Understanding culture and climate change | Lisa Schipper | TEDxUEH

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Lisa’s research focuses on adaptation and socio-cultural vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards in developing countries. With her in-depth knowledge about aforementioned matters, she will help us open our eyes about how climate changes affect each gender.

Lisa Schipper’s research focuses on adaptation and socio-cultural vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards in developing countries. She has worked in Central and South America, East Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Based in Ho Chi Minh city, Lisa is a Research Associate with the Overseas Development Institute in London and an Associate with Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Centre in Bangkok, where she was also a Senior Research Fellow from 2008-2013. Lisa was a Lead Author in two recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and is a founding Associate Editor of the academic journal Climate and Development. Lisa holds a PhD in Development Studies from University of East Anglia (2004) and undertook a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the International Water Management Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka (2005-2007).

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00:11 *🌪️ Understanding human responses to climate change and natural hazards*
- Factors such as job type and financial status influence how hazards affect individuals.
- Culture plays a significant role in shaping how people perceive and react to climate change and natural hazards.
- Beliefs, both religious and non-religious, can impact how seriously individuals take threats.
04:16 *🌏 Impact of beliefs on actions in response to risk*
- Beliefs can make individuals more vulnerable to hazards or lead them to not take threats seriously.
- Religious beliefs can either empower or disempower individuals in the face of disasters.
- Loss of traditional knowledge and beliefs can increase risks associated with climate change and natural hazards.
08:07 *🙏 Role of beliefs in addressing risks posed by climate change and natural hazards*
- Beliefs can be both helpful and harmful in addressing risks.
- There is a need to consider whose reality counts when dealing with perceptions and practices related to risks.
- Integrating beliefs into mainstream work to reduce risks may be controversial but necessary for effective risk reduction strategies.

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Case studies and examples would be helpful.


Yay! Just as good as it was seeing it live!


Great work Lisa!

For anyone interested, you can read more about Lisa's work with SEI on our website:
