'Never Wear Gloves in The Gym'

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Credit to hernangdso on instagram. This video is about wearing gloves to the gym and exercise fitness training inspiration edit motviation.
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I use gloves for the heaviest pulls, because I would rather be limited by the actual muscles involved in the pull than skin pain. Call me "soft" or whatever, but I play the piano and see no point in turning my hands into ground beef just for "gym cred".


Gloves advantages:
-Better grip
-Protect your skin/hands
-No extra products like talkum powder needed for very heavy lifts
-Can look quiet cool imo, I personally like the tech wear appeal they usually have
-Can be multi purpose for other sports like mountain biking, so you might have them anyways

-Some dude on the internet might not want you to wear them


So I’ve been on my weight loss journey and I am so very fortunate that the person who is hosting a free Workout Boot Camp and is really a big advocate for me to lose weight is a former Marine. One of the first things he told me when we started at the Workout Boot Camp was to get gloves for weights so I don’t destroy my hands. This man was a MARINE. He was fighting for almost 10 years and even he thought it was important to protect your hands😩😩


Nobody has ever said a damn thing to me about wearing gloves in person, and I guarantee that they never will. People will only say things online because they have the safety of a keyboard. I've been lifting for 20 years, and my ego has went out the window a long time ago. All that matters is what you think of yourself. Don't let others dictate your inner thoughts. Just be better than your yesterday.


Bro's hands force himself to be on no fap.


I have extremely sweaty hands (palmar hyperhidrosis) and I've been lifting since 2021. Imagine lifting with zero grip because the dumb-bell or barbell constantly slips and rolls around in your hand even when you're giving it your all to grip the weight. Due to "gym cred" and not wanting to look like a "pussy, " I've never worn gloves. This led me to injuring my wrists because all the weight carries onto my wrist as the bar loses control in my palms(slipping and sliding). I've tried chalk and liquid chalk, it doesn't work(imagine chalk turning into white mud in your palms when lifting). Recently this year, I decided to give in on being looked down upon from wearing gloves and got me some gloves. My lifting experience has changed tremendously. Less prone to injury and better quality of lifting. In conclusion, maturing in the gym is to not care what others think and do what is best for you. At the end of the day, you are in there for YOU, not them.


I don't wear gloves for most exercises, as I don't find there to be strain on my skin. But pull-ups cause calluses like crazy for me. I wear gloves for that sort of stuff - since its often an issue of skin pain rather than muscle fatigue affecting my sets.


Even in the military they make you wear gloves for work like in the motorpool. Damn it, they even provide them to you. I have seen people with really bad cuts in their palms just because they weren't gloves when they were supposed to. Dont ruin your health just because of your ego. Be safe out there. You only have two hands after all


I never use gloves in the gym, precisely because i want tougher skin, but thats because im doing bouldering too where sensitive skin actually can be a limiter. You want "tough" skin, not calluses that might rip off when climbing, so pretty much evenly thick skin all over your hands.


Gloves are the new seatbelt, dumb people will always find something to hate even when it only exists to help you.


There's literally no reason NOT to wear gloves at the gym. I'm sorry but tearing up your hands just to prove you're "tough" is just ridiculous. If you want to tear your hands up, go ahead. If you wanna wear gloves, go ahead.


As much as calluses can be normal, it should be not when it begins to got so hard that they got cracked and bleed.
My feet used and still have calluses, but at one time they got so bad that they got cracked and bleed. Not only it is very annoying but it can be dangerous as they can be infectious.
Stay hard, but also stay safe out there fellas. Take care.


He's not an exception. Anybody can wear gloves to the gym, even if they're a beginner. It's always the DYELs complaining about other people wearing gloves to the gym.


"gym community is the most friendly and welcoming community"
That "friendly and welcoming" community in question when someone use a glove for their sets:


not a lot of ppl get this but you actually have to remove some of the dead tissue. idk biting it of or using pumice or even cutting it of. If you dont do id in severe cases you can end up like this guy, when the dead skin actually holds on to the flesh like a foreign body. Take care of yourselves guys


It's important to moisturize and pumice away huge hand callouses. Great way to have them come off the hard way if you don't. Bring disinfecting wipes to the public gym: no use getting an infection either.


I have to wear gloves during some exercises, specifically during bench but only because my hands get overly sweaty and they start to slip, no matter how hard I grip. Besides I train mainly at home and I'm not about throw around chalk everywhere


I have a physical job so gloves are hand/wrist/forearm/elbow savers. I honestly can't do both my job and curl the 50s without getting some kind of repetitive stress. I get tendonitis in different places if I overdo it. Gloves help me complete my biceps and triceps sets when my grip would otherwise fail. Obviously I aim for good form and no pain when lifting


these calluses aren't a thing you need unless you're a competitor, cuz they give a better grip without gloves that aren't allowed at some tournaments. so if you want to prevent to have callus on your hand that's ok to use gloves


And so often people who say don't wear gloves don't lift as heavy as you.
