PLC Programming Tutorial for Beginners on How to Get Started Allen Bradley RSLogix 500 Ladder Logic

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PLC Programming Tutorial for Beginners on How to Get Started Allen Bradley RSLogix 500 Ladder Logic

Getting into Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Programming can be stressful for a beginner. There aren't many guides on how to get started and such guides are often convoluted and too complicated for a complete beginner.

In this article, we will be exploring how you can get up and going in RSLogix 500 on a MicroLogix 1100 PLC. The reason for this software & hardware combination is that it offers a cost-effective way to get onto a robust platform which is used in many manufacturing facilities today. RSLogix 500 offers a free version of the software which can be used to practice most of the instructions used in most PLC platforms. A MicroLogix 1100 PLC is a legacy piece of hardware which can be purchased on eBay from 200$; extremely inexpensive for a PLC. Check out the PLC purchase guide here.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for the video, this controller used to be the choice for new learners like me but now on Ebay its gone up and as much expensive as the 1400


Great intro video to PLCs! Eager to follow & learn more. Thanks!


thank you so much for this video. such high quality


Power supply is up to 240 VAC hopefully for me in Asia, you mentioned 110 VAC


Your knowledge and proficiency is very impressive, but can you slow it down a little, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience


Please feature how to program SQO sequencer


I enjoyed your video please can we contact you for personal training class?


How do I start as your student, I have been working on plc for a long time but I'm not an expert


how do I get the IP to stay on the PLC after powering off?


Man i have a problem my rslogix does not contains in "processor type" my hardware. Is a 1764 LRP. Only have micrologix 1000 family... how can i fix this?
