Yemin 475. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 475

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The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?

Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

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Sheriye escucha a Minuver mientras canta.
Sheriye: Bien dicho. Minuver: Ah! Sheriye
Sheriye: Mira lo que nos trajo, también quería saludarte.
Minuver: le agradezco
Sheriye: Es un hombre muy honesto, de buen corazón y mano abierta, no es de esta época.
Minuver: Parece ser un buen anciano. Sheriye: si, así es.
Sheriye: Mira a donde llegamos, dale un oportunidad
Minuver: Dios no quiera Sheriye, de dónde sacaste eso de que tiene buenas intenciones.
Sheriye: te juro por Allah que no he pecado contra nadie….. Mira, me dijo con franqueza que sus intenciones son buenas. Quiere que vayas a tomar un te o café con él, pero se avergonzaba decírtelo y me pidió que te lo dijera.
Minuver: No, mi querida Sheriye, ya no estoy para eso a esta edad. Por Allah! que esto no llegue a los oídos de Kemal.

Narin y Kemal preparan una sorpresa para la familia.
Narin: Creo que debemos dejar el regalo de mi madre ahora que está con Sheriye están en la cocina.
Narin: Aquí está bien. Suena el timbre y ellos se esconden. Masal va a la puerta.
Masal a Mert: Por qué llegaste temprano?
Mert: Regresé porque no había clases.
Masal: Que bueno, porque la hermana Narin hizo que preparáramos le mesa, así que vamos.
Narin y Kemal continúan con su sorpresa.
Narin: Te parece bien que dejemos el de Masal?
Kemal: Está bien. Tu te encargas del de Masal y yo del de Sheriye. Narin: Está bien.

Behyhan a Gulperi: Desvergonzada!! Con qué cara me miras? Sino te hubieras parado frente a Tarhun, mi hijo no se me hubiera enfrentado. Lo arruinaste otra vez.
Beyhan a Savas: ¿Donde quedó tu juramento de venganza? Has tirado nuestra sangre por el suelo.
Savas: ¿Vamos a vengarnos apuntando con un rifle a una persona desarmada que viene a nuestra casa?
¿Esto es lo que debemos hacer?
Beyhan: Crees que nos conviene tomar el té con alguien que nos echó de su casa? ….Vas a recuperar la granja, si no puedes hacer nada, haz esto al menos, veré que le quites la casa a los Tarhun lo antes posible. Al menos mi furia se calmará un poco.
Savas recuerda cuando Emir le entregó las escrituras de la casa nuevamente.
Savas a Beyhan: Hay un tiempo para todo mamá.
Gulperi: Acepté este matrimonio solo para que él no saliera lastimado .Me lo pediste, tía.

Emir y Yigit regresan a la casa. Yigit le cuenta a Cavidan que se divirtió con Gulperi viendo los nidos de pájaros y que jugo a la pelota con Baran. También le dicen que ellos estaban sorprendidos de verlos allí. Cavidan lo abraza y se alegra que Emir lo haya llevado a ver a Gulperi.

La familia conversa en la mesa después de desayunar. Sheriye ofrece té pero Narin dice que ya comieron suficiente y que no desean tomar té.
Sheriye: Pero no importa cuanto hayan comido nunca dirían que no al té.
Minuver: Es como si hubiera algo extraño, y ni siquiera has dicho una palabra desde que llegaste a la mesa. Ambos parece que tienen la cabeza en otra parte.
Narin: No, no es nada. Kemal: Ya que terminamos el desayuno, ahora todos deben hacer sus deberes. Por ejemplo, ¿ustedes no tienen tareas?
Narin: Mami, me estabas tejiendo un chal, hoy se iba a acabar, ya me lo quiero poner.
Minuver: hermana Sheriye, ambos están buscando excusas, parece que quieren estar solos. Vamos, hagamos nuestro trabajo.
Sheriye: Sigamos adelante, pondré la comida en la estufa, limpiaré la mesa más tarde.
Narin: Ah! Por fin.

Mert: Masal si necesitas ayuda en las matemáticas me avisas.
Cada uno descubre su regalo.
Mert ve su regalo: Caramba, que es esto?
Masal: De dónde viene esto?
Minuver: mi niña hermosa, quien sabe….
Sheriye: Espero algo bueno…
Mert abre su regalo, son unos calcetines de bebé. La nota dice: “hermano, sé que tomarás mi mano cada vez que te necesite”.
Masal abre su regalo, es un biberón y un chocolate y la nota dice: “Mi hermana no será fácil cuidarme, pero cuando te canses puedes obtener energía comiendo chocolate.”…. Oh, pero….
Minuver abre su regalo, es una bobito de bebé. La nota dice: “Abuela, puedo dormir contigo algunas noches espero que no te importe.”
Sheriye abre su regalo y es una cucharita de bebé, la nota dice: “Mi sultana Sheriye, durante los primeros seis meses tomaré leche materna, pero luego estaré satisfecho con su deliciosa comida.”
…. O? Mi Usak y mi Kilvigim!

