Army Ranger gets accused of going AWOL 😳 #shorts

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Searching for Bob "Ninja" Poras on Google won't yield much, but you might be lucky enough to find one image. Bob spent decades in the shadows with the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D), also known as Delta Force, Combat Applications Group (CAG), and the CIA. He had a 36-year career as a Federal Government Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Army Infantryman, and Special Forces Soldier, specializing in combat operations, personnel protection, supervising/leading special mission teams, firearms training, military/paramilitary training, and coaching. Recently, Bob has started a tactics company, teaching a variety of training based on his real-world experiences at the highest level. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, something we often forget. After a life at war, Bob has had to confront the many invisible wounds that are deep within him. We don't always realize the toll it has taken on us until we hang it up, and then we become aware of the damage and everything creeps back in. These wounds are not visible, but they can be felt in conversations, dreams, nightmares, chronic headaches, tendinitis, and other internal injuries that cannot be described. They also carry the loss of their brothers and sisters and try to make sense of the common question: why? Bob reflects on Operation Just Cause, the Benghazi Attacks, the Khost Bombing, and the Tripoli CIA evacuation, among others. In Episode 045 of the Shawn Ryan Show, you can see similarities to the Kyle Morgan episode, where there is distant memory of the fine details and an attempt to unpack what has been pushed away. The Shawn Ryan Show gives you a reality check and a glimpse of what war does to the human body. Our next guest on the Shawn Ryan Show is Bob "Ninja" Poras.

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I got accused of being AWOL once on when I had taken leave for my honeymoon. First sergeant didn’t want to do anything about it or take it off my record and the company commander didn’t want the headache so I took it to the IG. He made one call and had the first sergeant standing at attention in his office apologizing to me for being lazy. 😂 needless to say I switched units after that and he got demoted and they promoted someone else who would look out for the troops.


I was a unit clerk 1966-67. Never heard of such BS but we didn't have computers. Two AWOL in that time. One was 17, got scared and took off, he called the First Sargent a day or two later, Top was old school, Korea vet. I could hear the kid crying; Top hung up the phone, stood up and pulled out his wallet, handed me some money and told me to go buy a bus ticket for the kid to come back, then call the station where the kid was and issue the ticket. Kid got something like extra duty one weekend and went on with his life. Top couldn't read but he was one hell of a leader.


I knew a sergeant who was "AWOL" ... while in the hospital for a scheduled surgery. Luckily they didn't make a big deal about it. He was mad as hell though 😂


My father was listed as a draft evader during WWII, while he was flying missions over Germany, and was a POW for 20 months. It didn't get cleared up until after the war.


That’s one reason why I STILL HAVE all my paperwork from my career! Finance, medical even initial issue from 1984! Because the Army has been KNOWN to goof up royally, , ,


Reminds me of a Master Sergeant and I encountered during basic training. I got injured in the service and was at a doctor's appointment during role call. He had signed off on it himself and was well informed but forgot as he usually did. As we only went to him, me and my wingman, everyone thought that we had gone awol and the entire area was alight with MPs and security forces looking for us. When they finally found us I was ripped away from my appointment to look at my leg just for them to yell at me for going AWOL. I then showed them my paperwork showing that he signed off on it and knew that I was going here and after he was shown the paperwork. The master sergeant attested that he did remember now. He got his ass chewed out by his CO for the frenzy he caused. And I still got a 341 for "Not reminding him of my appointment on the day of the appointment" which I took to the first sergeant and got dismissed. Gotta love the chair force.


They marked me awol after I had my first spine surgery. There were complications that made it so I couldn't move to my next duty station so my orders were pushed back a few months. Everything was signed off and sent to my next duty station. Cool. When I recovered enough I out processed with no issues, packed up and moved to my duty station and checked in for in processing. About half hour later I was sitting in handcuffs, and it took hours for them to finally release me, even after verifying my orders and the deferment that was signed by the cg no less. For the next 6 months everytime they scanned my ID at the gate, I got put in cuffs, finally the IG got it removed. That was fun.


Back in 1987, I transferred from the CID Office in Würzburg to Schweinfurt, GE, different city but under the same command. Somehow, in those 30 klicks, the Army lost track of me and had me listed as dead. This is back in the daddy when you'd receive hard copy LES (Leave & Earnings Statement). I took up the issue with the commander of finance who told me, "Finance doesn't make mistakes." I told him, "I'm exhibit one that it does."


At my first command the rule was that everyone working admin hours would stand duty. The only reason you wouldn’t is if you’re working a shift schedule for people in the wards or emergency departments etc. So after 8 months of working in the wards I get called into my Master Chiefs office and my SEL is there and so is my department head. None of us knew what was going on but he accused me of being UA or AWOL for 3 months. Saying that I haven’t been showing up to my assigned duty muster and that they have been wondering where I have been. We were all confused because I was still working 12 hour shifts in the wards seeing patients and that I shouldn’t have even been assigned to a duty roster in the first place. Best part was instead of an apology I got yelled at more for not realizing this and for waisting their time with this nonsense. Gotta love the toxic leadership.


This happens more than people know. Happened to ME... CID guys in shirts and ties came to my AO looking for our OIC... he walked them to my building and looked at my name tape, opened a folder and said "Could you tell us your first name?" - I did.
"Is your DOB 11 Oct 1970?"
"No, would you like to see my ID card?"
"Uh..what is it?"
I tell them then they tell me someone who WAS AWOL used my name and chain of command but didn't get my DOB correct.


Had a buddy who technically went AWOL. He kept going to sick call and being blown off by doctors and developed a reputation for being a lazy sham artist. He ended up going to a civilian doctor after months of feeling like shit and losing weight. He was rushed into surgery and had a portion of his intestine removed. Turns out he had Crohn's disease and was medically discharged after he got out of the hospital.


And they wonder why the good folks don’t re-enlist. Couldn’t wait to get out due to the stupid sh!t.


this happens a lot. They thought I was awol when I was on terminal leave for retirement.


Went on leave back in AIT, and they called me saying i was AWOL. I pulled out my leave form, told them it was signed, and that i also signed out on a piece of paper with the night shift NCO. When i got back from leave, 1SG called me into his office to discuss what happened, told him everything, and showed him my leave form. Explained because it was already signed for me to go, by regulation I could've just walked off post. He agreed, and my commander overheard the last bit of the conversation, as well as the part where my dad witnessed me signing out that same night. She was in her office for about 2hrs or so 'dealing' with the company who was in charge of us going on christmas block leave. My COC was NOT happy with those NCOs.

Second time it happened, I was told by my commander at my last durty station I was good to go on leave. I drove 2.5 hrs away from post, when I got a call asking where I was. It was already past lunch time. I told my NCOs if I was supposed to be at PT that morning, whythey didnt call me at 0630, and instead waited 6.5 hrs later to get ahold of me. Turns out my name was scheduled to both be at PT/going to work that day, AND was scheduled for leaveas well. Long story short, I stayed on leave and my squad leader signed my paperwork authorizing it. Even though the original sat on his computer for almost 3 weeks before getting signed and going up the chain. And now my DD214 protects me from that BS.😂


My former boss at a plant I worked at was in Vietnam and got separated from his unit during an extended firefight.
He survived a few days alone in the jungle and finally worked his back and found his guys.
They wanted to charge him with going AWOL.
He said “Where the hell did you think was I gonna go that I would want do that ?”
They didn’t end up charging him….. and I was THROUGHLY IMPRESSED with what a hell of a tough man I was talking to!


While working gate guard with the MP's I had an old guy approach the agte and state he was turning himself in for being AWOL. I got the Gate Sgt. to explain what to do with this. Turns out the old guy had gone AWOL in Vietnam and gotten in trouble when he returned stateside but had mental issues from head trauma, and now turns himself in about once a month if no one is watching him. We called his family and they came and got him.


That's typical army. They don't care what reality is, they only care what the paperwork says


In boot camp, ft McClellan, al. 1983, drills broke into my locker, read my mail, called my mom, called my dad, friends back home. Where was I? Peeling potatoes in the chow hall on KP as directed by my drill sgt. They didn’t so much as look at me for the next 12 weeks. GO ARMY!


They thought I went awol a couple of times. One was cuz the plane broke down on the way back to Iraq after my mid tour leave. We had to stop off in Baltimore for two days. What was super cool about the plane breaking down .... I got to meet the entire 2004 world series winning Boston red Sox in the airport. Cool times


There's fuckups and then there's military fuckups
