EARTHING Health Benefits, Bioelectricity, and Geophysics

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Getting into contact with the Earth by "earthing" allows the human body to equalize in charge to the Earth's surface electric potential and is radically transformative for overall health and wellness. With the right know-how and tools, earthing is easy to reincorporate into one's lifestyle, improving overall health from the atomic scale and up!

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Healing with Energy Rhythms: Earthing, Fascia, Tellurics, Bioelectricity, Gut-Brain, Spirituality

Earthing - Connect to the Earth and Heal

🌐 SCHUMANN RESONANCES COMPLETE GUIDE (Light, Geophysics, Bioelectricity, Consciousness):

00:00 Introduction
01:02 What is earthing/grounding?
03:18 What is bioelectricity?
07:42 Nervous system health benefits of earthing
10:21 Cardiovascular health benefits of earthing
13:52 Gut health benefits of earthing
15:35 Earthing's effect on inflammation and pain
17:10 How earthing helps with athleticism
19:00 The geophysics of earthing
21:25 How to practice earthing
25:35 How peppermint oil improves earthing
26:29 Earthing starter kit

Learn how to create your own DIY earthing sheet made from copper fabric from my video below:

🌍 Earthing products Amazon Purchase links:

Disclosure: I am a member of various affiliate programs and if a purchase is made through one of my affiliate links a small commission is received. This does not affect your purchase price. For more information visit the Wild Free Organic disclosure page:

📖 Wild Free Organic articles on related topics:
How to Balance Sympathetic and Parasympathetic States
Reishi Mushroom for Stress, Chronic Fatigue, and Anxiety
Heal Adrenal Fatigue

📚 eBooks by Stefan Burns:
Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity (preorder):
Holistic Gut Health Guide:

🔎 Research:
Ober C, Sinatra S, Martin Z. Earthing. Second Edition. Basic Health Publications, Inc.; 2014.
The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain, and Stress
Changes in Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Blood Oxygenation, Perfusion Index, Skin Conductance, and Their Variability Induced During and After Grounding Human Subjects for 40 Minutes
Earthing the Human Organism Influences Bioelectrical Processes
McCraty R. The Energetic Heart. HeartMath Institute; 2003.


#earthing #grounding #geophysics #healthandwellness #health #wellness #bioelectricity #schumannresonance #spaceweather #geomagneticstorm #nervoussystem
Рекомендации по теме

I'm 82...I've been using a grounding sheet on my bed for several years...I'm certain that it has helped me remain active...and able to throw off any minor ailments. People are always amazed when I tell them my age...:-)


When I was very young I was hit by a car which left me a little bent. Literally. And although I recovered much quicker then the doctors who thought I would die considered possible I was bent. I stood like a pretzel. Then after moving to the West Coast I had few friends and less money I began running the beach ( this from the kid some doctors thought would never walk ) and I felt an incredible healing in my body within a month. I never realized back then while I was running barefoot I was grounding (never heard of it ) but believe grounding along with the negative ions did infact restore my health.


When I am on vacation. I don't wear shoes at all. Now I know why it feels so good


I suffered from tinnitus for almost 2 years until i discovered grounding .The tinnitus was always worse after working on my computer. But just 10 minutes of grounding completely cured the problem.Its one of the most transformative things i have discovered . Thank you Stefan.😀👍


earthing : engufing youself in earth / mud / soil, or at least barefoot walking & sitting on soil ground
watering : submerging in water & staying there
firing : keeping in sunlight or near fire space
airing : deep breathing & and skin contact with moving air
ethering : keeping stillness, being a statue for few minutes or even seconds
work on all 5 of these


Thanks for doing this video.
I've stated the same thing in multiple videos, that Grounding is one of the single most important thing that person can do to improve his or her life.
Thanks for explaining Earthing.


