7 Benefits to Growing in Raised Beds

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When growing a garden you have many options of how you want to grow.
Many choose in-ground, many choose containers, and many also choose
raised beds. In this episode I am going to talk about the benefits of
growing in raised beds.
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Hello my friend gardener, yes i have 6 raised beds and a lot garden to grow my food, i am new gardener i start almost 2 years no complain like new one i am because i Lerner from you and others like you, i live in zone 9 between 10 is Nevada...i love to grow my food is very nice and i cheer whit my friends ..they always happy .thank you for your videos.


because i am renting for now & the soil in my backyard is almost solid rock in most places, I have to container garden so far. do have an 8 foot box that i made into a huge "raised bed" if u can call it that because its filled with soil but does not touch the ground. 😀 first thing i will do when i move is a raised bed. most definitely. thanks for another great video Luke. God bless.


This will be our second summer with raised beds. I love them!! You gave great advice to people. I agree with everything you pointed out.


Currently I'm growing in the ground, but I think you've convinced me with this video.


I have been using treated wood in my raised boxes now for 45 years. I take my soul to the extention service yearly to have it tested. My first concern was the arsinc they used to put in treated wood. I have never ever had problems with unwanted chemicals in my soil, like arsinc. The trick is not cutting your boards around the are you are gardening and then painting any cut wood end with paint before putting the wood down to serve as a raised bed.


My parents helped me build raised beds at my new house this spring. We had a down slope to battle with, so we had to do tiers to make the soil level. It was interesting to design, but worked out nice. the one end is much deeper as a result and is awesome for my potatoes (about 2 feet high), and makes everything easy, i just sit on the edge to tend to everything. and the other end is shallow, only about 8 inches, and is where i put my perennials (asparagus and strawberry), less bending over for me because they are low maintenance. Seems to be working out well in its first season!


Great video! I'm doing both! I only had room for 1 raised bed (4.5 ft by 10 ft) according to my husband who thinks the huge yard is just for the kids to play in and the lawnmower to go over lol. Im planning another one next year though hehehe.


great info thanks, i didn't realize how much more benefits there was in a raised bed!!!


Thanks for the quick response! I've found organic potting soil on sale due to the fall season coming! I'm going to go this route.. thanks again


Thanks for the video.
I'm using raised beds and containers.


many thanks for sharing have a blessed day


First and foremost.. Thank you for all your videos... My first year having a garden. I used organic soil in all my beds and was very happy with the production I am getting. I do have a question. I ran out of room in the beds so I planted in a pickle bucket which had been sterilized. I planted a zucchini in it and it produced no female flowers. Was it the bucket?


Growing in Strawbales this year as an experiment. Looking foward to seeing what happens the temp in the bales is 20 degrees as opposed to the temp of the ground being around 12 Celsius :D so hoping things Grow Big at my home


Video on crop rotation ? Do's and donts when rotating. Plz and thank u


In order to avoid a bit of cost, I decided to dig out a 9x9 square 8" down and fill it all up with compost. Aside from the benefits of wind and growing season, do you see any disadvantages to this method?


I container grow as I live in a apartment building, love my pepper plants though :)


Love the vids! Very helpful. I'm doing a raised bed next spring. Would I be able to use a water conserve potting soil as my main soil for my raised bed? I was planning on using that and mix in some compose.


I live in Georgia and would love to know any tricks to combat ants in and around the raised beds. I have six 3x6 raised cedar beds that are having some ant problems. Was hoping there was a good way, hopefully organic, that I could get rid of these guys. Really getting tired of them eating up my feet. Thanks.


Had some bees working those purple plants it looked like. Also, why were you so sweaty? lol


Treated Wood? I'm under pressure at my company's charity garden to move to treated wood in order to build many more beds. They cite a lot of studies that are supposed to show there is no problem with contamination of soil, while all my youtube garden gurus avoid this material. What's the word on the safety of treated wood? I'm trying to get them stay in ground and to spend the time and a little money on high quality woven landscape tarp with custom spacing cutouts to limit weeding and disease.
