Imagine scenarios #shorts

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Hello my beautiful ppl! I hope y’all are doing great, I just wanted to say I’m backk and now new video everyday (or more than 1👀) ❤❤


Thats suspicious 🤨
Thats weird 🤨
-cardi B


Part 2 because the other was deleted.

You looked at h/n then back at ex/n. "If i stole her away, Those marks would be from me." Ex/n grabbed your hand. "Get your filthy hands off her, She doesn't like you." H/n looked at ex/n..You knew what was probably gonna happen next. Since ex/n didn't let go, H/n punch him in the face, He started to beat him up. "H/n let's just go.." You whispered to him. "I hope to never see you again, b***ch." He said grabbing your hand and pulling you away.

Part 3 at..10 likes-?

Part 3 ^^

You looked back at ex/n, You saw him taking something out of his pocket which seemed to be a gun. "H/N, LET'S GET TO THE CAR QUICKLY." You started to drag him quickly, You froze when you saw ex/n point the gun to h/n's head. H/n laughed "Shoot me I dare you.." H/n smiled. You trembled, It felt like you couldn't talk or do anything. "F*ck.." Ex/n mumbled. H/n grabbed the gun and pressed the trigger, The gun had no ammo and was just used to scare people. "As I thought, Lets go y/n." H/n threw the gun and walked away. Once you got back you quickly went to your room to think about what just happened. You kept trembling and was scared. H/n entered and noticed. "Babe? Are you still scared about what happened?" He said in a soft tone. "Mhm.." You nodded, You didn't like to admit that you were scared, But you felt more comfortable with h/n near. "How about we just cuddle so you calm down, Hm?" He smiled. "Sure." And then you both cuddled and when you woke up, Somebody knocked on the door. "Y/N L/N OPEN THIS DOOR." Somebody yelled.

Part 4 at 19 likes?

Sorry i was late guys, Anyways since this is at 39 i'll make Part 4 and part 5 ^^

You looked at h/n, He was fast asleep. It was 1 AM who could've possibly been at the door..? You opened it and it was ex/n with some other people. "Ex/n i know what you're here for, I'm not going on a date with you." Ex/n smiled and laughed. "I'm not here for that." Suddenly one of the people with him knocked you out. You woke up tied to a chair. You tried getting out. "Good morning, Darling." Ex/n smiled and took the tape off your mouth. "LET ME GO YOU F**CKING B*$TARD." You yelled at him. "H/n isn't here to save you now, Honey.." Ex/n smirked, As if he did something to do h/n. "Where's h/n..?" Ex/n kept smirking and was silent. "WHERE'S H/N?!" You yelled at him.

And here's part 5 ^^

"Calm down darling, He's at your home." Ex/n put your hair behind your ear and attempted to kiss you. You kicked him where the sun didn't shine. "SH*T-" Ex/n fell to the ground in pain. "I'm lucky i have my legs free, Motherf**ker." You smiled as you watched ex/n in pain. Ex/n tied your legs. "Well sh*t." You muttered. Then in a second you heard a gunshot. Ex/n was on the ground bleeding. You looked up to see a person in a hoodie.

Part 6 at 50 likes. :)

Part 7 at 79 likes :)

And again i was asleep :D anyways heres part 7 ^^

The lights were blue and red..The police! They seemed to be talking to ex/n..And h/n wasn't there..What could've happened to him? There were also nurses..Ex/n entered the car. He started the car. "What happened to h/n..?" You panicked, Worried. "Stuff, Don't worry about it." Ex/n drove off. You mumbled something and looked out the window. You assumed ex/n was gonna drive you back to the same building. He parked at what was the same building. You were right. Ex/n untied you and carried you inside. "I can walk myself, B*tch.." You whispered to yourself. Ex/n threw you on a bed. "Here's your room, Get comfortable." Ex/n closed the door. You sighed, You were most worried about h/n. And most annoyed that you had to stay with ex/n as your "roommate". Though this might be temporary..If you had your phone. You sighed and decided to just live as if it was normal and avoid ex/n..Unless he did what you thought he might do. You sighed and decided to go to sleep. You woke up hearing banging on your window. "Y/n." Said a voice. You stared in shock.

