Health Benefits Of Elderberry AND How To Grow The BEST Elderberry Bushes!

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Health Benefits Of Elderberry AND How To Grow The BEST Elderberry Bushes!

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You should really try elderberry-soup. It's a thing we used to do a lot here in Denmark during the cold months. It's basically juice mixed with water and thickened with maize/corn-flour just like you'd thicken a gravy. Serve immediately with dried (crumbled) bread (in Denmark the bread is called tvebakker...and the soup "hyldebærsuppe".... It's amazing.


My Grandmother was a erbalist for the Cherokee Nation and gave Elderberry juice to her people. Where I was born they were everywhere.


An ancient favorite in my homeland Hungary 🇭🇺 It has been a part of our culture for over a thousand years! Give a kid the choice between Coke or elderberry juice, they'll grab the elderberry 9 times out of 10! I recommend translating the Hungarian recipe and giving it a try. The Hungarian name for elderberry juice is "bodzaszörp". This will make a concentrate that you add 6 or 7X water (or soda water) to and has a shelf life of several years! BTW, it's the white flowers you use, not the berries. Enjoy!!


I have a little piece of wilderness at the bottom of my garden. There was just one elderberry tree when I moved in. I cut everything around it. 2 years later theres another three in the back 1 one in the front garden. They are called the Goddess plant. I personally dont like to prune them at all. The flowers: I make elderflower cordial sometimes with rhubarb. It keeps my grand babies hayfever at bay. The berries need to be cooked always. Useful for all the things mentioned including if you suffer from low iron/anemia. I dry my berries and store them in the freezer. Steep them in a teapot in hot water and drink hot, or you can cool it add ice and honey with some crushed mint leaves for a lovely drink


We built a raised bed around our Elderberries and they are spreading out beautifully. We have had a huge crops of Elderberries this year.


Love your video. I am a Homesteader Myself, looking on how I can get into planting medicinal herbs, this was very helpful . Thank you. Many blessings to you and your family.🙏


A few months ago, I ordered some Elderberry cuttings from the River Hills Harvest in Missouri. They've been growing Elderberries there for over 30 years. I've been using their products for almost a year and am very impressed with their quality. There's so much nutrition in the Elderberry that sometimes it's been called Nature's Medicine Chest. It's interesting that people in America are finally learning about plants the Europeans have been using for centuries.


Try elderberry syrup over a scoop of vanilla icecream! So yummy! Also great in plain or vanilla yogurt.


I’m going back and watching a lot of videos you posted before I found your channel. I appreciate you keeping most of them on the shorter side. Many times I don’t have the time to watch 30 minutes of other videos. I also appreciate the research you do before making videos on specific topics. I have a degree in agriculture and you better educated in many of these areas than I.


Makes good homemade Elderberry wine. Dandelion flowers are helpful with stomach problems and have a lot of nutritional value.


I live in the city. I'm so impressed (and slightly jealous) of your beautiful farm. My dream for one day!


We always used the wild elderberries that grew around us. They grew in the edges of woods and ditch banks


I wish you would’ve shown some so we could see the inside I have a plant looks like this


My elderberry plants are 2 feet apart. I cut them way back every spring. They grow to 5 feet each year and are covered in berries. The ones that are partially shaded grow the largest berries and the biggest bunches. I stick the cuttings hap hazardly in the ground and most of them take root.


Thank you for sharing….. Great information! Going to start growing Elderberry Bushes !🤠


I have pulled up the shoots and spotted them up and gave them to family. I have two kind that I bought from a nursery 3 or 4 years ago. I dehydrate my berries.


I think that must be your favorite hat because it's compost too! Thank you for the great information on elderberry


Looking forward to your elderberry cutting video! ...have you done it yet?


Thanks for all the info, mine has grown a ton its first year in, can't wait for it to fruit! ✌️♥️🌲🍄


Here plants seem young, sambuccus nigra is a tree and will grow up to 4 meters.
This is important because there's a similar plant that is not edible and grow approximatively 1.5m without making "wood".
Flowers are such a delight for making ice cream, lemonade.
