspective, a perspective that is necessary on a day-to-day basis. Thanks for this kind of content.
