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FEAR IS STOPPING MOMS FROM GOING TO THE NEXT LEVEL (MOVING ON WITH DEFIANT ADULT CHILDREN)// How many of you moms are afraid to take the leap from where you are to where you want to be? There's many aspects of our lives where we have to incorporate change to get where we want to be—so what's stopping you? A lot of times, it's fear, and that's what we're going to talk about today.
0:00 - Introduction
0:48 - When you're feeling stuck
2:12 - Struggling with your fears
3:55 - We're all human
4:45 - Make a list
6:12 - How I can help

You are not alone on this journey. Even when you feel most lost, there’s always a way to find hope again.

Faith over fear, my friends.
As always, Sally Harris- Moms of Defiant Adult Kids Expert

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I haven’t seen my best friend/sister, who previously lived across the street from me, and I haven’t seen her for 5 years since I last drove to Kentucky with my daughter to visit her and her family. Despite the excuses of COVID, inflation, this and that, and allowing my husband and adult children telling me all the reasons I should not go and stay home. I’m getting things settled here at home, just lost my 92 year old father last Oct. 30, 2021and dealing with his trust and my brothers asking me to also come into town, when things are in storage and I can take some time for myself now. I’ve been there for everyone from my father visiting him for days the last 3 years with him going into nursing home, and the COVID lockdowns..traveling out of town to visit him, and dropped everything here.. husband had a major surgery that finally happened after waiting for a year and 4 mos., my adult daughter had health issues, and I just had surgery myself last month. It honestly feels like 2019-2022 have been squished into one long year. I love my family, but it seems I give way more than receive or even get respect or appreciation for anything I do. I’m going to save some money and buy a ticket for me to fly to Kentucky very soon and finally see my bff sister!! Also, going to start my own home business that I have had to keep putting on hold because of life’s management and issues. And I’m making a plan to finally go back to work full time in the future. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 25 years.


How will I ever be able to forgive? After six months of estrangement from my daughter and young granddaughter, I’m feeling like I’ll never be able to trust her again. You’re right about moving on, even if you feel like nothing can help you, getting out and meeting new people and trying new things is helping.
