Juiced Up First Person Character Controller Tutorial - Godot 3D FPS

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In this video we create a first person character controller for Godot 4 from scratch. We also add a range of game feel features including headbob, sprinting, fov change, and inertia. This controller can be used for a variety of Godot 3D first person games, including FPS, horror, survival, RPG, etc. All of this code works with Godot 4.1.

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As badunius pointed out, a capsule shape is better for collision because it is a simpler shape. When you're creating a collision shape make sure to use that. This has been updated on github. Also make sure to turn on collisions for any CSG boxes you add or you will fall through the floor.


0:45 technically capsule collision shape gotta be better for perfomance, because you have to solve just one primitive collision, whereas a convex hull is solved on per face basis.


One of the best First Person tutorials I've ever found for Godot.

A LOT of other videos seem to throw out the sample code for far more complex code that just dose the same basic stuff in a different way. I like how you just build off it instead, and provided us with a simple, yet highly configurable base.

I also learned a few tricks I can apply in my 2.5D character controller since it also uses the same sample code.

From here, I'll be looking to add in a raycast system in order to see what the player is looking at and maybe a menu system, which I now know how to do thanks to people like you!


Hello LegionGames!

I wanted to thank you for creating this video. I recently wrapped up my Godot 4 FPS prototype and this video played a monumental role in getting the initial player controller implemented and working for my project. I just published my video of it on my page and have added you in the game's credits as a thank you for this tutorial video.

Thanks so much again and looking forward to future uploads!


I find it easier to pull better snippets of code and explanations from random tutorial vids than to watch tutorials on specific subjects as some tutorials will mislead you from what you want to actually accomplish in your code.


I am starting now on the game dev world and this was the first video I found that didn't bore me to death! Straight to the point and great humour! I was planning on doing a single player arena shooter and you have the perfect video.

Thank you so so much, I really hope you have lot of success in your life ☺


The best simple head bob I could found in the internet, the other ones are overcomplicated and they didn't seem so nice, great job!


Really good tutorial. I like that it was fast and informative but didnt get bogged down into every little gritty detail


this was amazing. incredibly fast, and concise. thank you! for any new game devs like me who couldn't figure out the collision at the beginning of the video: Just click CSGBox3D, and in the CSGShape3D menu on the right, click the checkbox next to "Use Collision". Make sure to do this for the other boxes you make for the level too. You can CTRL+click all the boxes you want to add collision to and add it to all of them at once.


Absolutely wonderful tutorial, thanks so much. I am a rank n00b to game dev in general, having downloaded Godot last week. I found it super instructive to type the script along with the video, but to use the Git download to help with fault-finding, when I inevitably made mistakes.


great tutorial, thanks a lot. To anyone new to godot, if you are confused about what a function is doing, then i recommend printing out the variable the function is modifying. This helped me understand a few things a bit better


This is awesome! Thank you for your great work!


Thank you so much for this tutorial. I've never really gotten into coding before, so I'm attempting to learn Godot to get into the swing of things. I would love to see another video perhaps diving into crouching implementation as well as crouch sliding! :)


thanks! i just switched from unity to godot and this is the most helpfull tutorial i have found so far


amazing vid, i've understood pretty much everything you've taught me, thank you!


Thank you. A very nice controller and lots of clear and useful code examples!


This was exactly what I needed while I'm learning, thank you! Now for that extra juice I gotta find some way to add a little acceleration and hopefully a faster initial jump speed like source games...


Great job! I would recommend using similar lerp functions to add acceleration/deceleration


5:15 or even better, you can rotate your entire body along the Y axis and not just your head. Shadows will give you away if you'll switch to a non symmetrical body.


This really helped me out, thank you for the tutorial and have a nice day