Part 8 at 90 likes :D

You opened the window, The man came in and coughed. "H/n? i thought-" H/n took off his hood, His hair was soaked in rain. "I faked being "injured" Ex/n was weak at punching." You smiled but realized it was raining, He could've gotten sick. That smile faded, "Why were you out in the rain?! You could've gotten sick!" H/n got up and looked around the guest room. "hm, Is ex/n still here?" "Yeah-" H/n tried opening the door but it was locked. "Well the door is locked.." He smirked a bit as if he had an idea. "No..H/n no!" H/n's smirk faded. "Fine, I'll go back." H/n kissed your forehead and was about to leave but froze. "Or maybe i could stay and.." He walked up to you and grabbed your waist and pinned you against the wall. "At a time like this? Yeah no." H/n sighed, Walked away and got out by the window. "I'll be back tomorrow!" He smiled and left. You smiled knowing he was okay. Ex/n opened the door. "Who was that?" He said noticing the window was open. "Nobody, Just me talking to myself." Ex/n grabbed your waist all of a sudden and pinned you against the wall. "Wha-" You looked at ex/n in disgust. Ex/n grabbed you and kissed you. You tried pushing him away. *"Sh*t..What to do now..?"* You thought. *"Should i just let him do stuff to me and wait for the perfect time to escape? No that would probably be cheating.."* You went with the only option and kicked him where the sun didn't shine again. "GAH-" Ex/n broke the kiss and winced in pain. You ran out the room and used the same lock he used to lock the door. You tried opening the door to escape. "SH*T IT'S LOCKED!" You looked back when you heard a loud bang.

Part 9 at 120 likes :D

You looked behind you, One of ex/n's friends were on the floor bleeding, He had a key. You grabbed it "Thanks for the key." You smiled and opened the door. You stole one of ex/n's motorcycles. "CYA, SUCKERS." You drove off. *"Wait, Where the f*ck do i go now? Maybe the hospital-"* Once you got to the hospital you went to see h/n. H/n was on the bed, Acting injured. "I'm here." H/n opened his eyes. "What happened? Is ex/n here?" H/n sat up. "Hopefully not, And i escaped, A random person shot his friend so." "Did you see who it was?" You shrugged "No." H/n sighed and lied back down to act injured. "Just go back home, Lock the doors and windows, And i'll try to escape." You nodded and walked away and drove home. You decided to just go to sleep. Maybe ex/n would finally give up..You woke up cooked, Slept again, Did whatever. Until it was 8:04 PM. A bullet shot through your window. "Sh*t.." No more part 10.


Finally making part 10.

You looked at the window, The only way out was another window. You went upstairs quickly, There was banging at the door. "L/N, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" A voice yelled. " Well- If i die from this. R.i.p." You opened the window and hopped onto a tree. You safely got down from the tree then ran. "Now where to go.." You got shot on your arm. "ACK!" You fell, And held your arm. *"Only my arm..Be strong now y/n."* You thought. Ex/n walked up to you, Leaned down to you and just smiled. "pyscho." You murmured. "I suppose you like pyschos. Your boyfriend is one.." "ATLEAST HE DOESN'T FULL OUT INSANE FOR SOMEBODY WHO REJECTED HIM!" You shouted at his face. He slapped you across the face. You stayed silent, If you just ran he would shoot you again. If you stayed there, He would kidnap you again. Though there might be a way to solve this. Running, Even though he might shoot you. The idea is to blind him. You poked his eyes. "ARGH!" He held his eyes. He put his foot on you so you wouldn't leave. Plan failed. "YOU'LL PAY YOU LITTLE SHI-" H/n appeared, he grabbed ex/n's throat and pinned him to the floor. He gripped tightly on his throat. Ex/ns other friends rushed out, Pointing laser guns at h/n. "Hello ex/n, dear friend." He smiled at ex/n. Your eyes widen in shock. FRIENDS?!

Tried to make this slightly longer and dramatic. No more part 11. Bye.


Slay!!! But… I just notice I’m single af😂


The way I paused it sighed then excepted my faith when it said “mafia boyfriend”


Plz do part 2 I love this one protective bf slayyy


STOP I DIED WHEN IT SAID “it was your mafia bf” ✋😭😭


Pt.2 *don't judge its my first time*
ex/n =ex's name

ex/n: and? ever heard the saying, just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you cant score? *he says with a smirk*
h/n: yes it does so try to touch her and i will break every pretty little finger on that hand, got it?
ex/n: no i'm afraid not so if i try to touch her its because i never heard you say not to. *he says with a smirk as he winks and walks away whistling*
h/n: y/n if he ever tries as to touch you, you must tell me so I don't find out myself and kill that bastard. *he says nonchalant*
y/n: you don't have to worry about that i wouldn't ever let anyone touch me the way you do. *she says smiling as she turns around and gives him a soft kiss*
h/n: *kisses back* good girl. Now shall we head off?
y/n:we shan't.
*h/n makes a look of curiosity*
h/n: and why is that?
y/n i forgot my bag in class, ill have to go get it.
h/n:then ill come.
y/n:no its okay don't bother ill be 3 seconds i promise.
h/n:b-but what if some ones a bother?
y/n: Its okay, really. Ill be back I promise, I love you h/n.
h/n: fine but if anything happens call me, I love you too.
*he watches her smile as she walks into the school*
h/n: *she's gorgeous I ✨WILL✨ marry that girl.*
*in the school*
y/n: where did i put my bag?
ex/n: this bag *he says with a grin*
y/n:yeah can i have it? *she asks reaching out her hand for it*
ex/n: nu uh not yet.
y/n:but it has all my stuff?!
ex/n:oh really like what?
y/n:like my notes, phone, and charger. can you please just give me my bag ex/n?
ex/n:well you've just intrigued me y/n lets see here?
*he opens the bag pulling out her phone*
ex/n: wow not even a code?
*she never was allowed to have a code due to h/n demands to be able to look through it*
y/n: what are you doing ex/n?
ex/n:whatever i please.*he says scrolling on her phone*
y/n: Give it to me
*ex/n make a look of shock then fades to a smirk*
ex/n:your really, really pretty you know especially in this photo.
y/n:what photo? *y/n says annoyed while she rolls her eyes*
ex/n:this one.*he shows her a photo meant for h/n only *ex/n starts getting closer and closer till finally y/n is against a wall*
y/n: God your such a p3rv! give me my phone!
ex/n:Or what? *he says with mischievous grin*
ex/n:okay *he goes in for a kiss*
Y/n:*slaps him*
ex/n:you wanna play like that naughty girl..*he pins her arms and she squeezes her eyes shut when suddenly...*


