Wire Snare

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Quick video on building and employing a wire snare. Check state rules and regulations before conducting any type of trapping. Actions in this video should only be conducted in a emergency survival situation.
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Remember, a snare is only effective if it's placed in the right spot.

Search locations that are well trafficked, e.g worn paths near water, holes beaten into brush, outside of rabbit dens etc

Animals behave predictably in the wild, they have a home, they have a food source, they have a water source. They frequent these locations and often have multiple of these, but if you can find tracks, it's likely they will utilize the same path again.


Pro tip- create a funnel with leaves and sticks so the animal naturally wants to go to the snare


I used piano string. Worked perfectly. Put many a dinner on the table. It was my job when I was 7 until 13. Up at 5am every morning. And skin, gut & put into the pot, fall back into bed for a bit, & then back up for school, cycling 3½ miles. And home again, & checked the traps before doing my homework, & checked again before bed. I wonder how may 7 year old's would do that now. I had no choice, if I didn't, we didn't have meat for dinner. Different times. I'm a 70s kid. 🇮🇪


Thank you I use this app all day in my down time and this is the first time today I've seen something informational and useful. It's to bad most people dont see the value in this


I will remember this for the rest of my life.


My late dad taught me how to snare rabbits. Not quite the same technique you use but same concept. I was told not to walk on the rabbit trail because they can smell it and won’t use that particular trail. Break a branch near your snare so you don’t lose it. Keep it a few inches above the ground and in the centre of the trail because rabbits run with their ears down and they will run right into your snare and choke themselves out trying to escape


Great alternative to catching and strangling the bunnies with my bare hands thank you!


Before the prices plummeted, two friends and I ran a pretty large trap line during fur harvester season, for several years. Snares were one of several types of traps we used, and one we had a lot of success with. I've successfully placed 100s. There's an art to knowing where to put it, and how to get the critter to go through it, instead of around it. That would be a great follow up video. Topics for it could be Recognizing what critters are using which trails, and which of those are current trails. The size of the loop and height off the ground depending on what you're expecting to trap, what to use to funnel the critter into it, and how to disguise/camo it. Snares really are a GREAT tool, and I LOVE your videos.

The wire used in this video is definitely an emergency only choice, though. It's too stiff. To use this, you almost have to have the "fur catcher" tab on it, but the bigger that tab is, the more likely it is to keep a critter from going through the loop. The smaller it is, the less likely it is to do it's job - which is to grab a bit of fur, so the loop stays in place and cinches down tight. If you don't get that right, with wire this stiff, the animal can escape because the wire won't cinch tight around the animal's neck. If there are things (like the fur catcher or debris from attempts to camo it) in the loop, they sometimes won't even put their head all the way through it. If it feels resistance, it will stop and try to back away. Cable, cordage, or thinner wire will cinch down anyway, but anything too stiff usually won't.


You’re a cool human, keep being you Donny!


Finally! Snares explained and demonstrated!! Thanks Donny for keeping it real!


в далёкие, трудные 90е я этим промышлял ..детей надо было кормить ..но и в нынешнее непростое время такое нужно знать любому норм мужику ..ставлю лайк..! ✌️👏👏👏🔥😎


Iv seen this done and explained many times, but that’s by far the best 👏🏻


Watched your videos alot. Love em. Very usefull. But this time i noticed an awesome glow about your iris. Like a Holy glow. God bless, thanks for teaching these much needed skills. Im sure they will come in handy with uncertainty of the world.


Голыми руками не стоит трогать проволоку! Заяц услышит запах человека и мимо петли пройдёт!💯


I’ve never seen it done this way. I like it… thanks! 👍👍😁🇺🇸


“If I have to employ some emergency survival food acquisition.” This man is the expert teaching us the old ways


Love your videos, these are skills everyone should learn


Trapping knowledge passed down for many generations


Great Advice. Thank You for posting these. Survival is a very good thing to know.👍❤️


Thank you. Simple but sweet. Beautiful!!!
