Espon scanner purple horizontal lines EASY FIX !

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Alright so if you are having purple/green/red lines going across your scans all you need to do is clean those two sensors

And that's it !!

It works with All V500 v550 v600 v700 v750 v800 and v850 epson scanners
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I have a feeling that this video will be receiving "thanks" until the end of YouTube!


I had the same issue but only cleaning didn't do the job. Out of desperation I disassembled and cleaned the whole scanner. But that helped either. Tilting the scanner I recognized that one of those covers had a barely visible scratch. Almost giving up I decided to peel away the thin plastic sheet with a scalpel and made a test scan. Finally the line was gone. I then replaced the old scratched cover with a piece a plastic I cut out of regular transparency film to keep the dust out of this hole. Thank you very much for the video. Without it I wouldn't even had considered those two holes to be the problem. And if cleaning doesn't work, replacing did. At least for me. Thank you very much again!


It’s crazy how many years I’ve dealt with this, having to remove in post processing. So thankful for this video! Cleaned with a Zeiss lens wipe


You absolute legend! I was so frustrated at having what appeared to be some kind of hardware failure on a brand new scanner. Turns out I just needed to clean these sensors. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this. I have an older Epson 4490 scanner that has been rock solid for many years. All of a sudden I started to get a vertical red line on all of my scanned slides. Drove me crazy! I was about to junk the scanner until I saw your solution. I cleaned the sensor with a light swipe of my white cotton glove I use to handle film and slides. It worked like a charm. No more red line. I thank you, and my wallet thanks you.


I don't even understand how this works, but it worked. I just discovered the lines in my one year old scanner and feared the worst, but no! An unbelievable easy fix. Thank you very much!


I have had this scanner for years, and knew nothing of these sensors. When I got two colored lines on scans of slides, I panicked. Epson has nothing on this in their support FAQ. Wiped the sensors with a static-free cloth, and good as new! Thank you!


SAVED ME HOURS OF editing that line out THANK YOU


OMG! What an easy fix!! Thank you so much! I feel like I owe you the money I didn't have to spend on a new scanner!


I was freaking out thinking the scanner was already broken or needed some expensive parts/service.
Thanks so much for this!


Great advice! Tried cleaning with a soft cloth and canned air, but still had a purple line. Next I tried lifting the back of the scanner lid a few times and letting it drop on the scanner (creating a significant vibration). After doing this a few times, the line disappeared.


BROOOO thank you for this. I was literally going to take apart my scanner too and then I cleaned that section and a tiny piece of paper came out and boom, problem solved. Bless!


Wow, I never even knew they were sensors and I've been using Epson scanners for years! Thanks for your knowledge.


This worked perfectly for my Epson v750 pro scanner! Thanks for the video. I was ready to sell it for parts.


The hero we didn't think we needed!


omg, ive been having this problem for years, thanks so much for this easy fix


Great tip! I’d add double check your film to make sure the lines aren’t on them initially. I’ve had this problem before and knew the fix. However, this time the fix was double check the film I was scanning. Just wish I would’ve done that before spending 2 hours cleaning my entire scanner after the tip on this video didn’t work. Haha, just glad I figured out the problem.


My freaking god! Thanks! I thought it was all negatives and thinking of blaming my developing process or the camera. Thanks for this!


It's quite a murky situation.

I own a V850 scanner and recently encountered a stubborn purple streak along with a fainter green one.

In search of a solution, I stumbled upon this video and began tinkering with what they call "sensors" here. I hesitate to label them sensors; they seem to be mere plastic pieces affixed with Velcro, covering two holes leading into the scanner's interior. No matter how thoroughly I cleaned these pieces, the result remained unchanged. Eventually, I decided to remove these plastic squares altogether, leaving the holes exposed. I even cleaned the holes with a toothpick before a test scan, but alas, the stripes persisted.

Then I spent a long time cleaning the scanner's glass with alcohol, especially the area from which the scanner starts its motion – both the top and bottom glass. It seems I managed to remove whatever was causing the issue because the pronounced violet stripe disappeared, though a faint green one remains, which I still can't seem to eliminate.

My "engineering conclusion" is that those two holes, once covered by the plastic squares, might play a role in calibration, but evidently, they aren't the only factors. Scratches or dust on either side of the glass might also contribute to calibration.


Those things aren't sensors. My guess is that they are vent holes (you can test this by blocking them -- it has no effect on the image) -- there is nothing underneath them except the adhesive section of the bed glass. The actual calibration sensing area is the first ~5mm on the bed (top of the opening with the cross-out symbol when using the Epson film scanning fixtures).

But the issue is the same -- ANYTHING in the calibration area, including on and under the top light glass, or strong stray light reflections -- will cause the gain calibration for that column to be adjusted. I had this issue and after a very long un-fun adventure of fully disassembling the scanner, accidentally needing to refocus the CCD lens (what a pain in the ass), discovered the issue was a tiny spec of dust underneath the top (lid) glass. After cleaning it, problem solved.

The color and strength of the line seems to be down to how big the obstruction is and its location (the scanner cycles through BB/GG/RR in order for each line, and they are offset by about ~50um).
