Dear Child - When Black Parents Have To Give 'The Talk'

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Jubilee Project is a digital media company that tells stories to explore our humanity. It has been heartbreaking and infuriating to witness the senseless and unjust killings of black men in the United States. And we'd like to play our part in addressing this epidemic through the creation of “Dear Child.” We hope that by sharing some of these candid responses from black parents and young adults, we can inspire understanding and empathy from those who have never needed to have such a talk.

We know that a video cannot be the solution or panacea and that there is so much complexity we do not even begin to confront. However, we do believe this is one way to ignite compassion and dialogue.

Director, Dear Child


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When people think "the talk" is about sex. No. It's about having your child come home safe and sound.


This shouldn't even have to be a thing. Everyone should feel safe regardless of their skin color.


I’m Muslim and sadly we also have to have a “talk” with our children.


still completely relevant to this day.


The fact that this was back in 2016 and black parents STILL need to have this talk, it beaks my heart.


4 years later....nothings really changed.
It's amazing how far we moved when it comes to technology, but as human beings we are still in the dark ages.


RIP George Floyd. Educate yourself, put yourself in the shoes of our fellow suffering humans. This is their time of need we need to stand together and fight racism. This is heartbreaking. I have close friends who are black or have black family members and it breaks my heart to know they have to go through this. The cruelty of this world will never ceases to amaze me. Please educate yourself, call out racism when you see it, whether it's your friends or in your workplace, at school or at home, anywhere, don't let it slide. Learn about systemic racism, make an effort to fight against it.


this was 3 years ago? Man, the world never really changes huh.


Thank you, Jubilee Project, for not shying away from the tough but important topics in our culture today.


Being only half black and living with the white side of my family I never had anyone to give me this talk. Unfortunately I had to learn from experience and there was no one to help me understand why things were the way they are for me. Even now sometimes I get confused.


This made me cry. It's horrible how parents have to have any kind of "talk" to their kids because they are different. This is the United States damn it. We are supposed to be different. I remember growing up mexican was tough. My mom giving me the talk as well. And me not understanding. I suggest you to do one of Mexican kids please.

Edit- I wrote this a long time ago when I was less educated about this topic but this comment is getting a lot of attention lately and I just wanted to say I wasn't trying to make it about my race. Us and black people have many similarities but also huge differences. And yes this is a real issue and yes their are racist cops out there that will misuse their power and do horrible things to innocent people. Simply because they are racist. I hate seeing ppl in my comments saying the talk isn't a real thing. And maybe you didn't get a talk but if you're black or brown you definitely learned somewhere that you have to act a certain way in front of cops and if you never have then I guess you're just lucky. I don't know about you but my whole life I've been terrified of cops because I saw and see what they've done to my family, friends and innocent people. Stop ignoring this real issue.


We're really excited and proud to release "Dear Child". We hope that it spurs meaningful dialogue and understanding. Thank you to everyone who played a part.


Black people have to be so f*cking strong all the time
Like, why does the world have to be damn unfair ?!


Omg this made me tear up. I just had to give my son "the talk" this week. I sent him to a predominantly black school and he still managed to get the white female teacher who hates that he is advanced and is messing with his grades. I'm sorry son.


This is amazing. Someone had to say it. I almost cried. It's 2016 and racism still exists. It's very sad.


As a white person (I even feel weird writing this, because its so "categorizing") : Staying side by side with my black brothers and sisters in humanity! Lots of Love!


I never had the talk, (perhaps because i'm mixed) then when I was 8 a group of kids were throwing glass bottles at me calling me names and saying go back to Africa. My naive self didn't even know they were addressing their anger at me, until I was cornered. Do your kids a favor and inform them of reality.


I cried as soon as this it's sad that we have to have this talk with our kids but it's necessary.... felt like they were talking directly to me


I never want to say this. But I think racism will ALWAYS EXIST whether we are in 2017 or 2027! The society we live in are so ignorant! Especially America. Here in England London, racism is not like how it is in America. People need to forget colour, we are ALL ONE🙏🏾


This is such a powerful message... Thank you for putting this together... Another reminder why I subscribed.