Mass. Eye and Ear patient Caroline Deneen’s story

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12-year-old Caroline Deneen woke up one morning unable to see out of her right eye. At Mass. Eye and Ear, Drs. Daniel LeFebvre and Christopher Hartnick recognized Caroline's condition as ocular cellulitis—and knew they had to act fast.
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i'm suffering from a macular hole and i'm being denied treatment for it because i don't have a ride home for outpatient surgery and they refuse to hospitalize me for inpatient surgery. my doctors and medicare would rather i go blind rather than to hospitalize me for the surgery i desperately need. what kind of a medical system is this?
i also have three broken teeth and a 50 nyear history of ear problems i'm being denied treatment for although i'm fully covered by medi-medi. i'm an adult yet i have no control over my own medical care. is there anything you can do to help?
