How to WIN as a Maintenance Manager - 5 skills to master

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Link to Part 1 - Advice for Maintenance Managers
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Joe Kuhn is first and foremost a plant manager and leader; and now an entrepreneur. He has been a plant manager 3 times (largest plant $1.5B in sales / 2000 employees), a large department manager twice, an engineer, and due to his results he was appointed the global director of reliability and maintenance for a Fortune 200 company. His unique approach to driving reliability results come from not only his 32 years of experience, but also through the application of Lean and Six-Sigma concepts. Lean provides the "secret sauce" to achieving sustainable and rapid results -- most often in just weeks. This result fosters both sponsorship and future investment as a portion of the savings. All of these are combined to evolve a culture though new experiences.
Рекомендации по теме

I was recently hired as the maintenance supervisor for a large bourbon distillery here in Kentucky that is a union environment. A lot of the guys have been there 15, 20+ years. I came from a union automotive industry and the culture and atmosphere is so much better where I am now. It's refreshing to have a team where most all of the guys take ownership and care about what they do. I've implemented some of these ideas myself through the years and it really helped. Being new at the company I'm at now, I've been brainstorming on implementing these things you've talked about. Good video. 👍 I'm going to implement some of this Monday morning when I get back to the plant during my morning meeting with the team.


Great content on a touch plan . I'm a maintenance supervisor at a independent bottling plant. I like your term of a touch plan. I can see how this can help gel the team together and make them feel valued.
I'm going to plan on implementing this writing a note when you see positive behaviours . I verbally do it all the time, but having something physical that they can hold onto is a game changer.


I just got asked to be our maintenance manager ( dairy industry) im excited about it, we are short handed and the work load and new accounts keep growing, it will be a challenge but I'm confident we can do it. Totally agree with you with the talks one on one with everyone. thanks for the advice.


John, great job buddy. you saved us 100k and all you get is this middle finger in the form of a card from Walmart. This is why we as managers can't get actual "buy in" from people. I get that it's a hypothetical scenario but things just like that happen all the time. Everything else is fantastic advice.


Thanks Joe. Great advice all around. The comments on "touch plan" really resonated with me. My people who make up my maintenance team are my greatest asset: connecting with them is super important. Thanks!


Great advise! Love the touch plan. I do set my guys down to pizza when they come in off shift, but I’ll do some gift cards for when they make steps forward.
I have a young team as far as skills. I didn’t hire them and I will likely loose one but I see them starting to change - I’ll take all the lessons I can!!!


Thanks Joe, for sharing your thoughts in very simple words
I found them as best practices, a maintenance manager can implement
I used to do almost similar at my previous job in India, I would like to know more and grow towards this in the United States. Thanks Again!


Thank you....have past maintenance and past management combining the two. very in-depth, well-explained presentation.


I'm starting a new job as a hotel regional maintenance manager, I've never been in a manager position yet I worked 38 years in maintenance. my boss, long time friend thinks I'm the right fit. I don't want to let him down so all this information is key. Love the videos, thanks for the good advice.👍🏾💯


Thanks Joe, excellent advice. It can be a very tricky and mentally draining task working with a large group of tradesmen. I’ve taken a heap of notes from this and your previous 7 tips video. Tomorrow is a new day for improvement, thanks to your help.


great video Joe, One thing i say, , , "if you can't change the people, then change the people"


Great video Mr. Kuhn. I just got an offer letter for my first manager job today and I am pretty nervous about it. I stumble across this video while doing research on different managerial tactics and yours really felt genuine. I saved the video and will probably be referencing it a lot. I was also wondering about your views on "Servant Leadership" and if it is possible to be a servant leader and not get taken advantage of. Thanks again brother and keep up the good work.


Joe, thank you for your content. I am preparing for an interview for a maintenance manager position. It will be the first position of this level I have interviewed for and I am quite nervous about it as I haven't performed the role prior to the interview. Your content will definitely help me succeed!


Hey man enjoyed your awesome demeanor and delivery! Plus productive relevant content made me a new subscriber!


I greatly value your method of elucidating the process.


I’m a new apartment maintenance technician. Looking to just grow as a tech. With eyes for the future eventually. Trying to be prepared.


Your my new role model ✨️ 😍 Thanks for the great advice. I appreciate


Hi there Joe,
I’m a new Sales Rep for a national equipment rental company, and I’ll be meeting with a lot of Facility/maintenance Operation managers in my very near future. My question/s to you is what do managers like yourself value, appreciate, and need most from equipment rental reps like myself? Also, what do you appreciate most when a vendor approaches you for the first time? What should I know to build lasting working relationships from people in your respective trade?

Thank you kindly,


Thank you for your advices. I like touch plan idea👍 please give me more and realistic example that we can take them. As you know some company are very sensitive to spend money as a gift card, …, pay for pizza or donate, and it’s is not fare that someone as a maintenance supervisor or manager pay by their packet( for couple times)- thanks


Hi, great video! I’ve been a maintenance manager going on two years, things are going good. I’ve been recommended to another company that is starting up to be a consultant as a maintenance manager as a side job. I’ve looked into this and MM consultants exist, I would love to see a video on this topic. How would you go about this? What topics should I cover? How should I charge them? There isn’t any videos covering this topic and I think you’d make it very clear. Hope you can help. Thank you.
