This Video will INSTANTLY Make You Better at Shindo Life

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This Shindo Life video is mainly a Shindo Life tips and tricks video! This Shindo Life Guide will tell you some things that could instantly or overall make you better at Shindo Life, no matter the way you play the game! Be sure not to miss this one!
Edited by Sunbokuu

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You guys hyped for the update tomorrow? I am!
Hopefully this video helped you guys!


Instantly get better at Shindo Life: Unlock Shindai Ren, mode up, fly & spam m1's :P Instantly win any fight


the healing part you talked about is really important. what I see most people doing is only using it when they're low but if you think about it, if you use it whenever you can, even if its only after a bit of damage the networth of hp you regened is much higher than only using it when you're low. that's why its so important to heal


The greatest thing I've learned in Shindo or just any game is that (you need to expect the unexpected) and (adapt to new things even if their good or bad) especially in PVP


Jay, if you see this, I want to let you know that your videos got me through this year, I love your shindo life content, and you by far have had a big impact on the games I play, and I really enjoy watching you, and watching ur channel grow :P


The keybinds changing tip was HUGE for me after i did that it felt strange and i thought it wasnt gonna work but after i got the hang of it i was able to defeat ppl with ease tysm for the tip


The thing that helped me the most is learning what the heck a "c spec" and "z spec" are. If you didn't know, it's when you hold block and press c or z while using that mode. Game never told me, and I don't really know if youtubers do either.


fun tip: when you wanna double jump and dash it can be done in a better way:
you jump the first time normally and when you jump the second time you press dash right after it as fast as you can and it launches you higher and further. (hopefully i helped you)


I find shindo life's combat system really easy to learn and the combat is very unique the fact that people make their own combos have different movesets stats, etc. Which makes the combat so fun


Thanks to this video i have instantly gotten a scholarship to harvard and a job with a salary of 1000$ an hour


The one that i felt is super true, is try new things in this game, most of the time you get beaten the HECK up, after a bit you get used to basic mecanics since you are kind of a underdog, and once you get the op things you just unkillable (until someone that went threw almost the same struggle appears and they 1 shot combo you)


The biggest things ive learned in this game are: learn to block, learn the bloodlines skills (cause some of them are block breakers so if u block u are screwed), never stop moving and create your own combo, cause if u create ur own combo it will adapt to ur play style


The best thing I learnt is that constantly moving and jumping and use moves when you are about to hit the floor, it made me 10x instantly better at the games.


Nice video variety, as a max 15 player, i can relate to this video, when i first started playing this game, i kept on losing until i met someone who told me to change my key binds. That helped me out so much and i won a lot more often. Another strategy i had was to find the bloodline you love to use. I have all the toxic bloodlines but i just dont think spamming ryuji kenichi is really that fun. Right now im using obi rengoku (skin of rengoku) because its just really fun and the mode is awesome. I would say that as long as you use a bloodline you really like, you will be really skilled at that bloodline, when i started shindo life, i had ashen storm as my bloodline. Im pretty sure i didnt spin that bloodline for at least 5 months because it was just a really fun bloodline. I was actually pretry good with ashen storm that i killed some higher rank people than me. (I was f0) So you should try to find the bloodline you love and just try using it. Amazing video Variety


The best thing I found out about shindo was spinning for bloodlines it helped fuel my gambling addiction again


That first tip about key setting helped way more then I was expecting!


the biggest thing i learned was the system of the game in general, autotrack system, projectiles range, PLS stun, normal stun, etc, that really helped me


Things that helped me on PvP:

1.° Know how to make a good moveset for the fight and the videos of pvp.

2°. Go to private servers with people of you want do grind bosses.

3°. Use the home Mode to select my own avatars and moves or modes before entering anywhere.

4°. Recently the advises of use perfect block (i changes Shindai by Jisho).

5°. Make squads with people that is strong than me or help someone else with their missions and Bloodline levels.

6°. Enjoy the game while creating new characters and having fin with the game modes .

That's all, i Hope this can help a lot to all of you! I wish you well.

PD: Falcon.... PUNCH!


lol the most thing i really enjoyed about this video when Variety said no nub on the kakashi guy asking questions on how to make a combo 😅😅


I really gotta agree with variety Jay at the movement and blocking part.
I used get my cheeks clapped in pvp but now I can sort of kinda handle even a 1v3.
