100% Cashless Treatment in All Hospital II Part 3 #cashless #treatment #insurance #medicalinsurance
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Cashless facility before and after II Cashless Everywhere Part 3 II 100% Cashless Treatment in All Hospital Part 3 II Health Insurance
#medical #medicaleducation #medicalstudent
General and health insurance companies provide coverage to millions of citizens through health insurance policies. In the event of hospitalization, policyholders need not pay for treatment out of pocket with a cashless facility where insurance companies commit to covering the treatment costs at the hospital, provided the claim is admissible. This cashless facility is currently available only at hospitals where the respective insurance company has an agreement or tie-ups. If the policyholder chooses a hospital without such an agreement, the cashless facility is not offered, and the customer has to go for a reimbursement claim, further delaying the claim process.
#medical #medicaleducation #medicalstudent
General and health insurance companies provide coverage to millions of citizens through health insurance policies. In the event of hospitalization, policyholders need not pay for treatment out of pocket with a cashless facility where insurance companies commit to covering the treatment costs at the hospital, provided the claim is admissible. This cashless facility is currently available only at hospitals where the respective insurance company has an agreement or tie-ups. If the policyholder chooses a hospital without such an agreement, the cashless facility is not offered, and the customer has to go for a reimbursement claim, further delaying the claim process.