Hard Hat Safety Demonstration

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PPE is so important on the job. I just bought a pair of Keen steel-toe boots a couple weeks ago. I damn near didn't wear them today. As luck would have it, it was rivet buster day on a concrete wall. 20 minutes in, a large piece of concrete fell on my foot. My shoes saved my foot, and a few paychecks from not being injured. Stay safe everyone


Crazy to think that in switzerland hard hats only became mandatory for construction sites back in the year 2000


I just had a sleever bar dropped on my head.
In a way I never thought was possible.
and Im only alive because of my hard hat, even though I was told not to wear it this morning.
holy fuck


Love the comedy mixed in! I saw someone in the comments mention steel toe boots, and that reminded me of when I was getting a pair of redwings, the salesperson recommended composite vs steel in my case (cattle farmer at the time), due to steel potentially bending and keeping my foot caught in the boot if a cow stepped on me. Don't know if that has merit, but thought I'd throw that out there.


My colleagues used to laugh at me because when we would go out aboard ship I always wore my hard hat and jeans no matter how hot it was. The top of my hard hat got so scuffed up going thru hatches but my chief scientist got 11 stitches in the top of his head. Their shins would be all barked up from the knee knocker hatches cause they’d wear shorts if it was hot. Nope, I stuck with jeans. One day one of my engineers complained it was too hot to wear his hard hat. I wouldn’t allow him in the recovery area without one so he went forward. No hard hat equaled a severely sunburned top of his head. So it’s not always about dropping things. Also my son is an iron worker and I sent this to him. Thankfully I was able to impress the need for PPE so he always has his stuff.


Hey, random dude here. I've seen many a BS PPE work related videos, this one is actually fun


I was logging and walked far away from my partner who was felling trees. I took my hard hat off and drank some water. He fell a tree which hit a dead snag which hit another snag of which the top hit me right square on the top of my head. It was about 3/4 of an inch in diameter, but it was enough to drive me straight to my knees. It split my head open, but the worst pain was my neck.


We were issued new hard hats a few weeks ago, my is already scuffed up. We work in tight spaces and I'm always bonking my head.


We have bump caps where I work. So I bought the one with the protective ring. It helps to eject falling items past your shoulders!👍
Good job guys. Proper PPE made me the man I am today. I may not be the richest, but I have all 10 fingers and 10 toes. That's 20 reasons to still work safely.😆🍅


This is why I wore the old style with the wide brim. I wanna protect my nose, too.


It's always amazed me how much protection a basic plastic hard hat provides considering it weighs about the same as a can of pop.


Working in mine concentrator buildings with tons of tight spaces and confined spaces, I've walked my head into so many things, like real hard too to the point if I wasn't wearing it I'd probably be dead.


I was a buyer looking at commercial property being renovated not wearing a hard hat. Got my scalp skinned from a guy handling a giant drill as I passed under a stairwell. Never again!


Even with my hard hat my co workers are always finding ways to kill or maim me in the workplace


Even just working around an assembly line, I could see the benefit of a hardhat. I wear a baseball cap with a thick patch on the front and that alone has saved my head from some goose-eggs and gashes, that tiny bit of protection is better than nothing. Steel toes as well, the other day a 70lb plate of steel fell on my foot from 8 inches up, didn't feel a thing


4:51 "What should we do with these busted up watermelons?"
"Not my farm, not my problem"


That last item hitting the hard hat would still generate a workman’s compensation claim. The impact would cause neck injuries that might go undetected for years. It happened to a guy at work


It's time to redo these tests with a zombie head that they use on Kentucky ballistics. It would really show us how dangerous this is.


I am working as a custodian at a school and my coworkers don't wear ANY PPE. We have to strip wax off the floors during the summer which obviously involves stripper. Highly corrosive, very fumey. I'm the only one wearing waterproof boots, pants, gloves, and a respirator. Everyone else wears tennis shoes, which obviously soaks their feet in stripper. They worry me to death.


Work for a pipe manufacturer as a videographer. Was shooting in and around hydraulics at one factory. Stood up and smacked my head right into a heavy pipe. Would have been concussed and/or bleeding from head if not for hard hat. They are required for a reason