Earthing enthusiasts new or veteran! Here are some more helpful resources I made for you 👇


When I was a child a belief was instilled in me to never walk outside bearfoot because of the potential of harmful bacteria or worms. Really interesting. I've been spending all of my 20's unlearning the things I have been told to believe. When we are taught things as children they are so deeply ingrained as foundational beliefs in our minds we rarely as human beings even think to question them.


Thanks Stefan. This is one of the best videos on Grounding on Youtube. I've been grounding for 3 and a half years and I now recognize it as core to human health. The body expects to be grounded.

I've helped several elderly family members to eliminate their arthritis by getting them set up with a carbon sleep mat and carbon pillow cover.

One of the things that I also do is to ground in the bathtub. I will add Epson Salt and drop a grounding cord into the bath water. For safety the electrical outlet is Ground Fault Interrupting, the grounding cord has an inline 100KOhm Resister, and I dead short the outlet's ground directly to the cold water supply pipe under the bathroom sink. If your bathroom is on the ground floor you could more easily run a wire straight outside into the dirt. The point being, if you're grounding in the bath make sure you are doing it safely. That said, if you have any inflammation achy body parts that inflammation will melt away. If you are sick you can also submerge to chin level to manage inflammation complimentary to any other treatments you do.

One thing you didn't talk about is that the surface of the Earth under your feet's charge has a daily pattern. In the middle of the night the vibrational energy is at it's lowest and in the middle of the day the vibrational energy is at it's highest. When you ground your body syncs with this rhythm and cortisol production follows the ebb and flow.


I'm actually outside with my feet on the ground watching this and I can definitely feel everything you're teaching. I however learned this in college being an Artist, but never took it serious until having problem with my feet from my previous job.


Man I appreciate the fact that your mentally capable of making a video without all the damn editing after every sentence that most fuckers do. It really shows your authenticity, personality and Grounded-ness.


I can certainly say Earthing definitely has health benefits. I’ve tried it for over a week and no health issues. No inflammation what so ever. In the past I’ve tried Mooning and I got a fat lip, lost two teeth and had a black eye! So stick to Earthing rather than Mooning.😊 Seriously, Earthing is great and has many benefits. ⚡️


This brings back memories of being a kid and laying in clover patches in the sunshine and feeling so good!!


Wow. This makes so much sense. I tried mushrooms last year and for some reason it made me go outside and sit on the floor. I never usually do this, so I believe it was the mushrooms opening your third eye, and making you aware of this. Thankyou for this video. Very informative.


Aloha Stefan, YOU ROCK! I've known about Earthing/Grounding since Clint Ober's book came out, Dr. Sinatra started talking about it & when the Earthing documentary came out many years ago. You've created one of THE BEST channels EVER on youtube on these topics! You help to make it so much easier to understand. TY for your service to humanity! !Mahalo nui loa/TY very much & Aloha nui/Much love!💓


I’ve been walking around barefoot everywhere now for about 2 years + sungazing+ full body sun exposure +sleeping on hard surfaces + so much more powering tf up every single day .


Grounding is free as you say. Maybe that's how we know if something is good for us or not.
If it ain't free, it ain't good for ya'.
I've seen many grounding videos over the years but yours is the best professional presentation yet. Thanks Stefan!


Stephan i have long hair like you. I noticed since grounding when i take a shower hair that falls is 90% less than what it was when i was not grounding.
I remember watching some tv show about tribes, and i noticed that even oldest people had perfect hair. So it has massive effect on hair too.


I’m blown away by you. I’m so glad I found this channel.


I yelled so loud the other day & I felt my blood vessels in my brain swell up giving me pain. But then woke up real uneven. I was also dehydrated. But as I was searching for burst vessels in the brain I found myself seeking a holistic earthy way to handle this pain. it lead me to this vid.
I’ve always thought how different I felt as a kid & teenager walking without shoes or socks outside on my farm. And how less I do it now. I’ve always known I felt a charge from going this. And I’m so glad this has reawakened me to getting back to this. 🙏🏽
