How To Flirt with A Guy - These Ways You MUST Try

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How To Flirt with A Guy - These Ways You MUST Try

Do you believe that mastering the art of flirtation with a man could enhance your attractiveness as a woman?
As a relationship coach, I've observed that many of you struggle to strike the right balance when flirting.

00:00 Introduction
01:21 How To Flirt with A Guy 01
03:20 How To Flirt with A Guy 02
04:22 How To Flirt with A Guy 03
06:03 How To Flirt with A Guy 04
07:06 How To Flirt with A Guy 05
08:26 Conclusion

Flirting, after all, is about sparking a connection between you and him. It's a delicate dance – too little, and the chemistry is weak; too much, and you might attract men looking for fleeting encounters. Therefore, if you're eager to enhance your flirting skills, stay tuned as I share intriguing strategies in today's video.

1. Ending the Conversation
Initiating the closure of a conversation before he does can leave a lasting impression. It introduces an element of mystery, keeping things exciting. Although challenging, especially when enjoying the conversation, ending it first establishes boundaries and ensures genuine interest.

2. Saying His Name
Adding a personal touch, using his name in conversation acknowledges his presence and fosters a closer connection. It also deepens the bond and intimacy as you flirt with him. However, moderation is key; avoid overusing his name in every sentence.

Number 3: Touching
When the atmosphere is right, introducing light touches can elevate flirtatious energy. A playful palm-reading or gently brushing something off his hair can add a delightful touch.

Number 4: Triangle Method
The Triangle Method involves strategic eye contact – focusing on one eye, briefly shifting to the mouth, and back to the other. Subtle yet impactful, this method increases interest without making him feel scrutinized. See the video example of Marilyn flirting with her eyes.

Number 5: Complimenting
Compliments hold significant weight for men. Yet, be specific, moving beyond generic praise to appreciate individual qualities. Your words can stand out, leaving a positive impact and a lasting impression on your flirtatious interaction.

Ismael Gomez III
I'm a Cuban-American author, coach, and speaker.


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I can flirt with men who are younger than me because I don't take it seriously. It is fun and I love it but I don't expect they will respond to me on account of our age difference. When I meet a man my age that I am interested in I struggle to flirt because I don't want him to come onto me too strong. I like to get to know someone first and I am afraid to end up in an uncomfortable situation or worse.


To be called beautiful with your accent… sooo alluring…

Just like when my man says, “ honey, this is the best meal ever!!”
Never ever get tired of such affirmations 💕


1. First to End
2. Saying his name
3. touching
4. Triangle
5. Compliments


I love that you say "Beautiful" to your audience.


I'd add:
1- smile
2- be spontaneous and playful
3- stay away from looking for his faults accept that he is human and has faults like you and any human being
4- be genuine and notice and give genuine complements


I heard that giving a guy a compliment is a good way to show interest “drop the handkerchief” so I’ve been practicing this and so far all I’ve got was “thanks” and then they move along. Apparently that isn’t as easy as it sounds for a conversation starter.


Ismael you are so good and comforting. I find this dating thing overwhelming.


Very interesting lecture... The only exception in my life was when my husband and I were courting trans Atlantic (he lived in Manchester England and I lived in San Francisco California) we would have phone calls that lasted 8 hours until finally I said I had to hang up and he still said he didn't 😊want to.

I guess we were a special case Love out of Legend.

Yet I think in principle all of Ishmael's tips are 100% spot-on, especially the one about men loving to be touched. Yet I would encourage women to be more subtle and gentle. It's the difference between male and female and what makes we females so attractive.


Thanks for the vid! It's nice to see an example what we can do, I've gone to different marriage coaches and have been left empty when they tell us gals 'how to behave' because it's hard to know what they are talking about when you come from a broken family and have nothing to base your actions off of.


Wonderful explanation & guidance once again The way u explain everything is so graspable !!! Please just never stop making these videos..they are so informative and helpful everytime ☺️


I simply love you Ismael, , you explain everything so well.❤


i love your ending....thats personal touch 🎉🎉


Giving people compliments is not flirting. If you are genuine about it, it is coming from a place of recognition, acknowledgment and appreciation. Make it a practice to do it daily, not just with the opposite sex. Just do it so you give others the gift of your words and energy. And do it without expectations also. If you want to make a difference in the world, this simple act would already be changing their world.


You re a great speaker Ismael so hard ro find nowdays❤


Late to the channel but learning lots❤ never knew about triangle method its awesome, married for a long time and i have to say all the vids are so right i have proven these tips over the years...wish the new generation would find these vids


I would not play any manipulation games, but give yourself permission to be more yourself in a positive way. < When you feel you have to work it, effort it, over think it, you will fall into the resentment trap! You will burn the candle at both ends and create a lot of confusion and self sabotage. >

If you are plotting to manipulate I would think highlight your best aspects and minimize your major negatives a few degrees. Stay yourself as you learn to fully accept yourself more and more however its up to you how you wish to be seen, thus you can highlight your good qualities a few degrees.


Your lectures are so touching. Thank you for being there


I love your videos ❤ Thanks for sharing 👍🏼


Thanks Ismael ;-) Every single word you have shared in this video is extremely useful. For me, it helped me understand why is it important that a woman flirts with a man. I never thought about them feeling like creeps! Your content is amazing. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Best!
