6 Healthiest Drinks — What You Should Drink More Of!

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Find out what the 6 healthiest drinks are and what you should drink more of in 2020!

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By making the right choices about what to drink, you can feel better and more energetic. This guide to hydration will teach you what you should be drinking each and every day to stay hydrated. A lack of hydration causes fatigue, headaches, and hunger. We tend to turn to sugary drinks, which raises our blood sugar and isn't great for our health. By drinking 20-32oz of water right away in the morning, you can start the day right and get hydrated. Find the list below on what to drink to stay healthy!

6 Things You Should Drink More of in 2020
#1 High-Quality Water
#2 Organic Tea
#3 High-Quality Coffee
#4 Fresh Green Juices
#5 Probiotic Drinks
#6 Protein Shakes

3 Drinks to AVOID
#1 Alcohol
#2 Dairy Products
#3 Sodas and Artificial Sweeteners

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.
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1. high quality water from a filter
2. organic tea (green tea)
3. high quality coffee (organic)
4. more fresh green juices
5. probiotic drinks
6. protein shakes


I agree that the subject of drinks could be dicussed more, pink Himalayan salt in water after waking up is a great idea, amazing well thought out list .


I took your advice and started hydrating in the morning with water and pink Himalayan sea salt. For years I woke up dehydrated and suffering from headaches. Learning the importance of rehydration after eight hours of sleep was life-changing. Thanks Dr. B! Love your content!


I feel really comfortable using your 6 health drinks actually. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks man, this has improved my diet and I'm taking in more nutrients and seeing progress!


People always talk about putting high quality foods into your body but rarely high quality drinks/water. Thank you for highlighting the importance of this!


So glad you made this video! I've gotten pretty good at eating healthy but I still drink the occasional soda, and I had no idea that dairy should be avoided. I'm gonna start replacing it with high quality water from now on. Gonna go out today and get some pink himalayan salt.


Thanks for the tip about the pink Himalayan salt. I started FF30x nine days ago and while I’m not perfect all the time, I made serious improvements to my diet and my family’s diet.


I struggle with staying away from the sugary drinks. Thanks for providing quality options that will help me stay on track with my fitness goals!


Tea, is my goal. Reducing sugary coffee intake as u described. The main issue I have with my eating habits, is my work schedule. I work 4pm -12 am. Its extremely hard not to eat when I get home. This is, I think my biggest challenge. However, as of February 2020, I began an exercise routine and am beginning to see results.


Hey man; I’m 23 years young 😂 and I want to start living a healthier life style. You did a good explaining the does and don’t, straight to the point. You changed my life today💯 I’ll remember this video when I’m 40-50 healthy asf


i'm in my 4th week of the FF30X and i'm down 14lbs! i'm video documenting my progress every Friday and once i have a few months behind me i'll be posting them on my channel - looking forward to phase two! ONE MAN CAN DO WHAT ANOTHER MAN CAN DO!


Thanks again Doc. And by the way the micro workouts have been going absolutely fantastic!!


1, water with a bit of Pink Himalayan sea salt
2, organic tea, warm water with tea bags try different tea bags for different times of the year
3, coffee of high quality, darker roast is a bit better than lighter roasted. Do not add too much sugar and milk to the coffee, dont get addicted to it tho!
4, green juices for example mixing vegetables in a blender, for example kale spinach cucumber tomato also as a meal replacement
5, probiotic drinks, for example like kombucha, koffer, yogurt etc
6, protein shakes, meal replacements


More organic green tea is my goal to help with my hydration. As a high school football official hydration is the main concern that I have on Friday nights. Thanks for your advice. keep up the good work!


1.20 oz.Water with pich of Himalayan salt 2.Organic tea peppermint, green tea, hibiscus, ginger, camille and lavender for night time.3. Organic coffee 4. Green Juices khale, spinach, celery 5. Probiotic drinks 6. Protein shakes.


I am impressed. You added lots of useful info and facts, you definitly know your stuff! I learned a lot more than I thought in this vid. I raise my glass (of tea) to you! (PS: Thanks for not plugging a sponsor, it always decrease the credibility of a video imo because you're paid to say only good things about a certain product). Cheers!


Great video and very thoughtful!..Thank you for sharing with great explanation.


Great video and very thoughtful.. Thank you for sharing with great explanation, I am going to share this tips with my friends.


So glad I found this channel. Going to try out the guidance on these videos. Been weight lifting M-W-F-Sat. for years. No matter what I do, I still end up looking like a Grizzly Bear...big, strong but no muscle definition.
