Top 8 Best Base Locations in Sons of The Forest

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Top 8 Best Base Locations in Sons of The Forest
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Today we're looking at the best base locations in Sons of the Forest

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About: Sons Of The Forest

Sent to find a missing billionaire on a remote island, you find yourself in a cannibal-infested hellscape. Craft, build, and struggle to survive, alone or with friends, in this terrifying new open-world survival horror simulator.

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When the lakes freeze over... I was thinking how about we could cut A small circle on the lake so we could fish, and also use it to collect water. I thought that would be pretty cool!


The island bases are generally useless for a couple of reasons. 1) Cannibals and mutants will spawn at your base regardless of how remote it is. 2) It's in an area of the map that is far away from any supply or quest /dungeon locations. This has an even bigger impact because of point 1.


If you're building on the small lake island and don't have a zipline or rope bridge yet, simply toss your logs across the water. They will bounce in the water and pile up at the shore. Pretty quick way to transport logs in water.


When I played this game, and I built my base I felt so proud of myself for how long it took and then I opened up this video and I just sat there in awe..


Am I literally the only one who's worked out that building a base at the very top of the moutains is litereally the best place to build as you never get attacked by mutants or cannibals as they don't go that hight up. Plus there is a river very close by for your water and fish (food) source. Loads and loads of trees for building, plus two ice caves and a camp site for all your cloth, rope and so on. there's also plenty of rabbits by a frozen lake so plenty to feast on. Take a while to get the zip lines set up so you can send the logs up the mountain, but really worth it when you get it done!! I just find it really hard to believe that I'm the only one that has found this spot as it's super OP and the views are the best on the map!!


There is actually 4 ammo crates close to the waterfall basin. If you head towards those red tents and follow the trail, there is another campsite with 2 black tents by the next lake/river. If you keep following the trail there is a cannibal camp, each of them have 2 ammo boxes. I know this because I built a house just behind those two red tents and go to them each time I load in. 😅👌


Cannibals spawn within a set range of the player. I've seen war parties appear on a beach ahead of me and in the middle of open fields as I arrived from the treeline.
Cannibal camps and wandering patrols have their own rules, but basically your base location means nothing. You can be attacked anywhere at any time


I live on the Location 4 (we're 2 on Normal, almost on Day 60)
But instead of on the Beach, I live over the hill (where he is standing at 8:55), we only defend the corner of it.
With multiple traps around the base, the monster rarely even touch our walls.

We then built a secondary base on the opposite side of the Beach, on the hill where a Dig Site is.
And we connected both bases with 5 Ziplines going from one Tree Platform to another.
We're even expanding it, to the tall hill after the Dig Site, we're building a ramp to use the Glider from there.

I really like the location, it's not hard to defend it, and it's close to all the main Bunkers.
With Knight Vs, it's perfect.


The most underrated item in the game imo is the rope gun, you can bring back logs to your base from half way across the map without even touching the ground if you build either treehouses or platforms for you and your logs to cross and switch from zipline to zipline.


For the 5th base, the north beach crash site, it isn't that great actually. Enemies do spawn behind on the edge by the rope spawn, typically it is mutants (lots of the finger dudes) and you definitely need the zipline for gathering wood so it isn't beyond annoying to build


I built on the top of that waterfall that you advised to build at the bottom of instead. That’s great advice mostly because it doesn’t freeze over at the bottom but also, it was a complete nightmare for me trying to base at the top with the compassion AI. They both get stuck super easily up there. I had to build an elaborate bridge for Kelvin to get out of ankle deep water, it was a multi-hour nightmare to figure out. Virginia wouldn’t leave the spot when I moved bases which was a whole other story.


there is a spot at the beach where the boats are at the river delta (not the kayak)
there is a huge space between the boats and the coast where you can build right in the "river" and all enemies will not atack you but come right on your doorstep
this part of the river realy screws thier pathing and agro
the only thing happening is that a baby might accidantly launch at you

oh and i found a way to lock your door :
if you build a door in your defensive wall, put 2 diagonal beams behind it and put a plank over them =doorlock


This litle Island you recommend as first - This is probably exactly the most empty spot of the whole Land. Far is nothing around it and you will walk for ever to all other sides of the map to get stuff. - So it is maybe good to not waste to much time to build a perfect protected base, but the most wasted time to get somewhere and get all the way back. - But thanks for all our work in your good videos.


I usually build several camps throughout the map, but have my main base at the two helicopter pads on the east side of the island (on the beach).

I haven't seen anyone bring up that location, and I'm not sure why.

Once you block the ten foot entrance path... your base is essentially impenetrable. You're surrounded on 3 sides by ocean, and one side has a narrow concrete entrance path that can easily be filled with traps/walls etc. Plus there are buku seagulls, turtles, loot crates, rope, circuit boards and food that just spawns on your doorstep (there are several golf carts in front of the location, all have loot crates in them plus at least 4 more crates on landing pads). It's right next to a river, so you can get water year round, the edge is filled with trees to use for building (logs and sticks) and rocks are everywhere.

The only downside to that location is like a 5 minute run from any of the marked locations or caves. However, it's like a 30 second walk to the end-game bunker... so people might see this as more of a "late-game base"... but I start using it as soon as I recruit Virginia.


I actually like making my base above the cave entrance where you get the wetsuit and pistol flashlight. The Ai can't seem to figure out that they can get up there, so I only need to wall off one section of the area and a small section at the back. They will only attack from one side, or stare at you from the bottom by the cave entrance like fish in a barrel, if you get what I mean.


Spawning works like this. Enemies will spawn near your location regardless of where you are. I have literally seen cannibals spawn into the game near where I was at the time.


The beach near the forest crash site is actually a great place to build imo, a ton of space and its easy to get wood.


just above the island lake there is another better spot. it looks like a little lake but its part of the river so it doesnt freeze in winter. u can build in the water when u start to row up logs from the shore, its a bit tiring but once u got the basement its actually easy to build the base on it and in the near u also have the modern axe spot where u can also get explosives, medicines and other stuffs...


I think they should fix the spawning. It forces me to play with destruction off. I built this nice mansion on the first lake you showed, walled it all off, put up spiked defences, it took me hours to finish, then i was working on some traps, game spawned a caterpillar and few finger dudes inside of the house, not the compound but the actual house, needless to say house was badly damaged when I came to the rescue and a ruin when i was done with them. This happened multiple times and had I not been playing with damage off, results would be the same.


That base is pretty good for a brit. My base consists of a series of defensive logs staggered in an open field. The cannibals are attracted to attacking them so theres no need to hide
