Strange humanoid creature caught on video crossing highway

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Highway surveillance video from the United Kingdom captured what appears to be a strange humanoid-like creature sprinting across a four-lane highway. A full-speed, the video appears to be an animal crossing the highway at a pretty fast clip but still-frames from the video call that into question. Still frame photos show what appears to be a human head, body, and legs of a humanoid running on all fours.

Proposals that the video was a fake were disproved by paranormal investigators who "checked with local authorities who "checked with local authorities who oversee the CCTVs in this area and this is not faked. They say it is genuine footage. This creature was filmed on CCTV running across a motorway in the UK in 2007."

When the video first surfaced, explanations ranged from deer, squirrel, fox, cat, dog, wolf, to kangaroo (deer was ruled out pretty quickly because they do not have forward-pointing knees).
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Oh that's just a grey alien on all fours galloping across busy highway.


I seen the same thing driving a couple weeks ago. It moved so fast across the street in front of me. I thought it was an animal of some kind, but it looked ghostly. Gave me chills when I seen it dash across the road. Still gives me chills just thinking about it.


I saw this exact same creature a few days ago, this is 100% real


Deer, horses, cats or dogs or whatever else that runs on four legs have backwards bending rear legs...what are called "hocks" in dogs. Human beings have forward bending knees. That was mentioned in the video. This creature has forward bending rear legs, so cannot be a deer.


So my babe saw something kind of like this earlier this evening. He said it was kind of larger. With legs that had a deer like look but moved liked and kind of looked humanoid too but definitely not human. He said it might have been on two feet but wasn't sure. He said it kind of reminded him of a satyr in a way, just not as big as a person. It was really weird and he didn't get a good look because of how super fast it crossed a busy two way road right in front of us. It didn't get hit somehow. I was in the car with him and thought I saw something too but it was so fast that I thought my eyes must've been playing tricks on me since nothing clearly would have made it through that close without getting hit until he asked me if I just saw the really strange fast creature mentioned above. Then I was sure that I did in fact see something. I believe he saw what he saw, he's never seen a ghost or anything like that before and doesn't make stuff up like that either, I trust him. From my perspective I saw something obscure and incredibly fast cross an impassable road but I wasn't looking right at the road and could not make out, nor recall any details.


That's fucking Gollum!!! Looking for his precious!


If you watch closely, when the Creature reaches the railing on the other side, it steps over it!! It doesn't jump it!! It stands up like a human and steps over it! Amazing Video!!


I seen this exact same " blank" run across the highway in front of me in Nevada on I 80 right near star peak mountain range at 4am in the morning except the one I seen was moving much faster


it's not CGI for sure you can see it's shadow, also how come the car it jumped in front of didn't stop? Didn't the driver think it could've hit it? If I was the one driving I would've screeched to a halt so I could get a better look at it


People don’t seem to understand dog anatomy. Dogs don’t have “backwards bending knees.” Their knees are essentially the same as ours. The “backwards bending” is their ankle. Dogs ankles are much higher up than ours and people seem to think those are their knees. Like seriously look up a video of a dog running, and you’ll be able to clearly see it’s knees bending. This video looks extremely similar to a whippet or greyhound running. Maybe it’s a little emaciated and/or scared so it’s tail might be removed or between it’s legs. This is no mystery. It’s clearly some dog type animal, and the unreal amount of people saying it has “human knees” need to research how dogs look while running, especially things like greyhounds and maybe they’ll finally notice that dogs do have knees that bend like ours.


I have seen this kind of being materialize and jump out of my window, knocking out the screen. I know that the skeptics won't believe me because they are skeptics, but for those of you that are open to the other side of life, these things are very real and are not always visible like this. They are of negative energy and will feed on your negative emotions. As long as you're living righteously don't be scared.


This is something paranormal, wondering if near an ancient burial mound or monument, these things are seen near them.


i'm not even surprised this is the UK 💀💀💀💀


In what place / country it was filmed ?!


I thought it was a squirrel... until they zoomed in


Oh yeah, i remember that night!
Don't do bathsalts, kids.


"Courte vidéo qui nous vient d’Angleterre et qui aurait été filmé en 2007 par une caméra de surveillance au-dessus d’une autoroute.
Sur la vidéo on voit une étrange créature traverser une autoroute très rapidement. La créature semble assez grande et a une forme assez anthropoïde. On ne voit que très peu de détail d’elle, elle se déplace à quatre pattes et fait de très grand bond. La peau semble assez sombre, la créature au vu de ses membres postérieurs qui sont un peu plus long que les antérieurs peut faire plus pensé à un bipède qui courre à quatre pattes qu’à un quadrupède. Par moment on peut avoir l’impression qu’elle est semi-transparente. Certains éléments sont tout de même assez étranges. Le conducteur de la voiture qui passe juste après ne semble avoir rien vu, il n’essaye pas de freiner ni d’éviter la chose qui passe devant lui. De même que la créature qui ne réagit pas à la présence des voitures. Pour certains il s’agirait simplement d’un daim ou bien d’un renard voir d’un chien ou d’un loup. L’apparence générale de ce qui passe devant la caméra ne donne pas vraiment l’impression qu’il s’agit d’un animal connu."


This is real. I had a friend tell me about seeing something like this.


These photos and videos always turn up blurry! So until i see a clear view of what your telling me i should be seeing, its a deer..


Probably a FERAL person. One who was raised in the wild and somehow found the highway.
