How to Hand Stitch Leather: Get Better, Fast!

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Hand stitch leather like a boss! In this video, we'll look closely at the technique that will give you that clean saddle stitch that looks as good on the front side as it does on the back side of your workpiece. If you're looking for practical tips to quickly improve your saddle stitch, this video is for you.

We will cover the basic theory behind the saddle stitch and how it differs from a machine stitch, and then we’ll discuss the tools you’ll need to get started. Finally, we’ll stitch some leather, looking at the stitch technique from every angle.

Below are some links to the tools I mentioned and used in this video. I do receive a small commission for tools purchased through the Amazon links, though I personally like to support the smaller leather supply shops when possible! Cheers, Friends!

Tools and supplies I use in this video:

From Buckle Guy (an affiliate partner):

Tools from Amazon (Amazon is also an affiliate partner):

0:00 Intro
0:50 Basic Theory: Saddle Stitch vs. Machine Lockstitch
2:20 Demonstration of Saddle Stitch vs. Machine Lockstitch
3:19 Common Tools for Saddle Stitching
5:17 Making Holes for Stitching
6:24 Determining Length of the Thread
7:17 Attaching Needles to the Thread
9:04 Stitching Technique In Detail
12:26 Backstitching to Secure the End
14:48 Finishing It Off
15:27 Closing Gratitude
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I've struggled with stitching for the longest time and improved after watching the video! It's not perfect yet especially the back stitches, but definitely much better! Thank you for your very clear explanations!


I never tire of watching a master craftsman using their skills to instruct others👍


I am amazed by how completely thorough this guy is with his instruction. Incredible job my friend. Thank you for taking the time.


Dude you are killing it here. Such complete yet concise instructions. You allow your opinion to be shown as well as where others differ. You clearly have a great grasp on the leather maker community at large and as one myself it’s good to be in the company of a maker like yourself.


Man, you’re genius! Both as a craftsman and as a teacher! In sixteen minutes of your video I learned and mastered what I couldn’t do properly for 3 years. Thanks a lot from Russia!


Here’s a threading tip shown to me when I was a high school sophomore by a teacher who’d been a combat medic in Vietnam, where speed and accuracy mattered. Hold the thread between thumb and middle finger (give yourself more free end than what I’m seeing in your video), and thread the eye. When the length has passed through the eye, grasp it between thumb and forefinger, and pull. It may not sound like it would make a difference, but it really does; I have far fewer failed starts and it’s faster. It took me almost no time to get used to this method and I’ve been doing it for 50 years!


This method of stitching is my favorite one, I just started leather working because I was always fascinated by this art. Thank's for your accurate explanations


I have always use a small spike punch and stitched straight. I didn't know that there were so many different types of punches for this. Main thing I learned pretty much by myself is to always make sure you go under the same way so your stitch is straight. The way I usually stitch is to always put the first needle through from the same side then you can control if the other needle goes over or under the first needle. It helps me keep the stitching looking straight. Nice to learn something different. Thanks for the video :)


Your teaching style is spot on for anyone to learn these skills from a video. I am a teacher (other practical craft subjects) and I am so impressed when I see someone like yourself teaching a practical skill remotely from the student and nailing it. Nice work and thank you.


The trick of locking the thread in on the needle has been such a helpful trick for my regular hand sewing. I've been working on a lot of tiny, fine pieces, and was having such trouble with the needle literally falling off the end of the thread when I was doing a single instead of a double thread. Thanks for doing such a clear video!


For those who might be wondering, your method of securing the thread to the needle, by piercing the thread, is often referred to as a "half-brummel" by rope/cable splicers. And if you look up instructions on a brummel splice, it becomes pretty clear why that might be. Like most splices, it is many times stronger than a knot; not to mention being more streamlined. Most splices retain upwards of 99% of the cordage's rated strength. Whereas, even the best-tied knots will typically only-ever retain about 50% of the cordage's rated strength. Great video! Your explanation was clear, and your well-chosen camera angles complimented your explanations perfectly. This earned my sub & bell! :)


I think it is a real gift to be able to teach very introductory techniques without failing prey to condescension and while being able to keep the wandering novice attention. I'm just picking up leather working again after about 15 since my initial attempts... Folks like you and the advent of YouTube are making it much easier this go around. Thank you!!


Hey Tanner, that was the clearest most simple stitching video I have ever watched. Im 62 and have stitched over the years but since I dont do it often. I will watch an instruction. thanks, great video


You have created the clearest explanation on YouTube of the difference between saddle and machine stitching! The close-up photography is so clear with great lighting and so much better than other videos. The one stitch is still driving me crazy! Thank you for showing that!


hi, Im just learning leather work. Not gonna get into it to much, I have TIA's which are mini strokes that have taken my memory everytime they happen, had one last week on friday the 13th. Soo, Im disabled, have 5 hobbies, leather being 1, I just started it last yr, just got alot of tools to get started with and family is helping me learn how to do my hobbies slowly cause I get easily confused and frustrated. Anyway, loved the video, answered my questions, thanks a million!! keep up the great work! Bill Chapman


Love all your white board drawings, makes everything so clear.


I've been saddle stitching for many years now and in that time I've seen many instructional videos but to me this is the easiest to follow along with. You make it crystal clear where to put the needles, in what order and how to tension, etc. In some videos the subtle details are glossed over or aren't explained at all. For those struggling to get the backside of their work to resemble the front this video should be a Godsend. Well done sir!


The paracord and plexiglass demo 🤯 A+! It was the clearest and best way I’ve seen it explained. Thank you! 🙏


Out of all the videos I’ve watched about saddle stitching, you’re the first one to point out putting the angle from the pricking irons going up away from you. Very detailed, thanks


Hey Tanner, thanks so much for this video. When I started out, I struggled with a nice stitch. Then I discovered Tony See From Diesel Punk leather, and he brought be to a new level, but I still wasn't there. Then I saw this video, and bam! My stitching has become beautiful. Awesome, thank-you!!!!