Kemal y Narin en la sala escuchan a Masal: No me lo puedo creer, me convertiré en hermana.
Sheriye y Minuver gritan de felicidad!
Sheriye a Kemal: Usak, entendí bien?
Minuver: Hija, gracias a Dios, hija!
Todos se abrazan y se felicitan.
Kemal: y ahora, qué dirás de nosotros?
Sheriye: Oh! Fuimos engañados, pero cómo?

Gulperi: No comió su comida No tomó su medicina, se encerró de nuevo en su habitación.
Savas: Está bien, me encargaré de ella. …. Mamá, mira, solo te estás lastimando al hacer esto.
Que quieres? no entiendo, quieres enfermarte de nuevo, necesitas comer tus comidas y tomar bien tus medicinas.
Beyhan: Eso es lo que piensas de mi, eh? Si pensaras en mí, no mirarías a los ojos de Tarhun. Apagarías el fuego en lugar de alimentarlo. …. Ojalá hubiera muerto y no visto estos días.
Savas: Baran!!! …Trae la comida de mi mamá y espera hasta que termine. Luego asegúrate de que se tome sus medicamentos.

Emir acuesta a dormir a Yigit y él dice que tiene calor. Como siempre Yigit le pregunta si Gulperi volverá.

Gulperi sentada en la escalera de la casa recuerda las amenazas de Beyhan a Emir.
Savas la observa.

Emir en su estudio: Solo tú sabes la verdad.

Minuver y Sheriye no quieren que Narin haga esfuerzos.
Minuver: Hija, suelta los platos.
Sheriye: De ahora en adelante, ni siquiera recogerás basura de aquí para allá, No harás ningún trabajo
Masal: Tia Sheriye te dio un ultimátum, si yo fuera tú, hermana Narin, la escucharía.
Mert: Definitivamente lo hará.
Kemal: Sería bueno que estires las piernas en el sofá.
SheriYe: (no se entiende)
Minuver: Mira hija, Kemal ya nos dio la oportunidad.
Sheriye a los chicos: Ahora la tomarán.
Narin: Mira Kemal, ayúdame, me han hecho prisionera.
Kemal: Bien hecho chicos, sigan adelante.

Minuver: Qué pasa hermana Sheriye?
Sheriye: El bebé será para la abuela.
Minuver: Has sido como una madre para Narin y Kemal durante mucho tiempo. Eres muy valiosa para ellos. …. ¿que pasó que de repente te emocionaste tanto?
Sheriye: Tengo miedo, Dios mío, espero que todo se detenga.
Minuver: Te juro hermana Sheriye, yo también desde que me enteré de esta noticia.
Justo cuando ya pensaba que no podría tener un bebe, surgió de nuevo la esperanza, sino lo logra esta vez, mi hija estaría muy triste.
Sheriye: Dios no lo quiera, no les hablemos nada sobre esto. Que Dios nos haga sonreír. CONTINUA


Emir llega de noche a casa de Savas y llama a Gulperi.
Gulperi: Quién será a esta hora? ….. Halo.
Emir: Sal al jardín. Gulperi: No será bueno si mi tía nos ve.
Emir: Te dije que fueras al jardín, no importa quién nos vea.
Gulperi: Qué haré?

Narin: Qué piensas? Kemal: en ti y nuestro bebé.
Narin: Siento que todo estará bien. Tendremos a nuestro bebé en nuestros brazos. Dios nos perdonará.
Kemal le habla al bebé: Tu madre y yo estamos ansiosos por verte, sé fuerte, ¿de acuerdo? Agárrate fuerte a la vida.

Gulperi: ¿Por qué estás aquí? ¿Le pasó algo a alguien, Yigit, Yiğit está bien, verdad?
Emir: No le ha pasado nada a nadie.
Gulperi: Entonces por qué viniste aquí?
Emir: A quién trataste de proteger hoy?... a mi o a tu tía.
Gulperi pensando: Por supuesto que te protegí. Por si algo te pasaba.
Emir: Mira, te entendí mal una vez, pero no volveré a cometer el mismo error…. Vengo donde ti y te lo pregunto abiertamente.
Emir recuerda cuando en una ocasión Gulperi protegió a Savas.
Emir: Parece como si defendieras a Savas.
Gulperi recuerda: “No es él quien trataba de proteger”.
Emir: Dímelo ahora… a quien protegías?.... a mi o a tu tía.
Beyhan los observa desde la ventana.
Emir: Respóndeme, ¿pusiste el nombre en la parte de atrás del barril o está en el final?.... Entiendo.
Gulperi: pero yo….
Emir: nunca debí haber preguntado. …No me engañaste, ya hiciste tu elección.
Emir se va y Gulperi entra a la casa. Se sorprende al ver a su tía.
Gulperi: Tia!!! FIN DEL CAPITULO


I do love Kemal and Narin's You always make me happy with your love-filled stories.... It's a perfect home with beautiful people...


Me encantaron todas las escenas de Narkem. Realmente capturaron la alegría que siente una familia ante la llegada de un nuevo miembro. Esperando que no haya algún giro en esta felicidad porque hasta ahora Yemin es media escena de felicidad y 5 capítulos de problemas. Por otra parte, Savas merece un final feliz. Ha demostrado ser una persona noble.



Savas: No lo hice como un favor. Se perdió un niño pequeño, Yigit. Aunque fuera cualquier niño, volvería a hacer lo mismo. En cuanto al título de propiedad, ese asunto es diferente.
Emir: Verás, pronto nos mudaremos a una nueva casa, hasta entonces, este asunto del título de propiedad permanecerá entre nosotros.
Beyhan: ¡Ay! Savas ¡Ay! Levantas tus manos frente a Tarhun. ¿Has perdido la cabeza, cómo tomarás el té con nuestro enemigo? Qué te pasa?
Beyhan recuerda cuando estuvo frente a la tumba de su hijo Ibrahim: No tendré miedo, no estaré del lado de los que te hicieron esto. También recuerda cuando Baran dijo que Sari Ismail mató su otro hijo, Halil. Además recuerda cuando Emir retomó el titulo de propiedad y los sacó de la casa.
Beyhan: Pero, He visto demasiado, ¿hasta dónde has llegado?

Gulperi a Yigit: Te vi, eres tan fuerte ahora, lo sabes, ¿verdad?
Yigit: Es que mi comida es muy deliciosa.
Beyhan sale con escopeta en mano: EMIR TARHUN!!!
Savas; Mamá, qué haces?
Beyhan: Apagaste mi corazón, me causaste mucho dolor!!!! ( o algo asi)

Kemal: Me convertiré en padre otra vez, no lo puedo creer, ahora ambos tendremos un bebé, es como un sueño.
Narin: Si, ¿Y qué pasa si esto es un sueño? No despertaremos.
Kemal: Que la vida siempre nos traiga felicidad de ahora en adelante y recibiremos esta felicidad con una sonrisa No más llantos de ahora en adelante. No puedo reparar tus lágrimas ahora, especialmente cuando tuve tanto miedo por ti.
Narin: Por qué dices que tuviste miedo por mí?
Kemal: Cuando vi los resultados de la prueba en su bolso, quise investigar y lo busqué por Internet. Pensé que te perdería.
Narin: Yo también tenía miedo, pero cuando supe que estaba embarazada, dije que hay algo bueno en todas las cosas.

Baran a Yigit: Vine a ver a mi león, juguemos a la pelota contigo aquí.
Yigit: Escuchaste eso hermano Baran? Aquí también hay cazadores?
Baran: Si hermano, los hay.
Savas: Mamá, baja ese rifle ahora.
Beyhan: Voy a descargar.
Gulperi se para frente a Emir.
Beyhan: lo proteges sin avergonzarte, ¿eh? ¿No se comieron ustedes dos la cabeza de mi hijo y de mi esposo? Ustedes lo hicieron todo juntos.
Savas: Mamá, ya es suficiente, baja ese rifle.
Beyhan: No te atrevas!!! ….. O se largan de mi casa o hago lo que tú no pudiste hacer todo este tiempo, me vengaré.

Narin: Así es, estuve casi segura de que estaba enferma, pero cuando el Dr. Fatih dijo que estaba embarazada, no podía creer lo que escuchaba.
Kemal: Si estabas tan segura que estabas enferma, por qué no lo compartiste conmigo? ¿Por qué hiciste esto?
Narin: No podía decírtelo porque no quería lastimarte.
Kemal: Mira, pase lo que pase de hoy en adelante, no me ocultes nada, especialmente sobre tu salud ¿de acuerdo?... ¿No lo prometimos?, en las buenas y en las malas, hasta que la muerte nos separe.
Creo que compartiremos nuestra felicidad junto a nuestros seres queridos, renovaremos nuestro matrimonio. Necesitamos volver a nuestra promesa.
Narin: ¿La olvidaste?
Kemal: La luna de miel es solo para dos.
Narin: Pero hay alguien dentro de los dos.
Kemal: Vamos y hagámosle saber a nuestra gente.
Narin: No, no será así, tengo algo en mente, los sorprenderé.
Kemal: Cómo será eso?

Savas: Mamá, te lo digo por ultima vez suelta ese rifle.
Beyhan: No lo descargaré, todo este tiempo te escuché, pero mira lo que pasó, ¿Eh? Andas corriendo con ellos. … No me obligues a matarte hijo.

Yigit a Baran: Quiero estar con la niña hada. Baran: Por qué?
Yigit: Ella juega mejor que tú
Baran: Y esto, ahora verás qué ganso juega mejor, vamos, vamos por la pelota.
Yigit: (no se entiende), pero Yigit ya no desea jugar con Baran.
Baran: A qué viene esto ahora?
Yigit está extrañando a Gulperi.
Baran: La amas tanto que quieres verla.
Yigit está preocupado por lo que pueda pasarle a Gulperi.
Baran: No te preocupes, ahora tiene al hermano Savas, él protegerá a Gülperi de ahora en adelante.

Beyhan: Por qué Savas, por qué?
Emir: Vamos déjalo, qué haces?
Beyhan: Ahora estás protegiendo descaradamente a nuestro enemigo frente a tu madre, aaahhh? ¿No es demasiado?
Beyhan: Renuncié una vez, pero sabes que no lo haré de nuevo. Si es necesario, tomaré la vida de mi hijo por la vida de mi enemigo, esto es una guerra.
Emir: Yigit, hijo?
Savas: No quisiera que alguien que viene a mi casa se enfrente a una situación así….. Perdón.
Emir: Solo no te olvides lo que hablamos.
Yigit: Me llamaste papá?
Emir: Ya nos vamos hijo. Yigit: Pero no hemos jugado mucho papá. Emir: vamos
Yigit a Gulperi: volveremos a vernos, verdad?
Gulperi: Mañana iré a la granja cariño. Yigit: me lo prometes? Gulperi: si
Sheriye: No, señor Mulayim, ¿qué nos trajo de nuevo?
Mulayim: Por Alá, cuando llegó un poco de queso del país de Tulum, lo traje y también preparé con mis propias manos una chuleta de cordero fresca, es digno de ti.
Sheriye: Gracias, pero veo que estás muy pensativo en estos días.
Mulayim: Bien me iré, que tenga buen día.
Sheriye: No hay escapatoria, Hay algo en ti, dime qué será?... Guardaré en secreto, no te preocupes.
Mulayin: En realidad tengo un problema. No sé cómo decirlo, me temo que podrías malinterpretarme.
Sheriye le pide que le diga lo que le ocurre.
Mulayim: Se trata de la suegra del señor Kemal, desde que la vi por primera vez.
Sheriye: Lo entiendo, te enamoraste de Minuver, lo sabía.
Mulayin: Ahora que lo sabes, quisiera compartir algo bueno, tomar un té o café con Minuver. Si vamos a tomar una copa, contaríamos nuestros problemas mutuos, pero tengo miedo de decírselo.
Sheriye: Se lo dirás.
Mulayin: Créeme, mis intenciones son realmente serias. CONTINUA


Gulmir translation
Savas: I didn't do it as a favor, a little boy was lost. Even if it was any child, I would do the same again. As for the title deed, that issue is different.
Emir: let's see, we will move to a new house soon, until then the matter of title of the deed
will stay between us
Beyhan: Oh Savas!!! Have you lost your mind, what is it like to have tea with our enemy?

Beyhan: We will not put them next to those who did this to you.
Baran: brother Halil was murdered
Emir: the title deed, as you can see, the court has concluded. The farm is now completely mine.
all of you get out of my house
End of Flashback

Yigit: did you see that, how far did it go?
Gulperi: I saw it, you know you're very strong now, right?
Yigit: that's why I eat my meals well
Gulperi: Well done to you
Yigit: I'm coming back with the ball
Gulperi: be careful
Yigit: ok

Beyhan: Emir Tarhun!!
Savas: Mom, what are you doing?
Beyhan: You extinguished my children, they will not grow old from me
you gave me the greatest pain
A shot is fired

Baran: Come on, my lion, let's play ball with you here.
Yigit: Did you hear, Brother Baran, there are hunters here too
Baran: Yes brother
Savas: mom, put that rifle down now
Beyhan: I will not put it down. You protect him without being ashamed, huh?
Didn't you two eat my husband's son's head anyway, you did everything together?
Savas: Mom, just put that rifle down
Beyhan: Son, don't worry, he'll either get the hell out of my house or I'll do what you haven't been able to do all this time, I'll take our revenge
Savas: I'm telling you for the last time put that rifle down
Beyhan: I won't do it, I've been listening to you all this time, look what happened.
Savas places the rifle to his heart
Beyhan: Don't make me a son-killer

Yigit: I want to go to the fairy girm
Baran: Why is that?
Yigit: she plays better than you
Baran: Wait, you'll see from now on who plays better. Come on, let's go to the ball.
Yigit: Is Beyhan angry?
Baran: Where did that come from now?
Yigit: I see very little of fairy girl because of her
Baran: you love your fairy girl so much, don’t you?
Yigit: Oh Fairy Girl I love her so much
Baran: don't worry, brother Savas is here to protect her from now on
Yigit: but my father and I are enough

Emir: Okay, let go, what are you going to do?
Beyhan: Now, are you protecting our enemy without shame in front of your mother?
Isn't that too much?
Savas: Enough (He takes the rifle from his mom)
Beyhan: I quit once, but you know I won't quit again
If necessary, I will take the life of my child for the life of my enemy, this is a war.
Emir: My son
Savas: I would not want someone who comes to my house to encounter such a situation.
I am sorry.
Emir: Just don't forget what we talked about.
Yigit: did you call me daddy.
Emir: we are leaving son
Yigit: but we played less games Baba
Emir: we're going
Yigit: we will see each other again
Gulperi: Don't come, my dear, I'll come to the farm tomorrow.
Yigit: Really?
Gulperi: Really!
Emir: Come on

Beyhan to Gulperi: shameless, with that face are you facing me?
If you had not stood in front of Tarhun, my son would not have stood in front of me. You are confused again
Beyhan to Savas: When you are looking for your revenge oath, the account of our blood left on the ground
Savas: Mother, will we take our revenge by pointing a rifle at an unarmed person who comes to our house? Is this what suits us?
Beyhan: face to face with our vine, which put out our stove and threw us out of its house
Would it be good for us to drink tea? You will get that Farm back
If you can't do anything, at least do this. Let me see the Tarhun get rid of that house as soon as possible, at least let the fire in me calm down a bit

Savas: what is this?
Emir: once you brought my son, In return, I give you the deed of the Farm that you want so much. The house is now yours
end of flashback

Savas: There's a time for everything mom
Savas leaves
Gulperi: I accepted this marriage just so that he wouldn't get hurt. You promised me, aunt

Yigit: I'm here
Cavidan: welcome home
Yigit: We had a great time with the fairy girl, grandma, we played ball, we looked at the bird's nests
Cavidan: Oh how well you did had fun, my lamb. Glad you got to see her.
Yigit: she missed me so much, she was surprised to see us. We played ball with Baran brother.
Cavidan: whoa!

Gulperi: she didn't eat her food and didn't take his medicine, he closed himself in his room again Savas: OK, you go, I'll take care of it
Mom, look, you're only hurting yourself by doing this, what do you want, I don't understand, do you want to be sick again? You have to take it to be well
Beyhan: What do you think about me? If you thought about me, you wouldn't look at Tarhun's eyes. You would put out the fire inside me instead of fueling it
You will be quiet, I have nothing to say because Tarhun ran around to find his son. It wasn't enough, I hosted them here like a guest, but the worst thing is, in front of the eyes of both of them. I wish I had died so I didn't see these days
Savas: Baran!
Savas to Baran: bring my mother's food and wait until she's finished
then make sure she takes her meds

Emir Come on, it's time to sleep together, but you'll be cold.
Yigit: I don't understand from here, otherwise it's too hot
Emir: Not at all.
Yigit: Fairy Girl will come, right, dad?
Emir: we will talk tomorrow, partner, now it's time to sleep
Yigit: ok she will come

Beyhan: Emir Tarhun
Savas: Mom, what are you doing?
Beyhan you took my children, my husband from me, you gave me the greatest pain
Gulperi: don't do it!
It's not him I was trying to protect
end of flashback

Emir: only you know the truth

Gulperi looking at her phone ringing: who is it at this hour?
Emir: go to the garden
Gulperi: It won't be good if my aunt sees it this time
Emir: Whoever sees it, I said go to the garden.
He hangs up
Gulperi: what will I do?

Gulperi: Why are you here? Did something happen to someone, isn't Yigit alright?
Emir: nothing happened to anyone
Gulperi: Then why are you here?
Emir: Who did you try to protect today, me or Aunt?
Gulperi's voice: Of course I protected you.

Emir: Look, I misunderstood you once, but I will not make the same mistake again, I came across you and I am asking you openly.

Gulperi to Emir: don't do it
Emir: Isn't it like you protect Savas?
Gulperi: that's not him I was trying to protect
Beyhan: Since you couldn't point this gun at them, I will.
end of flashback

Emir: Tell me now who did you protect? me or your aunt?
Emir: Answer me, did you enter the name on the back of the barrel or the name on the end?
Gulperi does not answer
Emir: I got it.
Gulperi: but I
Emir: I should never have asked. You did not mislead me. You have already made your choice.
The End


I loved that Gulperi reminded her aunt the real reason behind the marriage to Savas is to protect Emir.
Gulperi to Beyhan : " I accepted this marriage just so that he wouldn't get hurt. You promised me, aunt."
Indeed Beyhan did promise her. By taking a rifle to kill Emir, she showed Gulperi that she could not be trusted at all. Her words mean nothing.


Narin Kemal'in sürprizi çox gözəl, ela👣👣👣👩‍👩‍👦👋👋👋👋👋💫🌙👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦


Loved how Narkem planned to tell their loved ones of the baby news, really special🥰🥰🥰🥰👶❤️🎈


The bond, love between Kemal and Narin and also the whole family is what I called "ETHEREAL" ❣️❣️❣️


In this episode I really liked the joy of having a child Narin and Kemal. As for Emir and Savas, I can only say that they are two men who are in love with Gulperi. I still have the feeling that Emir will not stay with Gulperi until the end of Season 4. It is quite a complicated story in Yemin....💔💔💔


Kemal and Narin are so cute together .. they make me smile 💞


انتقام ريحان؛ حق و حقانيت هميشه بيداره عزيزم، حتی اگر هزاران سال بگذرد. 👏👏💯💯


Dominika 475 Streszczenie
Kemal Tarhun bardzo cieszy się z tego, że Narin jest w ciąży, ale ma do niej żal, że ukrywała przed nim swoje złe wyniki. Prosi ją po raz kolejny, aby niczego przed nim nie ukrywała. Narin przyrzeka poprawę. Narin ma pomysł, aby wszystkich domowników poinformować o jej ciąży w żartobliwy sposób. Narin i Kemal podrzucają do każdej sypialni dla każdego członka rodziny osobny prezent, symbolizujący małe dziecko. Prezent ten jest połączony z serdecznym liścikiem od mającego się narodzić dziecka dla danej osoby. W ten sposób wszyscy dowiadują się o dziecku i bardzo się cieszą. Potem nachodzi ich refleksja, czy Narin tę ciążę donosi. Martwi się o to Szechrie Abla, martwi się o to Kemal. Ale Narin mówi, że tym razem ma dobre przeczucia. Kemal i Narin idą do łóżka. Tam rozmawiają o dziecku. Kemal zwraca się do niego pieszczotliwie. Rodzina integruje się.
Emir Tarhun przyniósł Sawasiowi akt własności domu. Jest to prezent dla Sawasia za uratowanie życia dziecka. Emir prosi Sawasia, aby to na razie zostało między nimi w tajemnicy. Że jego rodzina przeprowadzi się do innego domu. Widzi to Beyhan. Bierze strzelbę i wołając: Emir Tarhun - idzie w jego kierunku. Chce go zastrzelić. Najpierw w jego obronie staje Gulperi, potem Sawaś, który ostatecznie wyrywa matce strzelbę z rąk. Beyhan odchodzi wkurzona do domu. Emir woła syna. Yigitem przez ten czas opiekował się Baran. Emir woła Yigita i przyprowadza go do domu. Tam kładzie syna do łóżka. Zwraca uwagę na to, że syn się poci i jest mu gorąco. Nadchodzi noc. Emir rozważa wydarzenia minionego dnia. Widzi tę scenę, kiedy Gulperi stanęła w jego obronie. Nie wie, czym się kierowała. Również Gulperi przeżywa doświadczenia minionego dnia. Jest jej smutno. Po ten scenie ze strzelbą wypomiała Beyhan, że nie może zabić Emira, bo przecież ona, właśnie po to, aby uchronić go od śmierci, zdecydowała się na małżeństwo z Sawasiem. Emir chce ustalić, co kierowało postępowaniem Gulperi. Późno w nocy jedzie drugi raz do domu Sawasia, staje pod jego domem, wywołuje Gulperi na dwór i przeprowadza z nią rozmowę. Pyta, czym się kierowała, stając w jego obronie. Gulperi nic nie odpowiada, więc Emir sam sobie odpowiada, że ona mentalnie i emocjonalnie jest już w rodzinie Sawasia. Siada do samochodu i odjeżdża. Beyhan ogląda tę scenę przez okno. Jest wściekła.
Kemal Tarhun is very happy that Narin is pregnant, but resents her for concealing her bad results from him. He asks her once again not to hide anything from him. Narin promises improvement. Narin has the idea of ​​jokingly informing everyone in the household about her pregnancy. Narin and Kemal give each bedroom a separate gift for each family member, symbolizing a small child. This gift is accompanied by a heartfelt note from the person who is about to be born. In this way, everyone finds out about the baby and is very happy. Then they reflect on whether Narin is reporting this pregnancy. Szechrie Abel is worried about it, Kemal is worried about it. But Narin says he has a good feeling this time. Kemal and Narin go to bed. There they talk about the baby. Kemal addresses him affectionately. The family integrates.
Emir Tarhun brought Savasi the house deed. It is a gift for Sawas for saving the child's life. The Emir asks Sawas to keep it a secret for now. That his family would move to another house. Beyhan sees it. He takes the rifle and, shouting: Emir Tarhun, walks towards him. She wants to shoot him. First, Gulperi stands in his defense, then Sawaś, who finally tears the rifle out of his mother's hands. Beyhan walks home pissed off. The emir calls his son. Yigit was looked after by Baran during this time. Emir calls Yigit and brings him home. There he puts his son to bed. She points out that her son is sweating and hot. Night is coming. The emir ponders the events of the day before. He sees this scene when Gulperi stood up for him. She doesn't know what she was doing. Gulperi also has the experiences of the day before. She is sad. After the scene with the shotgun, she rebuked Beyhan that she could not kill Emir, because she, in order to save him from death, had decided to marry Savas. Emir wants to find out what was driving Gulperi's conduct. Late at night, he drives to Sawas' house a second time, stands in front of his house, calls Gulperi to the court and talks with her. She asks what she was guided by when she stood up for him. Gulperi does not answer anything, so Emir replies to himself that mentally and emotionally she is already in Sawas' family. He sits in the car and drives off. Beyhan watches this scene through the window. She is furious.


Narin ve Kemal çok güzel supriz yapmışlar 🥰🥰🥰 allahim sen koru narini bişe olmasın 🤲🤲🤲


Kemal Narin beautiful couples...with beautiful family..🥰❤️


Narin Kemal cuplu perfect’ super actori !!!Felicitari sunteti minunati !!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Summary: Part1

In today’s Episode despite the sacrificing act of Gülperi, Beyhan Hana, stole the show with her crazy nonsense act of revenge! – Aferin Beyhan Hanim, Aferin! –

As Emir still holds the deed if the farm house, Savaş makes Emir understand, that what he did was about a child which got lost. For him it’s not only because of it’s Yiğit, as he would do the same for every other child.

– And that’s so true. Savaş is a kind guy, who feels sorry for every child, just because of what he had to go through. Just remember the pizzas he once bought for the street children. –

For Savaş the deed issues is another chapter which has nothing to do with it. But Emir is not willing to let go of that matter, willing to give him the house he desperately wanted. Therefore, for now this subject will remain silent between them, until they move to the new house, which Emir explains to Savaş. By taking the deed, Savaş agrees until he thought about it.

As Baran brought tea for Emir and Savaş, Savaş invites Emir for to sit and drink. While for now the storm is clam between Emir and Savas, the storm around Beyhan becomes a tornado, that she can’t believe what she’s seeing. She remembers, what according to her, Emir is responsible for, which is every devastated loss. Her son’s, her pride, her “home”.
She can’t take it anymore seeing him next to her son, in her house, right in front of her eyes, while she humiliated got kicked out of his.

Her nerves are breaking down and Beyhan is out of control.

As Gülperi is having some connecting time with Yigit, all of the sudden a sound of an echo yells “EMIR TARHUN” and it’s no one else then Beyhan Aksoy herself with a rifle in her hand willing to face Emir and put an end to her misery.

Emir sees her coming and stays calm, while Savaş is the one surprised about his own mother, that he got up immediately and fears the worst. Gülperi can’t believe what she’s seeing that she just fears for Emir.

And Beyhan Hanim, let’s all her frustration and her pain out. Emir is responsible for everything. He took her husband and her children from her and so bought her the biggest pain. Emir who also stood up, just keeps listening to her and leaves her in her misery.

As soon as Baran saw Beyhan with that rifle he knew it’ll take a while and bring some problems with that, that he rushed right away to Yigit and keep him company, until it’s time to go back. – I loved this scene so much. I saw it immediately and it was so carrying from Baran. –

Savaş tries to get through to his mother, and forcing her to put it down, which she definitely won’t. While she wants to get rid of her pain, Gülperi rushes to the crime scene in front of her eyes. She rushes by Beyhan and Savaş and directly to Emir and became his shield of protection. She’s wiling to sacrifice herself and protect him, just like she did with Kasim.

Gülperi running to Emir to protect him, was a shocking moment for Savaş as well as for Beyhan, who can’t believe what she just saw, while Gülperi is engaged to her son. And for Savaş, this moment was a painful reality. Seeing her rushing to Emir while she’s actually his.

As Beyhan is already not really in the mood of surprises and hating Emir and Gülperi, her anger grew within a sec with Gülperi’s act, that she yells at her for shameless protecting Emir and being responsible together for the loss of her husband and her children.

But Emir hates this accusation from Beyhan since the very beginning, that he has enough of those words and rushes to Gülperi. He pulls her behind him, protecting her and facing Beyhan.

Gülperi fears for Emir, as she also has the threat in her mind. While Savaş is witnessing how they protect each other and at the same time, is heaving enough of his mother’s behavior.

One warning towards her own son, who wants to reach out to his mother while also Emir gets one last warning towards Emir, forcing him to leave her home or she will take her revenge.

Savaş keeps trying to calm Beyhan down and fearing for her at the same time, but he can’t. Because the stubbornness of Beyhan is a hard shell which can’t be broken.

Ready to take her revenge, Beyhan walks towards as he’s still standing there and didn’t left. But Savaş intercepted the rifle with his chest and pointed it at his heart with his hand.

Now Savaş became the shield of Emir and protecting him form the dumbness of his own mother, while he can’t accept what’s happing and not willing to see any blood flow. – Savas’s act was very much to the surprise of Emir, who never thought that Savaş would do such thing for him, as he knows that he also wants his revenge towards him. –

Face to face, either Savaş is willing to let go nor Beyhan, who orders him to get out of her way, nit willing to be the murder of her own son.

But Savaş refuses, while their eyes talk more that they should. Beyhan forces Savaş to get out of her way, while Savaş refuses. As Emir is having enough of the repeated word “cekıl - get away” he takes the step forward and faces Beyhan and pulls Savaş a little bit away, much to the surprise of Savaş, who actually fears for Emir’s life too and his mother’s next step.

Emir who’s standing right in front of Beyhan, asks her what she would do if Savaş would get out of her way. But for Beyhan, Emir is now not really of any importance, as she sees the betrayal her own son does to her. Protecting the enemy in front of his own mother, a big betrayal for Beyhan, who thought that her son would be on her side.

“YETER ANA – ENOUGH MOTHER” is the first scream of Savaş towards his own mother while he pulls away the rifle. He frees himself from the tight lungs of his who are not able to breathe any longer. He angrily looks at his mother and can’t understand what’s happening. He also can’t hear those harsh and unrealistic words of hers.

Gülperi breathes again as the rifle is no longer pointed at Emir, Emir keeps his calamity and just observes and Savaş is just filled with anger.

But it’s again Beyhan who feels like having the right to feel humiliated and betrayed, while it’s actually Savaş. One precisely warning to Savaş, whom she informs that she might let it go this time but it won’t happen the next time facing her enemy.

All three are confused while Savaş apologizes to Emir with a cold undertone, something that is beneath Savaş but he saw the need for it. Savaş doesn't want a guest of his house to face such a situation. But Emir doesn't take Beyhan's words so seriously and reminds Savaş about their conversation. Savaş has not forgotten Emir's words and yet he looks at Gülperi, because as I wrote in the promo, he knows how much this family and this house mean to her. – He somehow fears the outcome if he agrees, as Gülperi might think otherwise of him, even though Emir gave him the house. Don’t worry, they won’t move anywhere. Production company can’t afford a forth house to be paid!😅 -

- Savaş is having enough of his mother’s words, because what she said to him did actually hurt him a little bit. From his point of view, he feels like not appreciated or not being enough for his mother, that she now even sees in him a betrayer. The one who’s always by her side, the one who always reads and fulfils every whish of hers, the one who’s only left from her side. It’s actually quite sad from Savaş perspective, being called a betrayer form his own mother, while he actually wants to protect her. Beyhan just doesn’t appreciate what she has left, and that actually hurts Savaş a little bit, even if he doesn’t show it. But the yell of him is the sign of his own tiredness regarding his own mother. He already and always does his best, but she still is never satisfied. -

While Beyhan is having her meltdown, Yigit is being taken care of Baran, that he worries about his Peri Kirzi near his Beyhan Teyze. But Baran Abi assures him that Savaş Abi will protect his Peri Kizi whom Yigit loves so much. But for Yigit, Savaş Abi can protect her but his father is enough.

Back from his play time with his Baran Abi, Yigit actually doesn’t wanna leave, but he has too. One deep hug to his Peri Kizi promising to come back the next day, Gülperi takes a look at emir, thinking carefully before she gave Yigit an answer. She will come to him and not he to her.

And the fear and sadness of her loss keeps being Gülperi’s closes friends, that she sadly witnesses how Yigit and Emir disappear from her eyes.

Entering the cold-hearted house, Savaş already senses that his mother is not holding back to free her anger towards Gülperi and also knows the reason. And the welcoming words are “Shameless”. Because for Beyhan the betrayal of her own son is Gülperi’s fault. If she didn’t protect Emir, Savaş would never protect them and betray his mother. – Savaş just keeps listening and tries to breathe while he himself is actually also hurt about that situation. And again, Beyhan bare knows her own son, who protected Emir out of his own instinct to avoid the worst scenario. –

But not only Gülperi is getting a piece of Beyhan’s frustration not able to take her revenge, Savas too, that again he explains to her that he came to his house and he’s not wiling to take his revenge that way.

Part2 down below! ⬇️


The mother of Savas is a psychopath ever😂


Love kemal's family since season 1 ❤️❤️
