50 MORE Ways to Save Money and Fight Inflation

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In this video, we continue our discussion on ways that you can fight inflation. Adding to last week's list, we'll give you 50 MORE ways to save money and fight inflation.

Even though we are already feeling the sting of rising prices, financial authorities are all telling us that an “official” recession will begin in 2023. Inflation is at a 50-year high and prices are changing rapidly.

Here’s the truth: None of us gets a choice as to whether we go through the recession or not. BUT, there are specific ways you can create a lifestyle which will allow you to stretch your dollars as far as possible.

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We're Hope and Larry and we raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home (when our salary averaged less than $40,000). For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.


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To live with joy: A great and wise tip to saving money. It reminds me of one autumn day last year, here in Denmark. A friend of mine had suggested a trip to a fancy museum of modern art. Expensive.There were crowds of people, and I wondered why? My friend then said: People were bored at home because of the bad, rainy weather. So they had to go out somewhere instead.
Well, I just thought to myself: I'm never bored. I love rainy weather as much as a sunny day, as I always have a book to read, and honestly: I prefere to draw or do a watercolor painting at home instead of going to an exhibition. I wouldn't say that to others because it sounds like bragging.

But this is the truth.


My number 1 tip is to organize your house. You are more likely to use up things you have instead of buying new if you know what you have and where to find it. 🏦


I switched to bar soap for bathing. Saves money and I dont seem to waste as much. For cleaning dishes we put dish soap in a spray bottle with half dawn and half water. It takes forever now to get through a whole bottle of detergent. Same amount of bubbles for less :)


We just had a town-wide garage sale. I got rid of a lot of unneeded items and made $700.


Hello Hope and Larry! I recently found out that my library card allows me to access ALL of the libraries in my county and the neighboring county. I visited in person and online to sign up for various FREE activities. During the month of May I participated in…
A book club, several movies (West Side Story, Downtown Abbey Movie Part 1, Cyrano, Belfast, etc.)
I also participated in a workshops on Learning how to Compost, Taking care of Perennials, A Cinco de Mayo presentation… Where we each made our own bowl of guacamole and a Mocktail, etc. I also signed up for a workshop on Wills, Trusts and Estate planning. The libraries also offer free tickets to a variety of museums and parks within our metropolitan area. I also joined the senior citizen group in our town and we meet twice a month. They are sponsoring many free and low-cost activities.


One tip is to practice intermittent fasting. It’s not only healthy, but you save money not eating breakfast, snacking between meals, or snacking at night.


Hope: "Drink. Less. Coffee." Larry: "What??!! What??!!" LOL


Your personalities and positive, genuine interaction with one another are as much a reason I watch as your valuable tips. Thank you for all you do!


I have a large family 6 sisters 2 brothers every month or so we trade unused food or give each other household items for our children to reuse! Shoes & Jackets/Clothes even Beauty Products that maybe we got and haven’t used or didn’t work us. These days it really has helped.
Please Part 3


My dad was "frugal" BUT, sadly, in an unhealthy way. He would turn off the HOT water until HE wanted it... regardless of the family's needs. We kids were always hungry. We were clearly deprived. Being raised so extreme my brother ended up going the other extreme for a while. After a little therapy we both have come to a happy medium... but yea, those extremes, early on, took their toll.
One thing we have discovered is that it is VERY different to be FRUGAL by CHOICE than to be FRUGAL by NECESSITY.
You guys have found that lovely balance.. and it has obviously paid off. Good for you.


A warning about shutting your water heater off and turning it back on as needed. First of all, when you turn in on there is such a huge surge in power usage to start it up that it uses almost as much energy as if you just left it on. And secondly, you could shorten the life of your water heater, the constant fluctuation between hot and cold can damage your water heater as things expand and contract.


When money is super tight I redecorate by moving things from around my home. I get free items that I up cycle and I love the fact my home is decorated on a budget as it's far better for the environment. Another tip is sell unwanted items and only buy splurge items with this money. This really makes you value every penny. Thanks for your videos xxx


I used to use 1 1/2 lbs of hamburger in my spaghetti, chili, etc... Each time I made something I started using less each time. Now I use 1/4-1/2 pound now and we do not miss it, and I save money...


When I was younger I had a friend and her sister that got a yearly allowance for clothing once a year.. She and her sister went in together to purchased a sewing machine, patterns and fabric to make most of their clothes. They kept some money back to buy shoes/boots/socks, coats/jeans and underwear.


