How I Save 80% of My Income | Financial Independence

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Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future.., I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life!!


Everyone’s been preaching investing lately as a source of passive income but with a 70 hour  weekly jobs and limited knowledge of financial instruments, how can I actually stay on top of things, I see


I used to save every penny and in turn wasnt living a fullfilled life. I turned down concerts with friends, bars and never bought anything for myself. I always said "but when i retire at 50 itll all be worth it!" Until one of my friends said, "what if you get hit by a bus at 49?" Yup, that hit me. Now I save much less but im enjoying every second of my life


At the very least, I now grasp the concept of leverage. Creating wealth and financial freedom isn't as tough as many people believe. Building wealth and remaining financially stable indefinitely is a lot easier with the appropriate information. Participating in financial programs and products is the only true approach to make a high income and remain affluent indefinitely.


Moral of the story - You need a high income to save this much and still live. That comes by building skills, being educated and creating value for others.


The lesson here is to increase your income to 3 times average, while keeping expenditure at average levels.


Let’s not forget that the biggest payouts in the markets don’t come from great performances but rather it’s great promotions. Stay invested, diversification for streams of incomes is very important


There was a maintenance man at my old factory job that worked there for 30 years putting most of his income into retirement plans as the company matched every dollar contributed. This man Greg had a heart attack at 54 years old 1 year before he was set to retire. And was never able to retire after working his whole life!!


Financial planning and budgeting is 80% behaviour and 20% knowledge, it all depends on our attitude toward money. Like the video say it's important we have a budgeting plan or pattern, I have been using 50/30/20 for a few years now and it's helped me save a lot.


Your savings rate only went up when your income went up. You deserve kudos for not letting lifestyle creep set in, but this is still an important point.


Pro financial tip. Don't buy into the idea that you have to spend 30% of income on rent. Don't just search for apartments to rent online. There are many other options available for you and if you wait patiently you can always catch highly cheap, affordable rent. If you're willing, finding a roommate can be a good, long-term strategy; I currently pay less than half the price of the average monthly rent in my area


The key is to always and relentlessly focus on increasing your income, I got tied up for 4 years making £22k, £24, k £24.5, k £25k (all gross income) roughly £19k after taxes and saving 80% £15k ish a year. It was by about year 2-3 I realised it was never going to work, after commuting expenses I was spending only around £1-2k on myself each year (was living with my parents). It was no life.

I have since taught myself programming and have almost tripled my income just two years on. Now I can save much more than before and still have a life outside of work. Focus on improving your earnings potential not saving £5 a week by getting reduced food etc.


I realized that the secret to making a million is making better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Car or that vacation just yet and that mindset helps me make more money invest:ng. For example last year I invested 70k in blue chip stocks and crypt0 s (with the help of my advisor of course) and made about 380k, but guess what? I put it back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million. Delayed gratification always pays off


I think a healthy mental excercise is to think of all the things we do in life that we enjoy that we would not stop doing if we won the lottery or were financially independent. For me that is spending time with family, reading, watching sports, listening to music, going to the gym, going for walks outside etc. Its important to highlight those activities on the Journey because you can strive for financial independence and simultaneously enjoy life now. Cheers on your success.


This video is so well executed. The storytelling and visuals in this video are fantastic. It's no wonder this channel has done so well.


My two cents is I blew all my income in my teens and twenties, living beyond my means, didn't save a penny but had a really great time. I'm paying the price now, as reality has set in, and while my peers are buying houses and nice cars, I'm stuck renting with no assets to my name, living paycheck to paycheck. I've dedicated the next 5 years to living frugally and minimally while I sort my finances out. I'm now living well within my means, investing heavily and working on building some passive sources of income. Because of this, my life feels incredibly boring and dull compared to the lifestyle I used to live, but I'm hoping that my hardcore investing and all the time I'm putting into building other sources of income will seriously pay off over the next ten years and catch me up to my peers.


Your story never gets old to me.
We have two kids, which makes things more tight, but we're slowly, very slowly, finally rolling that ball. Thanks for the inspo


My plan right out of high school is to live very minimalistic. Only sector I’ll spend extra money on is health for a gym membership, PT equipment and good food. Gonna cut out all distractions and focus on my trading and passive income side hustles


Great video. You can't take it with you when you're gone so no point in depriving yourself of things that make you happy!


Everyone needs to find the right balance between spending and saving. Financial independence is not about money, it's about having the freedom to choose.
