'A suicidal war against nature': Europe's climate ambitions under the microscope • FRANCE 24

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Earlier this week, the United Nations General Assembly opened with a warning from the UN Secretary General that we are in a "suicidal war against nature". The European Union’s leaders have made it clear that they want the bloc to be a champion for climate. But given these words by Antonio Guterres, we ask whether that is really the case. Our guest is German MEP Peter Liese, who is leading intra-EU negotiations on the EU's carbon emissions trading scheme for the European Parliament.

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Abandoning the sources of energy and food production to support seven billion people we have without a viable alternative in place is suicidal.
More people will perish from abandoning current energy and food production sources than the crisis they're trying to avoid.


The EU is absolutely crazy to impose these unrealistic climat goals on the factories that are still active in the EU. These will only result in delocating our last factories to China, India and other countries that laugh openly with us and our unrealistic climat goals. It makes me wonder which alliances our so-called leaders serve. The ONLY way to implement these climat goals is to have a system at our borders that impose trade-tarrifs to any country that wishes to import its products in the EU and violates these climat goals flagrantly. But even that is too much to ask from our politicians. As if we don't make oyur enemies rich enough. It makes me conclude that the most harmful people in the society are indeed politicians. They're scum of the worst kind.


We are still an entire decade away from the world being forced to act these talks are no different to the same talks a decade ago.. climate warnings up until the stage there is no point in saying anything....


I’m so tired of hearing about this. My climate has changed and I have adapted. Get on with it.


This guy must never do a budget. What a joke. Our lights will go out before the nature destroying us


A member of the Russian Duma proposes to attack Germany and England with atomic weapons instead of Ukraine
Andrey Gurulev affirms that NATO will not be able to defend countries that will be turned into Martian wastelands. (La Razon-Spain newspaper). For many years the Germans were "falling in love" with Putin, now what do they plan to do?


Funny how the brain cannot see past money.
If you did away with politician's we would reach a solution 10 times quicker.
Everything that moves can create usable energy. Do we use it..no. Why? It would cost a global company money.
Humans working in place of fuel guzzling machines can happen.
So many things can be done but money is in the way. The world will die before a decision is made that doesn't result in someone making money..too much money.
There is a balance to be struck.
Producing inferior products like China does should be banned. It's not just a rip off.
It's a massive waste of energy. Both producing it. Then having to dispose of it.


because God loved the world so much that he gave his only son Jesus Christ for all mankind so that any man who believes in Jesus Christ may inherit because God loved the world so much that he gave his only son Jesus Christ for all mankind so that any man who believes in Jesus Christ may inherit eternal life through him if we confess our sins Jesus Christ is faithful and just to forgive us and only through Jesus can we inherit eternal life