Ok pt 2 cuz why not: (made by me)

as e/n walked away you look at your mafia boyfriend and say "thanks" while being confused
He looks at you and says "are you free tonight?" You look up at him and say "no i have a test tomorrow morning and i have to study" as you walk away you see something in your You see a gun as you bend down and grab it you see that its a prop.... You look in front and behind you nobody? As you whisper "what the f-ck?!"....

Pt 3 at 10 likes :)

as you get up you walk back to your house since its close. After that you start reading and then you finally decide to get up and shower. While you were showering you start thinking about a guy who's name is duke (or any other name if you want!) He is a cute jock who cares about his grades and how he is just a year older.. as you start drying your body you really start getting sexual thoughts of duke and you.. you start thinking of breaking up with your boyfriend now.. as you text him you say "im sorry but we are done im sorry i lost feelings" as he starts to type....

Pt 4 at 15 likes :)

"your loss anyways im moving to the country and i got your crazy ex in jail" you type "thank you :)"

A few hours later'

as your friend sends you the jocks number you squeel of happiness and send him a "hi :')" while blushing and your heart is beating like crazy he replies with a "hello your y/n right? I've heard good stuff about you!" Your blushing and kicking in your bed while you type "yes i am! I really wanted to be friends with you!" he says "of course i would love to be even more then friends" you start to kick even more of excitment "s-s-sure why not!" You type waiting for him to reply! "okay tomorrow i will pick you up at 6:30 pm for a date be ready!" he says "okay love :)" you send him your excited to see him tomorrow

The next day'

You walk up to him during school and kiss him taking even him by suprise! you say "hey babe!" He say "hello my love!" While everyone's eyes are on you, you hold his hand he looks down at you and says "my love you look tired should i carry you?" You say "no my love im just nervous for my test!" "Oh alright honey!" He says in his attractive British accent! While you were getting your test results you find out you got a....

Pt 5 at 20 likes!

99% out of 100%! you let out a tiny squeel as you go up running to bf/n you jump and hug him!, "Whats up honey!!" He says "I got a 99 out of 100 on my test!!" You say excitedly!
He gives you a kiss on your cheek "baby lets go to my house after school to celebrate your scores" he says "ofc honey!"

'After school, in bf/n car'

"Baby" he says in a deep voice "yes?" You say "you know we're not gonna actually have a party.. we're gonna have a party in bed" he says as he winks at you "y-y-y-yeahh!" You try to say in a smooth voice "and i have some clothes for you to wear alright?" He says "Alright sweetie!" You say

'After arriving to his house (to change)'

After entering his room he gives you the clothes and says wear this if you dont.. there will be forcing involved....

Part 6 at 25 likes!!

'After changing'

"BABE?!! WTH IS THIS?" you lt out a tiny scream "whats up? Oh! You wore it! Isnt it nice? He says "BABE THIS IS LANDRYARE!" you say "calm down honey its only us if you want we can go to my own mansion?" He says "ugh fine and no lets stay here" you say "ugh im so tired lets watch a movie!" He says "alright baby!" You say patting the bed telling him to sit next to you. A few minutes into the move you hug him, "whats up honey?" He says in a soft voice "nothing im just tired!" You say "im gonna call my parents to tell them im staying here that night, is that alright with you?" You ask him "yeah all fine with me!" He says

'While calling'

"Mom im staying at my boyfriends house!" You say "alright honey but stay out of trouble of his parents dont make them mad!" Your mother says "okay! Just is it alright if you maybe could send me a bag of my skincare and stuff like that?" You say "alright ill send them with your step brother!" Your mother says "alright! Good Night mom!" "Good night honey!"

'explanation to your life cause why not :)'

Your mother: m/n is a single mom who works one job (a doctor) has one child (you) very kind

Your step dad: sd/n is a father of two kids (stb/n and ss/n) and has one job (a nurse) very kind

Sb/n: is your step brother and has a job at the local donut shop after school and is friends with your bf very kind

Ss/n: is your step sister very kind and works at a pharmacy next to your parents hospital after school

How your parents found eachother: through work

Pt 7 at 30 likes

"Hey babe my step brother is here could you open the door for him?" You ask "mhm ofc he must be in rn! He comes over frequently since we are friends!" He says opening the door without a shirt "he-" your step brother says "hey bro whats up! Wanna hang out with us? Your bf says "isnt it just you?" Your step bro says"Nah y/n is here to!" Your boyfriend says "oh cool but nah i got work so here!" Your brother drops the bag and walks away quickly "whats up with him?" Your boyfriend says handing you the bag "he is probably just embarrassed!" You say "yeah your right! Also could you stay for tomorrow too?" You boyfriend says "why?" "No reason!" He says "well i cant i have to go to work tmrw!" You say upset "oh okay! Its alright then!" He says

'After spending the night and on your way back home'

As your on your way back home you start wondering why your brother started to run away when he sees you with bf/n

'at home'

"Hey brother! What is up why did you run away yesterday!"
"Uhh.." as he starts to say

Pt 8 at 45 likessss :)
Pt 8 after almost a year ( so sorry)

"Uhh. Idk i was just embarrassed.. yeah embarrassed!" Sb/n says "okay! If u say so! Well i have to head off to work bye!" You say

Pt 9 at 100 likes bc im so tired it like 8 am for me im sorry 😭

As you lie to ur sb you go hide in a bush in the garden, you see that he comes out saying, "oh my god that was so close" you start recording him "she cant know that me and him have ...." He quiets down, "wait why is her car still here?" you start sneaking back inside from the back door, "woof my stomach feels good now!..." You lie "oh there u are where were you?" He questions "in the bathroom ima head out to my boyfriend actually!" You say as you're walking to the door "oh uhm wait, are u sure you wanna go?" He says "of course i wanna go, what is with you today??" You ask him "uhh...NOTHING, NOTHING!!" he answers fast "okay well im going !" You go to bf/n in a hurry ... You get there and open the door and run to his room, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH SB/N?!" you scream of anger "well uhm, im sorry honey i wanted to tell you a long time ago....we

Pt 10 for 115 likes and yes i will always make cliffhangers 🤭

"we have a bad past honey...." He says "WHAT TYPE OF PAST HUH?" you yell angrily "we were in a... Uhmmm. fine we were " he stops. "Why did u stop continue!" U say mad "fine we were together for 2 years He says "HUH?!" you say grossed out.. "YOU WERE WITH SB/N?! BRO DO U WANNA BREAK UP?!" you say disgusted... as you walk away not caring what he says... you think **ew why was...** You stop

PT 11 AT 125 LIKES 🪐

"Wait...." You pause seeing you forgot your purse "ughhhh... I dont wanna see him " you groan
You open the door, "honey im sorry!!" h/n says "No i dont need you protection! You need to back off!" You say angrily...
"Please honey i love you...." He says while tearing up... "No... I cant it is just disgusting..." You tell him "just thinking about you having sex with my stepbrother is just disgusting..." You say "no honey you got it all wrong! You took my virginty... Not him!" He tells you "oh... Okay honey..." You hug him

Part 12 at 200 likes

*Two days laterrr*

Im still thinking about that day ' you right in ur journal ' the day he told me.... Idk why i believed him i just feel like he is lying ' you write down. No its just fake it must be.' you write . It has to be i cant trust him. I feel like its fake. Maybe i should just take a break from life like it is summer break. Should i diary??' you write down and close it
*Going downstairs*
Ughhh s/b its so disgusting to look at him' you think in ur mind
**Stepd brothers thinking**
I feel so bad for y/n but hah she got what she deserved always gets what ever she wants it always about her! Im so tired of her!!! I will get back with him if she kills herself i would still do it!
*Stepsis brain*
Man these two got alot for 9 am its still morning and they already are side eyeing each other.. its all because of that boy!! Ughh im so tired of them if i would i would def be on y/n's side bro is being hard on her i feel bad!

*Part 13 at 200 likes since i made this at 168 likes*


That would embarrass the hell out of me 😭✋


My heart was about jump out 🔥🔥 I love how overpowering his last sentence was 😏😈🔥🔥




Im so glad there is gonna be a new video everyday bc i have watched all of the scenarios that you post!




The way they both would have gotten slapped


The fact I'm using my innocent ex's name who didn't even cheat he just left.


me reading the part abt him coming from behind and grabbing her waist made me go 😊😍




People reading, me looking at the people behind😂