1) on my soap bar plate, I put an elastic around it, to prevent mildew, keeps my soap lasting so much longer.
2) I go to free museums.
3) I melt my soap rests into a brand new soap bar.
4) I melt my candles rests and ask my family to keep me their candles rests and make new candles out of it.
5) I do my own plant fertilizer, i cut small peices of banana peel and plant it with my plants and tomato plants.
6) During summer time, I put my gym membership on hold, i go bike riding, walking, running instead.
7) I now use shampoo and conditionning bar for my hair, lasts me a year !!!!
8) I have a 2 bed, 1 bath house, fully furnished for free, we new 1 year in advance we were moving, so we started accumulating everything, and kept everything people were throwing away, im so proud to have spend 0$.
9) I make sure my family and friends are frugal too, giving them tips and tricks, because we are like the 5 people we always hang out with.
10) If friends and families are geting rid of stuff, I sell it for them ( because they dont have the patience to sell online, they hate it lol), so i sell it for them and they give me a little something in return.

Love your videos, thank you 🙏❤


Last week I told my husband I wanted to find an inexpensive workout band to exercise with. He rigged up an old bike tube tied to a wooden dowel. Works great! As always, necessity is the mother of inventions. Think outside the box if there is something you want. Sometimes creating solutions is half the fun as the outcome. Keep up the good work. I enjoy you channel very much.


One thing I've been doing for years is that I take "military showers, " where I turn on the tap, rinse myself, then turn the tap off. I then suds up my hair/face, turn on the tap to rinse, then again turn off the tap. I repeat this going down my body (don't want to cross contaminate!). Saves SO much water. I also use the tip you all have to fill a "vessel" with water as the tap warms up. I live in an old house with my parents- we have 12 foot ceilings and the shower is on the top floor. So I have a 5 gallon bucket that I use to collect water as I'm waiting for the warm water to come up from the basement, and I use that water in the bucket as a "free flush" for my toilet when the bucket is full. Also! My dad and I drink Gatorade during the summer or when we've been working out and have been sweating (Or when we've got a stomach bug, yuck!) and we need to replenish our electrolytes. We've found that buying Gatorade powder and mixing it in water at home is SO much cheaper than buying the cases of bottles, plus you have the added benefit of making it as strong or weak as you'd like. You can find it on Amazon. Oh! And there is MUCH less packaging, so a win for the planet as well. Thanks so much for all of your tips!


When I was growing up, my dad would always say, turn the water off when washing your hair and body, then turn it back on to rinse. I still do it almost 60 years later. It has saved our family lots of money over the years.


1) I used to use nail polish and sometimes I paint my toenails. But the paint is so bad for the body that I very rarely do it anymore. I keep my nails very short because long nails encourage germs and more of those I don't need. 2) Before I started to cut my own hair I used to walk to the local beauty college to get a very short bob. However, now I cut my hair really short. The impetus was the quarantine but I was really spurred by my daughter when she said, "Men never worry about their head shape when they have their hair cut short." It saves on shampoo, and I totally eliminated conditioner by keeping my hair short. 3) I only have an apartment deck to garden on and this year but instead of buying veggie plants several inches tall - which could cost anywhere from $2 to $4 each - I've bought seeds that cost far less for more plants. Contrary to what the package reads, I often plant the seeds closer together and will keep the remaining seeds to use in the following years. Seeds are often viable for several years. 4) When we get the catalogs for the local community college and the parks department, I will find the classes I'm interested in and then go to YouTube to look at vids on those subjects. I learn just as much and save the $40 to $160 (or more) that the classes cost.


It's just me and my husband, so here's what I do to save money and prevent food waste
1) Freeze leftover tomato paste (in ice cube trays), pizza sauce, pasta sauce, any kind of tomato product that I don't use all of and know I won't use it during the week. Freeze bananas that are ripe and you know you won't be using them - put them in smoothies, make banana ice cream, make banana bread whenever you feel like it...
2) Freeze lemon juice in ice cube trays. Cut off the rind and soak in vinegar for a couple weeks - take out the rinds, add a little water and you've got all-purpose cleaner
3) After buying a package of Keiser rolls or hamburger buns, I bag them into quantities of 4 and put them in the freezer. Same goes for tortillas, or any bread product I know we won't be eating right away.
4) At the end of the week I dehydrate any produce before it goes bad.
5) Make a mental note of what meals your husband / family likes, what meals they won't mind having leftovers off.
6) If you're only cooking for two, cut the recipe in half to save on ingredients and not worry about leftovers not being eaten.
