Eight Dates - The Eight Dates for your Realtionship

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Discover the secrets to love-filled relationships by going on eight dates.
It doesn't matter whether you're in a new relationship, or have been together with your'soulmate' for years: we've all had doubts about those relationships. Are we with the right person? Is she/he truly 'the One'?
One way to clarify your answers is to go on eight dates.
This video will describe the format for these eight dates, and the reasoning behind them
Why fighting can be a healthy part of any relationship.
Why 66% of parents are not as happy with children as before they were parents.
1. Trust & Commitment are the cornerstones of any successful longterm relationshiop.
True commitment means being there for your partner, no matter the situation.
The foundation of all relationships is trust.
Trust takes time. Sometimes months, even years, as a relationship grows.
Being on time
Keeping promises.
Being there for your partner.
DATE #1: Trust & Commitment
What does trust and commitment mean to you?
2. Conflict is part of any relationship, but there is a correct way to fight.
All couples fight.
Which brings us to Date #2.
No, you're going out to get in a fight; this date is about discussing potential areas of conflict,
Be aware, though, that some differences can not be solved.
This date night be better held somewhere private, in case the topics get heated.
Take turns talking and listening.
3. Sex and intimacy might be hard topics for some couples but it is a necessary subject to talk about.
Research has repeatedly shown that couples who talk about sex freely, have better sex, more frequent sex, and the women in these couples have more frequent orgasms.
OK Date #3. The location for this date is important. Something romantic...a candlelit dinner, a secluded beach.
Basically, this date comes down to asking and answering questions. Favorite sexual experiences or fantasies. What do you like...or don't like? Where do you like to be touched, and how? And remember, be specific. Vagueness leads to confusion.
4. Work and Money. Resolve these for a successful relationship.
Before the women's lib movement in the 60s, going to work, earning the income was the man's job, and taking care of the kids and home, was the woman's 'job'.
This obvious sexist arrangement has long since died, but what is the new arrangement? How is the labor divided? Which partner is responsible for what task?
Sharing housework was the third most important part of a marriage, right after fidelity, and a healthy sex life
That's what Date #4 is about: Balancing your household responsibilities and your income.
One partner is inclined to spend; the other partner wants to save.
This date should be frugal; nothing fancy. Take-out at home might be in order.
5. Family and Children? Extensive and serious conversations needed here.
Whether or not to have children can be a real deal-breaker in a relationship.
And the author has observed a drop of 2/3 in marital happiness in couples who have kids within the first 4 years of marriage.
How can prospective parents avoid this?
This would be Date #5 Since it covers family and children, consider a picnic by a playground...or a family-friendly restaurant.
The obvious question is what is you picture of the perfect family? How many kids? No kids? What problems could occur? How to handle them?
6. Have Fun! Play and Adventure
Couples that play and laugh together are happier couples, according to a recent report compiled since 1996.
When was the last time you and your partner did something silly; on impulse? Go to an amusement park?
Don't forget the conversation. What does your partner consider to be an adventure? What would like to do before you die?
7. Growth is present in every relationship, and finding spiritual meaning is a part of that.
The strongest couples are those who can accept changes and allow those changes to help grow the relationship.
Date #7 is about growth & spirituality. Do you share the same goals? Do you respect each others accomplishments? What goals do you want to reach by old age.?
8. A lifetime of love means honoring your partner's dreams.
Everyone has dreams; the image of a life they would like to pursue.
Date #8 is about dreams.
Make a list of your dreams...why they're important to you, and how your partner can help you achieve them. Note any shared dreams you may have, and how to move forward to achieve them.
This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:
It doesn't matter whether you're in a new relationship, or have been together with your'soulmate' for years: we've all had doubts about those relationships. Are we with the right person? Is she/he truly 'the One'?
One way to clarify your answers is to go on eight dates.
This video will describe the format for these eight dates, and the reasoning behind them
Why fighting can be a healthy part of any relationship.
Why 66% of parents are not as happy with children as before they were parents.
1. Trust & Commitment are the cornerstones of any successful longterm relationshiop.
True commitment means being there for your partner, no matter the situation.
The foundation of all relationships is trust.
Trust takes time. Sometimes months, even years, as a relationship grows.
Being on time
Keeping promises.
Being there for your partner.
DATE #1: Trust & Commitment
What does trust and commitment mean to you?
2. Conflict is part of any relationship, but there is a correct way to fight.
All couples fight.
Which brings us to Date #2.
No, you're going out to get in a fight; this date is about discussing potential areas of conflict,
Be aware, though, that some differences can not be solved.
This date night be better held somewhere private, in case the topics get heated.
Take turns talking and listening.
3. Sex and intimacy might be hard topics for some couples but it is a necessary subject to talk about.
Research has repeatedly shown that couples who talk about sex freely, have better sex, more frequent sex, and the women in these couples have more frequent orgasms.
OK Date #3. The location for this date is important. Something romantic...a candlelit dinner, a secluded beach.
Basically, this date comes down to asking and answering questions. Favorite sexual experiences or fantasies. What do you like...or don't like? Where do you like to be touched, and how? And remember, be specific. Vagueness leads to confusion.
4. Work and Money. Resolve these for a successful relationship.
Before the women's lib movement in the 60s, going to work, earning the income was the man's job, and taking care of the kids and home, was the woman's 'job'.
This obvious sexist arrangement has long since died, but what is the new arrangement? How is the labor divided? Which partner is responsible for what task?
Sharing housework was the third most important part of a marriage, right after fidelity, and a healthy sex life
That's what Date #4 is about: Balancing your household responsibilities and your income.
One partner is inclined to spend; the other partner wants to save.
This date should be frugal; nothing fancy. Take-out at home might be in order.
5. Family and Children? Extensive and serious conversations needed here.
Whether or not to have children can be a real deal-breaker in a relationship.
And the author has observed a drop of 2/3 in marital happiness in couples who have kids within the first 4 years of marriage.
How can prospective parents avoid this?
This would be Date #5 Since it covers family and children, consider a picnic by a playground...or a family-friendly restaurant.
The obvious question is what is you picture of the perfect family? How many kids? No kids? What problems could occur? How to handle them?
6. Have Fun! Play and Adventure
Couples that play and laugh together are happier couples, according to a recent report compiled since 1996.
When was the last time you and your partner did something silly; on impulse? Go to an amusement park?
Don't forget the conversation. What does your partner consider to be an adventure? What would like to do before you die?
7. Growth is present in every relationship, and finding spiritual meaning is a part of that.
The strongest couples are those who can accept changes and allow those changes to help grow the relationship.
Date #7 is about growth & spirituality. Do you share the same goals? Do you respect each others accomplishments? What goals do you want to reach by old age.?
8. A lifetime of love means honoring your partner's dreams.
Everyone has dreams; the image of a life they would like to pursue.
Date #8 is about dreams.
Make a list of your dreams...why they're important to you, and how your partner can help you achieve them. Note any shared dreams you may have, and how to move forward to achieve them.
This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: