How to Flirt Using Your EYES (7 Flirts that drive men WILD!)

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Me: watches multiple YouTube videos on how to flirt with eyes
Me when my crush is around: Forgets everything I learned and runs away


When I was young and single in an office full of men, some of them actually remarked that when they looked at me, all they saw were my eyes and my lips. I ended falling in love with one of my male colleagues. We dated 3 months before he proposed and married 5 months after that. We were married 51 years 4 months and 21 days before God took him to his eternal home 2 years and 22 days ago. My husband often said he loved the way I looked at him. I miss him beyond measure and can't wait to be reunited with him.


Lmaooo if he has a lazy eye focus on the eye that’s active 😂


As a natural flirt, I can tell you that the holding a guy's glance is powerful stuff. Especially if you're walking in oppoaite directions, and you catch him already looking at you. Hold the gaze, keep walking, do a side-ways grin (sort-of a "knowing smile"), and keep the smile as you look away as you pass each other. Feels awesome!


1. Look deep into his eyes
2. Keep eye contact
3. Don't stop
4. As he runs away, run after him
5. Now, in jail, you'll have time to think and built self confidence
Works every time


In a conversation when the other person is making really intense eye contact I get really nervous and stressed out 😬


I learned in a self defense class that if a woman makes eye contact with a person, instead of looking down, she is less likely to be attacked. This is because she shows confidence and an attacker is looking for someone who won't put up a fight. Plus she could also identify the attacker. I do not recommend the long stare, because you may get an angry reply from some.


Haha ... yes I use my eyes to tease and flirt with a man in the train station and no smile. We always stare each other no smile and no talking at all. After those 3 months stare and flirt finally he approached me and we started talking for a month. After a month then we started dating. Now we are on 1 year dating. One time he told me that my eyes and the way I looked at him that made him attracted to me and could not forget me keep thinking about me for 3 months till finally he had courage to approached me.


Now I know why occasionally I found some strangers were staring me that long, they were practicing 😆😆


Me: looking at my crush slighty tilting my head looking at him in his active eye biting my lips twirling my hair imagining kissing him
Him: are you okay
Me: 😔


I’m Asian. They can barely see my eyes to begin with.


I usually stare at people sometimes too intense or too long because of bad eyesight hahaha trying to focus my vision is a struggle


As a man I can clearly say this is so true when a women looks at you it's so attractive but we always make the move on the second glance, the reason is we want to make sure first and what this does is that we take it as you are attracted to us so we know we stand a better chance. Trust me when I say look at at least twice and if his a confident man he will aproach you


1. Glance down his lips 2. Bite your lips 3. Wet your lips 4. Look at ONE of his eyes 5. Slight side look 6. Look away 7. Imagine kissing him


I always focus on the lazy eye, I don’t want it to feel left out. 👀


There is a guy at work that, when he looks into my eyes, I get an almost electric shock.


is this what my life has come to?

i was so happy not being interested in anyone... ugh


So true! I was walking away from my son’s game and noticed a tall blond man with a “open” face talking with another gentleman. As I was walking up to him I noticed his incredible blue eyes and in a quick moment thought how beautifully blue they were. As I finished that thought he stopped talking with the other man and in a non hurried though appreciative way smiled and said Hi. I was so taken aback I said hi right back and smiled though I kept on walking. It was a very interesting moment!


i bite my lips when i'm thinking/ concentrating too.


My groceryshopping have been so much fun, after watching this video. I practice this eyecontact with solo men shopping. Most solo men are shopping with just a small basket, because, they seldom know what to buy. If they have a partner, they often take a trolley, and have a shoppinglist. This is the reactions I get: Most of them stare back at me, with a ?-mark, on theire face. I keep eyecontact, and smile as i pass them in the aile. Most of them studder a low "hello", and I can see how they searching their memory, in order to try to remember who I am, or where they have seem me before. Almost nobody approaches me, but a great number of the men, start following me around the store, at a small distance. I feel great, and surprised, that this works. Ladies - try it!
